
1.0.9 • Public • Published


Expands README.t.md into README.md.


Give a package.json like this:

  "name": "@kingjs/ns0.ns1.example",
  "version": "1.0.1",
  "description": "Example description.",
  "main": "index.js",
  "repository": {
    "url": "https://repository.kingjs.net/ns0.ns1.example"
  "license": "MIT",
  "dependencies": {}

And a index.js like this:

 * @this any This comment
 * @param callback Callback comment.
 * @param foo Foo comment.
 * @param [bar] Bar comment.
 * @param [baz] Baz comment.
 * @returns The return comment.
 * Return comment that spans a line.
 * @remarks Remarks comment
 * that spans lines.
 * @remarks - Remarks comment on new line.
 * @callback
 * @param pop Default callback.
 * @callback foo
 * @param moo Moo comment.
 * @param [boo] Boo comment
function example(callback, foo, bar, baz) { }

And a README.t.md like this:

# @[kingjs][@kingjs]/${join('[${value}][ns${i}]', segments, '.')}
${canInclude('./test/readme.js') ? expand('./md/USAGE.t.md') : ''}
${api ? expand('./md/API.t.md') : ''}
${remarks ? expand('./md/REMARKS.t.md') : ''}

[@kingjs]: ${npmjs}kingjs
${join('[ns${i}]: ${npmjs}@kingjs/${value}', namespaces, '\n')}

And a md/USAGE.t.md like this:

## Usage
${include('./test/readme.js').replace('..', name)}

And a test/readme.js like this:

var assert = require('assert')

var test = require('..');

function readMe() {
  // example code here

And a md/API.t.md like this:

## API
### Parameters
${join('- `${key}`: ${value}${join("  - `${key}`: ${value}", value.callback.parameters, "\\n", "\\n")}', parameters, '\n')}
${returns ? expand('./RETURNS.t.md') : ''}

And a md/RETURNS.t.md like this:

### Returns

And a md/REMARKS.t.md like this:

### Remarks

And a md/FOOTER.t.md like this:

## Install
With [npm](https://npmjs.org/) installed, run
$ npm install ${name}
## Source
## License

![Analytics](https://analytics.kingjs.net/${join('${value}', segments, '/')})

Running $erm will produce a README.md like this:

# @[kingjs][@kingjs]/[ns0][ns0].[ns1][ns1].[example][ns2]
Example description.
## Usage
var assert = require('assert')

var test = require('@kingjs/ns0.ns1.example');

function readMe() {
  // example code here

## API
example(this, callback(pop), foo(moo[, boo])[, bar[, baz]])
### Parameters
- `this`: This comment
- `callback`: Callback comment.
  - `pop`: Default callback.
- `foo`: Foo comment.
  - `moo`: Moo comment.
  - `boo`: Boo comment
- `bar`: Bar comment.
- `baz`: Baz comment.
### Returns
The return comment. Return comment that spans a line.
### Remarks
Remarks comment that spans lines.
- Remarks comment on new line.
## Install
With [npm](https://npmjs.org/) installed, run
$ npm install @kingjs/ns0.ns1.example
## Source
## License


[@kingjs]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/kingjs
[ns0]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@kingjs/ns0
[ns1]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@kingjs/ns0.ns1
[ns2]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@kingjs/ns0.ns1.example




  • templateRelPath: The relative path to the template. Default will search pwd for README.t.md.


Writes README.md in pwd.


The tool takes no command line arguments. Instead:

  • The tool expects to find a project.json in the directory from which it's launched.
  • It then looks for a readmeTemplate element in the package.json and tries to load that value as a relative path or as a package for use as the readme template.
    • If a package, it expects that package's main to be a t.md template file.
  • If no readmeTemplate is found then it searches the current directory for README.t.md.
  • Once the template is found, it's expanded into a README.md file in the current directory.

Expansion is preformed by treating the README.t.md files a js template literal that has the following variables in scope:


The following variables are in scope as the template expands:

  • npmjs -- https://www.npmjs.com/package/

From package.json:

  • name
  • version
  • description
  • license
  • repository

From the package name:

  • namespaces: Array of namespaces.
    • E.g. @kingjs/foo-bar.baz.moo -> [foo-bar, foo-bar.baz];
  • segments: Array of the segments comprising the namespace.
    • E.g. @kingjs/foo-bar.baz.moo -> [foo-bar, baz];

From the first JSDoc comment found in the file pointed at by the main element of the package.json (typically index.js):

  • parameters[name] -- @param comment for name and @this comment. Inserted in source order.
  • returns -- @returns comment
  • remarks -- @remarks comment
  • api -- Mozilla signature
    • E.g. foo(bar[, [baz[, moo]]]).
    • Optional parameters names are enclosed in square brackets.
      • E.g. /** @params [baz] My baz comment. */


  • include(relPath) -- Include the content of the file at relPath using the directory of project.json as the base path.
  • canInclude(relPath) -- Test if include(relPath) will find a file.
  • expand(relPath) -- Includes and expands the content of the file at the relPath using the directory of the readme template as the base path.
  • canExpand(relPath) -- Test if expand(relPath) will find a file.
  • join(template, source[, separator[, prefix[, suffix]]]) -- Joins the expansions of template for each key/value pair of source with optional separator, prefix, and suffix while also introducing loop iteration variable i.


With npm installed, run

$ npm install -g @kingjs/expand-readme
$ erm


With npx installed, run

$ npx @kingjs/expand-readme







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npm i @kingjs/expand-readme

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  • kingces95