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A Nativescript plugin to auto fill the One Time Code OTP for IOS and Android


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IOS: This feature is available from IOS 12.0 it will not working with older versions


The only setup is for Android that need a hash code to be append to the sms, the procedure is a little complicated, this plugin has a helper getAppSignatures() on it that that can generate the hash code for the development, it is not sure that the same hash work for production, for that you need to generate it manually.

Get you development hash code by calling getAppSignatures() this will log the flowing into the console:

PS: please use getAppSignatures() to get the hash code then comment it, it is not needed any more

JS: packageName: org.nativescript.plugindemo Hash: I+D7XdR0yWS

Before start

An OTP in most case it is a integers values, please avoid using alphabet characters if possible.

For some reason on IOS the OTP dectection not workin some time with a default keyboard type, if you experiencing a problem try to set the keyboard type to integer

<notp:NativescriptOtp keyboardType="integer" hint="{{ L('activation_code') }}" text="{{ code }}" autocorrect="false" class="otp"/>

Some best practice in order to successfully receive the SMS

  • Try to use thoes keywords into your sms Code Passcode Password is
  • begin your sms by <#> I am not sure about this as it not on the docs
  • do not put multilines between the msg and the hash code
  • use a short code
  • use numbers and alphabetical characters only
<#> your code is: 1234988


This plugin implement the Nativescript TextField, so you can use it instead of the regular TextField.

Begin by including the plugin in your page

<Page xmlns="http://schemas.nativescript.org/tns.xsd"
xmlns:notp="@kefah/nativescript-otp" navigatingTo="navigatingTo" class="page">

Then use the plugin instead of the TextField

<notp:NativescriptOtp hint="OTP" class="otp" text="{{ otp }}"/>

Full example

<Page xmlns="http://schemas.nativescript.org/tns.xsd"
xmlns:notp="@kefah/nativescript-otp" navigatingTo="navigatingTo" class="page">
        <ActionBar title="otp" icon="" class="action-bar">

    <StackLayout class="p-20">
        <ScrollView class="h-full">
            <Button text="Test otp >" tap="{{ testIt }}" class="btn btn-primary"/>
            <notp:NativescriptOtp hint="OTP" class="otp" text="{{ otp }}"/>

Register the plugin to watch the incoming SMS and passe a callback function ont it to receive the OTP, this callback will be filled once the plugin captured the SMS.

View Model

import {NativescriptOtp, OTPResultInterface} from '@kefah/nativescript-otp';

export class DemoSharedOtp extends DemoSharedBase {

    constructor() {
        console.log('test nativescript-otp!');
        let otp = new NativescriptOtp();
        otp.registerForOTP((otp: OTPResultInterface) => {
            if(otp) {
                console.error("OTP", otp);
                this.set("otp", otp.otp)
                // do other staff
                // trigger verify...
            // No OTP was found


Method type Description IOS Android
registerForOTP: (cb) Function register the plugin to watch the incoming SMS x x
unregisterForOTP Function Unregister the watch x x
parseMsg(msg, regex) Function this will parse the SMS to extract the code, you don't need to call it unless your code is special and you need a diffrent regex then pass your raged as second params x
getAppSignatures() Function A helper to get a development hash code for Android x

Generate Android hash code


keytool -exportcert -alias $alias -keystore $keystore -storepass $keystorepass | xxd -p | tr -d "[:space:]" | echo -n $package `cat` | openssl sha256 test.txt | tr -d "[:space:]-" | xxd -r -p | base64 | cut -c1-11
keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore debug.keystore -storepass android | xxd -p | tr -d "[:space:]" | echo -n $package `cat` | openssl sha256 | tr -d "[:space:]-" | xxd -r -p | base64 | cut -c1-11

How to test


Unfortunately an IOS You need to test the SMS on a real device, apple doesn't allow to simulate a incomming sms on the simulator.


It is very easy, please see the image below

Capture d’écran 2022-12-28 à 12 45 52

Capture d’écran 2022-12-28 à 12 48 26


Released under MIT by @kefahB.

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