TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.1.106 • Public • Published

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pdfkit-table (Natan Cabral)


Generate pdf tables with javascript (PDFKIT plugin)

Helps to draw informations in simple tables using pdfkit. #server-side.


view pdf example | color pdf | full code example | server example | json example | all



npm install @k-sky/pdfkit-table


  // requires
  const fs = require("fs");
  const PDFDocument = require("pdfkit-table");

  // init document
  let doc = new PDFDocument({ margin: 30, size: 'A4' });
  // save document
  ;(async function createTable(){
    // table
    const table = { 
      title: '',
      headers: [],
      datas: [ /* complex data */ ],
      rows: [ /* or simple data */ ],

    // the magic (async/await)
    await doc.table(table, { /* options */ });
    // -- or --
    // doc.table(table).then(() => { doc.end() }).catch((err) => { })

    // if your run express.js server
    // to show PDF on navigator
    // doc.pipe(res);

    // done!


Server response

server example

  // router - Node + Express.js
  app.get('/create-pdf', async (req, res) => {
    // ...await table code
    // if your run express.js server
    // to show PDF on navigator
    // done!

Example 1 - Simple Array

  ;(async function(){
    // table 
    const table = {
      title: "Title",
      subtitle: "Subtitle",
      headers: [ "Country", "Conversion rate", "Trend" ],
      rows: [
        [ "Switzerland", "12%", "+1.12%" ],
        [ "France", "67%", "-0.98%" ],
        [ "England", "33%", "+4.44%" ],
    // A4 595.28 x 841.89 (portrait) (about width sizes)
    // width
    await doc.table(table, { 
      width: 300,
    // or columnsSize
    await doc.table(table, { 
      columnsSize: [ 200, 100, 100 ],
    // done!

Example 2 - Table

  ;(async function(){
    // table
    const table = {
      title: "Title",
      subtitle: "Subtitle",
      headers: [
        { label: "Name", property: 'name', width: 60, renderer: null },
        { label: "Description", property: 'description', width: 150, renderer: null }, 
        { label: "Price 1", property: 'price1', width: 100, renderer: null }, 
        { label: "Price 2", property: 'price2', width: 100, renderer: null }, 
        { label: "Price 3", property: 'price3', width: 80, renderer: null }, 
        { label: "Price 4", property: 'price4', width: 43, 
          renderer: (value, indexColumn, indexRow, row, rectRow, rectCell) => { return `U$ ${Number(value).toFixed(2)}` } 
      // complex data
      datas: [
          name: 'Name 1', 
          description: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean mattis ante in laoreet egestas. ', 
          price1: '$1', 
          price3: '$ 3', 
          price2: '$2', 
          price4: '4', 
          options: { fontSize: 10, separation: true},
          name: 'bold:Name 2', 
          description: 'bold:Lorem ipsum dolor.', 
          price1: 'bold:$1', 
          price3: { 
            label: 'PRICE $3', options: { fontSize: 12 } 
          price2: '$2', 
          price4: '4', 
        // {...},
      // simeple data
      rows: [
          "Nullam ut facilisis mi. Nunc dignissim ex ac vulputate facilisis.",
          "$ 105,99",
          "$ 105,99",
          "$ 105,99",
        // [...],
    // the magic
    doc.table(table, {
      prepareHeader: () => doc.font("Helvetica-Bold").fontSize(8),
      prepareRow: (row, indexColumn, indexRow, rectRow, rectCell) => {
        indexColumn === 0 && doc.addBackground(rectRow, 'blue', 0.15);
    // done!

Example 3 - Json

  ;(async function(){
    // renderer function inside json file
    const tableJson = '{ 
      "headers": [
        { "label":"Name", "property":"name", "width":100 },
        { "label":"Age", "property":"age", "width":100 },
        { "label":"Year", "property":"year", "width":100 }
      "datas": [
        { "name":"bold:Name 1", "age":"Age 1", "year":"Year 1" },
        { "name":"Name 2", "age":"Age 2", "year":"Year 2" },
        { "name":"Name 3", "age":"Age 3", "year":"Year 3",
          "renderer": "function(value, i, irow){ return value + `(${(1+irow)})`; }"
      "rows": [
        [ "Name 4", "Age 4", "Year 4" ]
      "options": {
        "width": 300
    // the magic
    // done!

Example 4 - Json file (many tables)

  ;(async function(){
    // json file
    const json = require('./table.json');
    // if json file is array
    Array.isArray(json) ? 
    // any tables - array
    await doc.tables(json) : 
    // one table - string
    await doc.table(json) ;
    // done!


  • Array.<object> | JSON
    • headers Array.<object> | Array.[]
      • label String
      • property String
      • width Number
      • align String
      • valign String
      • headerColor String
      • headerOpacity Number
      • headerAlign String
      • headerValign String
      • columnColor or backgroundColor: String
      • columnOpacity or backgroundOpacity: Number
      • renderer Function function( value, indexColumn, indexRow, row, rectRow, rectCell ) { return value }
    • datas Array.<object>
    • rows Array.[]
    • title String | Object
    • subtitle String | Object


Properties Type Default Description
label String undefined description
property String undefined id
width Number undefined width of column
align String left alignment
valign String undefined vertical alignment. ( "top"
headerColor String grey or #BEBEBE color of header
headerOpacity Number 0.5 opacity of header
headerAlign String left only header's horizontal alignment
headerValign String left only header's veritcal alignment
columnColor or backgroundColor String undefined color of column
columnOpacity or backgroundOpacity Number undefined opacity of column
renderer Function Function function( value, indexColumn, indexRow, row, rectRow, rectCell ) { return value }

Simple headers example

const table = {
  // simple headers only with ROWS (not DATAS)  
  headers: ['Name', 'Age'],
  // simple content
  rows: [
    ['Jack', '32'], // row 1
    ['Maria', '30'], // row 2

Complex headers example

const table = {
  // complex headers work with ROWS and DATAS  
  headers: [
    { label:"Name", property: 'name', width: 100, renderer: null },
    { label:"Age", property: 'age', width: 100, renderer: (value) => `U$ ${Number(value).toFixed(1)}` },
  // complex content
  datas: [
    { name: 'bold:Jack', age: 32, },
    // age is object value with style options
    { name: 'Maria', age: { label: 30 , options: { fontSize: 12 }}, },
  // simple content (works fine!)
  rows: [
    ['Jack', '32'], // row 1
    ['Maria', '30'], // row 2


Properties Type Default Description
title String Object undefined title
subtitle String Object undefined subtitle
width Number undefined width of table
x Number undefined position x (left). To reset x position set "x: null"
y Number undefined position y (top)
divider Object undefined define divider lines
columnsSize Array undefined define sizes
columnSpacing Number 5
padding Number Array 1 or [1, 5]
addPage Boolean false add table on new page
hideHeader Boolean false hide header
minRowHeight Number 0 min row height
prepareHeader Function Function ()
prepareRow Function Function (row, indexColumn, indexRow, rectRow, rectCell) => {}

Options example

const options = {
  // properties
  title: "Title", // { label: 'Title', fontSize: 30, color: 'blue', fontFamily: "./fonts/type.ttf", align: "center" },
  subtitle: "Subtitle", // { label: 'Subtitle', fontSize: 20, color: 'green', fontFamily: "./fonts/type.ttf", align: "right" },
  width: 500, // {Number} default: undefined // A4 595.28 x 841.89 (portrait) (about width sizes)
  x: 0, // {Number} default: undefined | To reset x position set "x: null"
  y: 0, // {Number} default: undefined | 
  divider: {
    header: { disabled: false, width: 2, opacity: 1 },
    horizontal: { disabled: false, width: 0.5, opacity: 0.5 },
  padding: 5, // {Number} default: 0
  columnSpacing: 5, // {Number} default: 5
  hideHeader: false, 
  minRowHeight: 0,
  // functions
  prepareHeader: () => doc.font("Helvetica-Bold").fontSize(8), // {Function} 
  prepareRow: (row, indexColumn, indexRow, rectRow, rectCell) => doc.font("Helvetica").fontSize(8), // {Function} 

Options Row

  • separation {Booleon}
  • fontSize {Number}
  • fontFamily {String}
datas: [
  // options row
  { name: 'Jack', options: { fontSize: 10, fontFamily: 'Courier-Bold', separation: true } },
  • String
    • bold:
      • 'bold:Jack'
    • size{n}:
      • 'size11:Jack'
      • 'size20:Jack'
datas: [
  // bold
  { name: 'bold:Jack' },
  // size{n}
  { name: 'size20:Maria' },
  { name: 'size8:Will' },
  // normal
  { name: 'San' },

Options Cell

  • fontSize {Number}
  • fontFamily {String}
datas: [
  // options cell | value is object | label is string
  { name: { label: 'Jack', options: { fontSize: 10, fontFamily: 'Courier-Bold' } },

Fonts Family

  • Courier
    • Courier-Bold
    • Courier-Oblique
    • Courier-BoldOblique
  • Helvetica
    • Helvetica-Bold
    • Helvetica-Oblique
    • Helvetica-BoldOblique
  • Symbol
  • Times-Roman
    • Times-Bold
    • Times-Italic
    • Times-BoldItalic
  • ZapfDingbats


  • Suggestions / Issues / Fixes
  • striped {Boolean} (corsimcornao)
  • colspan - the colspan attribute defines the number of columns a table cell should span.
  • sample with database
  • margin: marginBottom before, marginTop after



  • Change add background back to public methods as that would potentially break other code that uses the function.


  • Add align property for title and subtitle styling.
  • Fix the vertical divider was missing the row distance variable and therefore has a small misalignment problem.


  • Add standalone JS files under the folder dist. browserify and optionally uglify are used to generate the standalone JS files.


  • Fix the bug that if the width of the headers is not a whole number, the value computed will be incorrect issue.


  • Update the npm install instruction to install this specific package instead.
  • Delete the functions to generate rows. Simple data from rows should be converted to datas instead internally for easier code management.
  • Make sure the vertical divider is going from the very top to the very bottom of each tables.


  • Add reference to original repository. Update the source code, issue and bugs for npm package.


  • Update README.md for the modifications that were made in 0.1.99.


  • Total refactor of the whole project. Separate code into multiple files.
  • Add support for bottom vertical align. Change vertical align will default to top if not provided with the correct values.
  • Add support for headerValign to vertical align the header column only.
  • Add top divider and vertical divider to have better control of the border line for the project.


  • Add options minRowHeight
    • Thanks LouiseEH @LouiseEH
  options: {
    minRowHeight: 30, // pixel


  • Fix first line height
    • Thanks José Luis Francisco @JoseLuis21


  • Fix header font family or title object
    • Thanks @RastaGrzywa
let localType = "./font/Montserrat-Regular.ttf";
const table = {
  title: { label: 'Title Object 2', fontSize: 30, color: 'blue', fontFamily: localType },


  • Add options hideHeader
    • Thanks Ville @VilleKoo
  options: {
    hideHeader: true,


  • TypeScript (ts) interface (index.ts)
    • Thanks Côte Arthur @CoteArthur


  • Avoid a table title appearing alone
    • Thanks Alexis Arriola @AlexisArriola
  • Problem with long text in cell spreading on several pages
    • Thanks Ed @MeMineToMe


  • Add Divider Lines on options
  options: {
    // divider lines
    divider: {
      header: {disabled: false, width: 0.5, opacity: 0.5},
      horizontal: {disabled: true, width: 0.5, opacity: 0.5},
  • Thanks Luc Swart @lucswart


  • Fix y position.
    • Thanks Nabil Tahmidul Karim @nabiltkarim


  • Added Promise. table is a Promise();
    • Async/Await function
;(async function(){
  // create document
  const doc = new PDFDocument({ margin: 30, });
  // to save on server
  // tables
  await doc.table(table, options);
  await doc.table(table, options);
  await doc.table(table, options);
  // done
  • Added callback.
  ~~doc.table(table, options, callback)~~;


  • Added valign on headers options. (ex: valign:"center")
  • Added headerAlign, alignment only to header.
    headers: [
      {label:"Name", property:"name", valign: "center", headerAlign:"right", headerColor:"#FF0000", headerOpacity:0.5 }
    • Thanks @DPCLive


  • Add callback on addBackground function, add .save() and .restore() style.
  • Header font color
    • Thanks @dev-fema


  • Add padding


  • Header color and opacity
    headers: [
      {label:"Name", property:"name", headerColor:"#FF0000", headerOpacity:0.5 }
    • Thanks Albert Taveras @itsalb3rt


  • Align on headers
    headers: [
      {label:"Name", property:"name", align:"center"}
    • Thanks Andrea Fucci


  • Max size page


  • Header height size
  • Separate line width


  • addHeader() function on all add pages
    • Thanks Anders Wasen @QAnders


  • addBackground() function to node 8
    • Thanks @mehmetunubol


  • Add rectCell on renderer
    • renderer = ( value, indexColumn, indexRow, row, rectRow, rectCell ) => {}
    • Thanks Eduardo Miranda


  • Fix paddings and distances


  • Remove rowSpacing
  • Fix columnSpacing


  • Background color on header to colorize column
    • headers: [ { label:"Name", property: 'name', backgroundColor: 'red', backgroundOpacity: 0.5 }, { label:"Age", property: 'age', background: { color: 'green', opacity: 0.5 } }, ]
  • Background color inside row options datas
    • datas: [ { name:"My Name", age: 20, options: { backgroundColor: 'red', backgroundOpacity: 0.5 } }, { name:"My Name", age: 20, options: { background: { color: 'green', opacity: 0.5 } } }, ]
  • Background color inside cell options datas
    • datas: [ { name:{ label: "My Name", age: 20, options: { backgroundColor: 'red', backgroundOpacity: 0.5 } }}, { name:{ label: "My Name", age: 20, options: { background: { color: 'green', opacity: 0.5 } } }}, ]


  • addBackground {Function} - Add background peer line.
    • doc.addBackground( {x, y, width, height}, fillColor, opacity, callback );
  • prepareRow {Function}
    • const options = { prepareRow: (row, indexColumn, indexRow, rectRow, rectCell) => { indexColumn === 0 && doc.addBackground(rectRow, 'red', 0.5) } }


  • tables {Function} - Add many tables.
    • doc.tables([ table0, table1, table2, ... ]);


  • addPage {Boolean} - Add table on new page.
    • const options = { addPage: true, };


  • Fix position x, y of title
  • options.x: null | -1 // reset position to margins.left


  • add title {String}
    • const table = { title: "", };
    • const options = { title: "", };
  • add subtitle {String}
    • const table = { subtitle: "", };
    • const options = { subtitle: "", };


  • add columnsSize on options = {} // only to simple table


  • Function tableToJson
    • import {tableToJson} from 'pdfkit-table';
    • const table = tableToJson('#id_table'); {Object}
  • Function allTablesToJson
    • import {allTablesToJson} from 'pdfkit-table';
    • const tables = allTablesToJson(); {Array}


  • spacing cell and header alignment
  • Thank you, contributors!


  • renderer function on json file. { "renderer": "function(value, icol, irow, row){ return (value+1) + (${(irow+2)}); }" }
  • fix width table and separation lines size


The MIT License.


Natan Cabral

Thank you

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