TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.6.1 • Public • Published


Getting started

  1. Add a folder at the root level called kleeenApi.
  2. Create an entities.json

Here the endpoint user will be created:

    "name": "users",
    "description": "Users desc",
    "initialQuantity": 50,
    "excludeHttpMethods": [],
    "properties": {
      "username": {
        "type": "username",
        "description": "prop description",
        "required": true

How to add custom endpoints

  1. Under the kleeenApi folder add the endpoints.js file.
  2. Map the entity name to the new api.


Let say you have an entity called os_users in the entities.json.

    "name": "os_users",

So, you can redirect the traffic of that entity to the one specified in the endpoints.js file:

module.exports = {
  os_users: 'http://this_is_an_external_api:64211/os_users_external',

Adding it to another project

  1. Add the @kleeen/kui-cli package to your project.
  2. Add the required files under the kleeenApi folder.

Generate the data by running:

kui-cli generate kapi

Run it by executing:

kui-cli run kapi

Dev Mode

In order to run KleeenAPI locally

  1. Build the code

    npm run build

  2. Run the server

    npm run dev


Use _page and _limit to paginate through the data.

Use _limit to control the number of returned items per page, the fault is 10.

The X-Total-Count and X-Result-Count headers are available to play with.

GET /users?_page=1&_limit=5

Data Filtering

Kleeen API allows to perform several operations on the data, these are some examples:

GET /users?username=Borer_Aylin
GET /users?username=Borer_Aylin&address=some
GET /users?q=Ella
GET /users?username_like=Borer
GET /users?username_ne=Borer_Aylin
GET /users?version_gte=Borer_Aylin
GET /users?_sort=username&_order=asc
GET /users?_sort=username,device&_order=asc,desc

KAPI Combine

KAPI Combine allows to combine several request into one.

POST `/kapi_combine`
  "widgetUsers": {
      "resolve": "users",
      "queryParams": {
          "_sort": "username",
          "_order": "asc",
  "userDevices": {
      "resolve": "devices"
  "osUsers": {
      "resolve": "users",
      "queryParams": {
          "id": "f30c2bc7-d2f9-45ac-9d2b-889aa0e313d0"


Allows to schedule reminders.

Create a new schedule

To create a new reminder you can do a POST to /schedule/:clientId being clientId the unique identifier of the client.

The payload of that request is as follows:

name: The name of the reminder.

scheduleOn: A human readable interval; it uses date.js to create the interval, some examples are:

  • 10 minutes
  • 5pm tonight
  • tomorrow at noon
  • next week tuesday
  • next week tuesday at 4:30pm
  • 2 weeks from wednesday
  • tomorrow night at 9
  • this morning at 9
  • at 12:30pm

endAfter: The number of iterations a schedule will be run. If -1 is provided it means the job will run forever or until it is stop.


It will schedule a reminder every day at 8 am

POST `/schedule/my-unique-client-id` 
  name: "send morning email",
  scheduleOn: "this morning at 8",
  endAfter: -1

It will schedule 3 occurrences of the event at 5 pm.

POST `/schedule/my-unique-client-id` 
  name: "sync-users-table",
  scheduleOn: "5pm tonight",
  endAfter: 3

How to listen for events

When a job is created the /schedule path will be used; so, let's say a job with the id send morning email was created, this is how you should listen for that event:

import io from 'socket.io-client';

// Here you provide the clientId.
const socket = io('http://localhost:3001/schedule',  { query: { client_id: 'my-unique-client-id' } });

socket.on('send morning email', ({ type }) => {
  if(type === 'notify') {
    // Send the morning email only when the scheduled time has arrived.

The socket's payload is:

  id: "my-unique-client-id:send morning email",
  type: "notify"

The type could be:

  • error: an error ocurred
  • notify: when the schedule time has arrived.
  • resume: on resume.
  • pause: on pause
  • stop: the the schedule has finished or when it is manually stopped.

More API controls

Job Status

get /schedule/:clientId/:scheduleId


delete /schedule/:clientId/:scheduleId


patch /schedule/:clientId/:scheduleId/pause


patch /schedule/:clientId/:scheduleId/resume

Extended configuration

KleeenAPI provides a default configuration that can be extended by using these env variables:

    • The number of milliseconds that must pass to persist the data in the kapi.db. Default to 4000, each 4 seconds. If KAPI_DB_TYPE=in-memory this does not have effect.
    • The port to be used by the API. The default is 3000.
    • The port to be used by the WebSockets. The default is 3001.
    • The base folder path were the kapi assets are going to be stored.
    • Relative to the running kapi instance.
    • The path were the custom routes files are going to be stored.
    • It overrides KAPI_BASE_FOLDER.
    • The path were the db files are going to be stored.
    • It overrides KAPI_BASE_FOLDER.
    • local: (default) it creates the files to store the generated data.
    • in-memory: the generated data is always in memory.
    • local: (default) it creates an skeleton file that describes the API.
    • in-memory: the file is not created.
    • flexible: it will return a random item when the id does not exists.

Configuration file

You can provide your own file with the configuration.

By default it reads the kapi.json at the root of the folder

For a custom file, use it with kleeen-cli by adding the -config= arg.

kui-cli run kapi -config=/Users/jhon/data/temp/config.json

  "apiPort": 3000,
  "apiPortWS": 3001,
  "autoSaveInterval": 4000,
  "isFlexibleFind": false,
  "isInMemory": false,
  "isSkeletonInMemory": false,
  "dbPath" : "/Users/jhon/data/temp",
  "basePath": "kleeenApi",
  "routesPath": "kleeenApi/routes"


The default folder for the paths is kleeenApi.

Aggregation functions

Group by department and count the results

get /departments?_grouped_by=name&_aggregation_attribute=name&_aggregation=count

KleeenAPI data types

// Address

country              // 'United Kingdom'
city                 // 'New Ortiz chester'
zip(digits = {5, 9}) // '26995-7979' (if no digits specified then random selection between ZIP and ZIP+4)
street               // 'Jadyn Islands'
address              // '6390 Tremblay Pines Suite 784'
address1             // '8417 Veda Circles'
address2             // 'Suite 648'
state                // 'Michigan'
state_abbr           // 'CO'
latitude             // 90.0610
longitude            // 180.0778
building_number      // 2413

// Text

sentence               // 'Laborum eius porro consequatur.'
sentences(n = 3)       // 'Dolorum fuga nobis sit natus consequatur. Laboriosam sapiente. Natus quos ut.'
title                  // 'Systematic nobis'
text                   // 'Nemo tempore natus non accusamus eos placeat nesciunt. et fugit ut odio nisi dolore non ... (long text)'
description            // 'Vel et rerum nostrum quia. Dolorum fuga nobis sit natus consequatur.'
short_description      // 'Qui iste similique iusto.'
string                 // 'saepe quia molestias voluptates et'
word                   // 'voluptatem'
words(n = 7)           // 'sed quis ut beatae id adipisci aut'
array_of_words(n = 7)  // [ 'voluptas', 'atque', 'vitae', 'vel', 'dolor', 'saepe', 'ut' ]
letter                 // 'k'

// Internet

ip           // ''
ipv6         // 'c36d:f839:37ea:6ccd:ccba:d72a:d991:1c4d'
domain       // 'darrion.us'
url          // 'germaine.net'
email        // 'Josue.Hessel@claire.us'
user_agent   // 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:34.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/34.0'

// Person

name            // 'Alberto'
username        // 'Darryl'
first_name      // 'Derek'
last_name       // 'Considine'
full_name       // 'Kadin Torphy'
password        // '(205)580-1350Schumm'
name_prefix     // 'Miss'
name_suffix     // 'Jr.'
company_name    // 'Cole, Wuckert and Strosin'
company_suffix  // 'Inc'
catch_phrase    // 'Synchronised optimal concept'
phone           // '982-790-2592'

// Numbers

random                            // 0.7171590146608651 (core generator)
integer(from = -1000, to = 1000)  // 632
double(from = -1000, to = 1000)   // -234.12987444
array_of_digits(n = 7)            // [ 4, 8, 3, 1, 7, 6, 6 ]
array_of_integers(n = 7)          // [ -105, -7, -532, -596, -430, -957, -234 ]
array_of_doubles(n = 7)           // [ -866.3755785673857, -166.62194719538093, ...]
coin_flip                         // true

// Date

unix_time                    // 659897901
moment                       // moment.js object see http://momentjs.com/docs/
date(format = 'YYYY-MM-DD')  // '2001-07-06' (see available formatters http://momentjs.com/docs/#/parsing/string-format/)
time(format = 'HH:mm:ss')    // '03:08:02' (see available formatters http://momentjs.com/docs/#/parsing/string-format/)
century                      // 'IV'
am_pm                        // 'am'
day_of_year                  // 323
day_of_month                 // 9
day_of_week                  // 4
month_number                 // 9
month_name                   // 'March'
year                         // 1990
timezone                     // 'America/Miquelon'
timestamp                    // 1575912457506

// Payments

card_type            // 'American Express'
card_number(vendor)  // '4716506247152101' (if no vendor specified then random)
card_exp             // '03/04'
card_data            // { type: 'MasterCard', number: '5307558778577046', exp: '04/88', holder_name: 'Jaron Gibson' }

// Misc

country_code    // 'ES'
language_code   // 'ru'
locale          // 'hi_IN'
currency        // { symbol: 'R', name: 'South African Rand', symbol_native: 'R', decimal_digits: 2, rounding: 0, code: 'ZAR', name_plural: 'South African rand' }		
currency_code   // 'TRY'
currency_symbol // 'TL'
currency_name   // Turkish Lira
mime_type       // 'audio/mpeg'
file_extension  // 'rtf'
boolean         // true
uuid            // '2f4dc6ba-bd25-4e66-b369-43a13e0cf150'

// Colors

color_name       // 'DarkOliveGreen'
safe_color_name  // 'maroon'
rgb_hex          // '#2e4e1f'
rgb_array        // [ 194, 193, 166 ]
rgba             // 'rgba(194, 193, 166, 0.5)
rgba_array       // [ 194, 193, 166, 0.5 ]
rgba_hex         // '#2fd0ddce'


Parameters: width, height, category

Generates a Url link to lorempixel http://lorempixel.com/400/500



  • Base64 svg


  • key: preservers the identicon.
  • size: the size of the identicon.


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