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0.0.2 • Public • Published


A type-safe, dead-simple, drop-in plugin system for JS/TS configuration objects -- whether it's for your own library/package/SDK, or someone else's. Oh and it's tiny -- literally a few lines of code.


npm install @kaelan/with-plugins


Inspired by Payload CMS' simple plugin system, the withPlugins function simply receives a config object, and an array of plugins, where each plugin is a user-defined function that receives the config object and returns a modified version; each plugin is run sequentially, where the modified config is passed into the next plugin, and so on, resulting in a final plugin-modified config.

Obviously it's up to your library/package/software to process the plugin-modified config accordingly.


import featuredImagePlugin from "package-xyz";
import pluginWithOptions from "package-abc";

const config = withPlugins({ // your package's config object:
  fields: [{ name: "title", ... }, ...],
  optionX: true,
}, [ // plugins array:
  featuredImagePlugin, // a plugin that injects a "Featured Image" field into the base config's `fields` array
  }), // you can make your plugin accept its own config object
  (incomingConfig) => {
    return {
      fields: [...incomingConfig.fields, { name: "plugin_field", ... }]
  } // you can write your own plugins inline

Many packages may wish to bundle with-plugins as a dependency and provide their own abstraction around it, rather than making their end-users install it directly. Here's an example where your custom package could provide a different end-user API while still using withPlugins under-the-hood:

import { buildConfig } from "your-package";

const config = buildConfig({
  fields: [{ name: "title", ... }, ...],
  optionX: true,
  plugins: [ // same as previous example, but "plugins" is a built-in property of your package's config object
    (incomingConfig) => {
      return {
        fields: [...incomingConfig.fields, { name: "plugin_field", ... }]

// ========================================================
// in `your-package/buildConfig.ts`
import { withPlugins, Plugin } from "@kaelan/with-plugins"

export interface PackageConfig {
  fields: Field[];
  optionX: boolean;
  plugins?: Plugin<PackageConfig>[];

export async function buildConfig(config: PackageConfig): Promise<PackageConfig> {
  if (Array.isArray(config.plugins)) {
    const configAfterPlugins = await withPlugins(config, config.plugins);
    return configAfterPlugins;

  return config;

Note the usage of the Plugin generic type in the PackageConfig interface above.

Building plugins with their own config objects

In the above examples, the second plugin accepts its own config object. Here's the recommended design pattern for implementing this (TLDR: a function that returns a plugin function):

import { PackageConfig } from "your-package"

export interface PluginOptions {

export const pluginWithOptions =
  (options: PluginOptions) => (incomingConfig: PackageConfig) => {
    // optional custom logic here
    return {
      // config customizations here


Consider this project in beta -- it's young and its APIs may change. I'm curious to hear if anyone has use cases that with-plugins can't currently handle (create an issue).

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