
1.0.0 • Public • Published


The node-sms-transceiver sends and receives SMS messages via a GSM modem.

This module communicates with GSM modem (LTE/3G module, etc.) connected to a serial port on the host device. It supports receiving/sending SMS messages, reading/writing SMS messages in the memory storage of the LTE module. This module also supports concatenated SMS. It merges such divided messages and shows them as one message.

The main purpose of this module is handling SMS messages, while it supports additional functionalities such as getting the modem information, network information of LTE network. Besides it can report the latitude/longitude and the physical address of the cell tower of the mobile phone operator thanks to OpenCelliD.

The node-sms-transceiver communicates with the GSM modem using AT-commands. As you know, AT-command support of GSM modems is not completely compatible. This module might not work well on your GSM modem. The node-sms-transceiver was tested with LTE modules as follows:

The tested mobile phone operator is only NTT docomo for now, which is the predominant mobile phone operator in Japan. I'm not sure that the node-sms-transceiver works well in the world. I'm happy to hear your comments.



$ cd ~
$ npm install node-sms-transceiver

Table of Contents

Quick Start

Send a message

The code below shows how to send a SMS message.

const SmsTransceiver = require('node-sms-transceiver');
const smstransceiver = new SmsTransceiver('/dev/ttyMODEM0');

(async () => {
  // Open the serial port
  await smstransceiver.open();
  // Send a message
  await smstransceiver.sendMessage('09000000000', 'Cheers!');
  // Close the serial port
  await smstransceiver.close();

As you can see in the code above, a SmsTransceiver object (variable smstransceiver) is created with the path of the serial port ("/dev/ttyMODEM0"). Then the serial port is opened using the open() method of the SmsTransceiver object, a message "Cheers!" is sent to the destination phone number ("09000000000") using the sendMessage() method. Finally, the serial port is closed using the close() method. Your friend would receive the message in a few seconds.

Read all messages

Incoming SMS messages are stored in the LTE module or SIM card. The code below shows how to read the stored messages.

const SmsTransceiver = require('node-sms-transceiver');
const smstransceiver = new SmsTransceiver('/dev/ttyMODEM0');

(async () => {
  // Open the serial port
  await smstransceiver.open();
  // Get the all messages stored in the LTE module or the SIM card
  let message_list = await smstransceiver.listMessages();
  // Show the reslt
  console.log(JSON.stringify(message_list, null, '  '));
  // Close the serial port
  await smstransceiver.close();

You can get the stored messages using the listMessage() method of the SmsTransceiver object. The code above will output the result as follows:

    "index": 0,
    "stat": 0,
    "type": "SMS-DELIVER",
    "from": "09000000000",
    "to": null,
    "date": "2020-04-10T22:47:30+09:00",
    "concat": null,
    "text": "Hello. How are you?"
    "index": 1,
    "stat": 0,
    "type": "SMS-DELIVER",
    "from": "09000000000",
    "to": null,
    "date": "2020-04-10T22:48:39+09:00",
    "concat": null,
    "text": "Thank you. Take care."

Receive messages in real time

The code below shows how to receive SMS messages in real time.

const SmsTransceiver = require('node-sms-transceiver');
const smstransceiver = new SmsTransceiver('/dev/ttyMODEM0');

(async () => {
  // Open the serial port
  await smstransceiver.open();

  // Set the listener for the `sms-message` event
  smstransceiver.on('sms-message', async (data) => {
    // Show the received message
    console.log('A message was received:');
    console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, '  '));

The code above will output the result as follows:

A message was received:
  "index": 11,
  "stat": 0,
  "type": "SMS-DELIVER",
  "from": "09000000000",
  "to": null,
  "date": "2020-04-11T00:16:47+09:00",
  "concat": null,
  "text": "Hello"

SmsTransceiver object

Creating SmsTransceiver object

In order to use this module, you have to get the SmsTransceiver constructor loading this module as follows:

const SmsTransceiver = require('node-sms-transceiver');

In the code snippet above, the variable SmsTransceiver is a SmsTransceiver constructor.

Then, you have to create a SmsTransceiver object from the constructor as follows:

const smstransceiver = new SmsTransceiver('/dev/ttyMODEM0');

The path of the serial port must be passed to the constructor. Optionally, you can specify the baud rate as follows:

const smstransceiver = new SmsTransceiver('/dev/ttyMODEM0', { baudRate: 115200 });

The default value of the baudRate is 115200. The baudRate accepts 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 128000, or 256000.


The SmsTransceiver object supports some properties as follows:

Property Type r/w Description
path String r Path of the serial port which was passed to the constructor.
baudRate Integer r Baud rate of the serial port which was passed to the constructor.
concat Boolean r/w Concatenated SMS support flag. The default is true.

In the table above, "r" means that the property is readable, "w" means that the property is writable.

If the concat is set to false, this module does not support concatenated SMS messages, that is, it does not treat such divided messages as one message. You have to merge such divided messages to one message by yourself.


Some events will be fired on the SmsTransceiver object.

serial-open event

The serial-open event will be fired when the serial port is opened. Nothing will be passed to the callback function.

const SmsTransceiver = require('node-sms-transceiver');
const smstransceiver = new SmsTransceiver('/dev/ttyMODEM0');

smstransceiver.on('serial-open', () => {
  console.log('The `serial-open` event was fired.');
smstransceiver.on('serial-close', () => {
  console.log('The `serial-close` event was fired.');

(async () => {
  await smstransceiver.open();
  await smstransceiver.close();

The code above will output the result as follows:

The `serial-open` event was fired.
The `serial-close` event was fired.

serial-close event

The serial-open event will be fired when the serial port is closed. Nothing will be passed to the callback function. See the section "serial-open event" for details.

serial-data event

The serial-data event will be fired when data is received from the serial port. A Buffer object will be passed to the callback function. The object represents a response of an AT command or a notification.

const SmsTransceiver = require('node-sms-transceiver');
const smstransceiver = new SmsTransceiver('/dev/ttyMODEM0');

smstransceiver.on('serial-data', (buffer) => {

(async () => {
  await smstransceiver.open();
  await smstransceiver.close();

The code above will output the result as follows:

<Buffer 0d 0a 4f 4b 0d 0a>


<Buffer 0d 0a 4f 4b 0d 0a>


This event is mainly used for debugging. If you want see the communication with the modem, it is recommended to listen to the at-command, at-response, and at-notification events.

at-command event

The at-command event will be fired when this module sends a AT-command to the modem. The AT-command will be passed to the callback function. With the at-response event, you can see all communication with the modem.

const SmsTransceiver = require('node-sms-transceiver');
const smstransceiver = new SmsTransceiver('/dev/ttyMODEM0');

smstransceiver.on('at-command', (command) => {
  console.log('[at-command] ' + command);

smstransceiver.on('at-response', (response) => {
  console.log('[at-response] ' + response);

(async () => {
  await smstransceiver.open();
  await smstransceiver.close();

The code above will output the result as follows:

[at-command] ATE0
[at-response] OK
[at-command] ATQ0
[at-response] OK
[at-command] ATV1
[at-response] OK
[at-command] ATS0=0
[at-response] OK
[at-command] AT+CNMI=2,1,0,0,0
[at-response] OK
[at-command] AT+CMGF=0
[at-response] OK

at-response event

The at-response event will be fired when this module receives a response from the modem. The response data will be passed to the callback function. The preceding line breaks and trailing line breaks in the response will be trimmed.

See the section "at-command event" for details.

at-notification event

The at-notification will be fired when a notification from the modem is caught. The notification data will be passed to the callback function. The preceding line breaks and trailing line breaks in the notification will be trimmed.

const SmsTransceiver = require('node-sms-transceiver');
const smstransceiver = new SmsTransceiver('/dev/ttyMODEM0');

smstransceiver.on('at-notification', (notification) => {
  console.log('[at-notification] ' + notification);


When a notification is received, the code above will output the result as follows:

[at-notification] +CSQ: 24,99

Note that this module is agnostic on the meaning of the notification. It just passes notifications from the modem to you.

sms-message event

The sms-message event will fired when a SMS message is received. The SmsMessage object representing the received message will be passed to the callback function.

const SmsTransceiver = require('node-sms-transceiver');
const smstransceiver = new SmsTransceiver('/dev/ttyMODEM0');

smstransceiver.on('sms-message', (message) => {
  console.log(JSON.stringify(message, null, '  '));


When a SMS message is received, the code above will output the result as follows:

  "index": 15,
  "stat": 0,
  "type": "SMS-DELIVER",
  "from": "09000000000",
  "to": null,
  "date": "2020-04-11T09:48:08+09:00",
  "concat": null,
  "text": "Hello"

open() method

The open() method opens the serial port. This method returns a Promise object. Nothing will be passed to the resolve().

See the sample codes in the previous sections for details.

close() method

The close() method closes the serial port. This method returns a Promise object. Nothing will be passed to the resolve().

See the sample codes in the previous sections for details.

getModemInfo() method

The getModemInfo() method retrieves the modem information. This method returns a Promise object. An object representing the information will be passed to the resolve(). The object contains the properties as follows:

Property Type Description
manufacturer String Manufacturer identification code
model String Model identification code
revision String Software revision number
serial String Product serial number
const SmsTransceiver = require('node-sms-transceiver');
const smstransceiver = new SmsTransceiver('/dev/ttyMODEM0');

(async () => {
  await smstransceiver.open();
  let modem_info = await smstransceiver.getModemInfo();
  console.log(JSON.stringify(modem_info, null, '  '));
  await smstransceiver.close();

the code above will output the result as follows:

  "manufacturer": "SIMCOM INCORPORATED",
  "model": "SIMCOM_SIM7100JC",
  "revision": "4534B05SIM7100JC",
  "serial": "000000000000000"

getNetworkInfo() method

The getNetworkInfo() method retrieves the mobile network information from modem. This method returns a Promise object. An object representing the informatiion will be passed to the resolve(). The object contains the properties as follows:

Property Type Description
subscriber String Subscriber Number
operator Object Operator Selection
    name String Operator name
    mcc Integer Mobile Country Code (MCC)
    mnc Integer Mobile Network Code (MNC)
contexts Array PDP (Packet Data Protocol) contexts
    cid String PDP Context Identifier
    type String Packet Data Protocol type
    apn String Access Point Name
    active String State of the PDP context activation (true: activated, false: deactivated)
    addr String PDP addresses for the PDP context
const SmsTransceiver = require('node-sms-transceiver');
const smstransceiver = new SmsTransceiver('/dev/ttyMODEM0');

(async () => {
  await smstransceiver.open();
  let network_info = await smstransceiver.getNetworkInfo();
  console.log(JSON.stringify(network_info, null, '  '));
  await smstransceiver.close();

the code above will output the result as follows:

  "subscriber": "08000000000",
  "operator": {
    "name": "NTT DOCOMO NTT DOCOMO",
    "mcc": 440,
    "mnc": 10
  "contexts": [
      "cid": "1",
      "type": "IP",
      "apn": "lte-d.ocn.ne.jp",
      "active": true,
      "addr": ""

getSignalQuality() method

The getSignalQuality() method retrieves the current signal quality. This method returns a Promise object. An object representing the information will be passed to the resolve(). The object contains the properties as follows:

Property Type Description
rssi Integer Received signal strength indication (dBm)
ber Integer Bit error rate level

The meanings of the level of the ber is as follows:

  • 0: less than 0.2%
  • 1: 0.2% to 0.4%
  • 2: 0.4% to 0.8%
  • 3: 0.8% to 1.6%
  • 4: 1.6% to 3.2%
  • 5: 3.2% to 6.4%
  • 6: 6.4% to 12.8%
  • 7: more than 12.8%
  • 99 not known or not detectable
const SmsTransceiver = require('node-sms-transceiver');
const smstransceiver = new SmsTransceiver('/dev/ttyMODEM0');

(async () => {
  await smstransceiver.open();
  let signal_quality = await smstransceiver.getSignalQuality();
  console.log(JSON.stringify(signal_quality, null, '  '));
  await smstransceiver.close();

the code above will output the result as follows:

  "rssi": -65,
  "ber": 99

getLocationInfo() method

The getLocationInfo() method retrieves the information of the mobile cell from the network registration report. This method returns a Promise object. An object representing the information will be passed to the resolve(). The object contains the properties as follows:

Property Type Description
mcc Integer Mobile Country Code (MCC)
mnc Integer Mobile Network Code (MNC)
lac Integer Local Area Code of the mobile operator's network
cid Integer Cell ID
const SmsTransceiver = require('node-sms-transceiver');
const smstransceiver = new SmsTransceiver('/dev/ttyMODEM0');

(async () => {
  await smstransceiver.open();
  let location_info = await smstransceiver.getLocationInfo();
  console.log(JSON.stringify(location_info, null, '  '));
  await smstransceiver.close();

the code above will output the result as follows:

  "mcc": 440,
  "mnc": 10,
  "lac": 65534,
  "cid": 49680722

This method can report the latitude/longitude and the physical address of the cell tower of the mobile carrier thanks to OpenCelliD. Sign up for OpenCelliD and get your API token in advance.

This method supports an argument optionally. If an object described in the table blow is passed to this method, this method asks OpenCeliD the physical address.

Property Type Required Description
opencellid Object Optional  
    token String Required Your API token
    region Integer Optional Region code of the end point (1 - 4). The default is 1.
    lang String Optional Language code. The default value is "en".

The region must be one in the table below:

  • 1: US East (Northern Virginia) (default)
  • 2: US West (San Francisco)
  • 3: Europe (France)
  • 4: Asia Pacific (Singapore)
const SmsTransceiver = require('node-sms-transceiver');
const smstransceiver = new SmsTransceiver('/dev/ttyMODEM0');

(async () => {
  await smstransceiver.open();
  let location_info = await smstransceiver.getLocationInfo({
    opencellid: {
      token: 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXX' // Replace with your token
  console.log(JSON.stringify(location_info, null, '  '));
  await smstransceiver.close();

the code above will output the result as follows:

  "mcc": 440,
  "mnc": 10,
  "lac": 65534,
  "cid": 49680722,
  "opencellid": {
    "status": "ok",
    "balance": 4998,
    "lat": 35.816087,
    "lon": 139.399214,
    "accuracy": 932,
    "message": "This cell tower was not found in OpenCelliD. However, we served a location from the Unwired Labs LocationAPI (unwiredlabs.com), an Enterprise Geolocation service with over 100 million cell towers.",
    "address": "Iruma, Saitama Prefecture, 358-0011, Japan"

The data of the opencellid property is the response of the Geolocation API with no change. See the document of OpenCelliD for details.

getMessageStorage() method

SMS messages are stored in a memory storage. Usually, your LTE module supports two types of storage: SIM SMS memory storage and ME (GSM Mobile Equipment) internal storage. The getMessageStorage() method reports the selected preferred message storage. This method returns a Promise object. An object representing the information will be passed to the resolve(). The object contains the properties as follows:

Property Type Description
r Object Information of the memory storage for reading
    mem String "SM": SIM SMS memory storage, "ME": ME internal storage
    used Integer Number of messages stored in the storage
    total Integer Maximum number of messages which the storage can save
w Object Information of the memory storage for writing
    mem String "SM": SIM SMS memory storage, "ME": ME internal storage
    used Integer Number of messages stored in the storage
    total Integer Maximum number of messages which the storage can save
s Object Information of the memory storage for storing received messages
    mem String "SM": SIM SMS memory storage, "ME": ME internal storage
    used Integer Number of messages stored in the storage
    total Integer Maximum number of messages which the storage can save
const SmsTransceiver = require('node-sms-transceiver');
const smstransceiver = new SmsTransceiver('/dev/ttyMODEM0');

(async () => {
  await smstransceiver.open();
  let storage_info = await smstransceiver.getMessageStorage();
  console.log(JSON.stringify(storage_info, null, '  '));
  await smstransceiver.close();

the code above will output the result as follows:

  "r": {
    "mem": "ME",
    "used": 16,
    "total": 23
  "w": {
    "mem": "ME",
    "used": 16,
    "total": 23
  "s": {
    "mem": "ME",
    "used": 16,
    "total": 23

setMessageStorage() method

The setMessageStorage method selects the preferred message storage. This method returns a Promise object. This method takes three arguments:

No. Type Required Description
1st String Required Memory storage type for reading messages.
2nd String Optional Memory storage type for writing and sending messages.
3rd String Optional Memory storage type for storing received messages

Every argument must be "SM" or "ME". If the 2nd and 3rd arguments are omitted, they will be set to the value of 1st argument.

If this method successfully selects the preferred message storage, the information of the newly selected preferred storage will be passed to the resolve(). The information is as same as the result of the getMessageStorage().

const SmsTransceiver = require('node-sms-transceiver');
const smstransceiver = new SmsTransceiver('/dev/ttyMODEM0');

(async () => {
  await smstransceiver.open();
  let storage_info = await smstransceiver.setMessageStorage('ME', 'ME', 'ME');
  console.log(JSON.stringify(storage_info, null, '  '));
  await smstransceiver.close();

the code above will output the result as follows:

  "r": {
    "mem": "ME",
    "used": 16,
    "total": 23
  "w": {
    "mem": "ME",
    "used": 16,
    "total": 23
  "s": {
    "mem": "ME",
    "used": 16,
    "total": 23

listMessages() method

The listMessages() method reads the stored messages. This method returns a Promise object. This method takes a hash object as an argument containing properties as follows:

Property Type Required Description
stat Integer Optional Message status (0 - 4). The default is 4.

The stat must be an integer in the range of 0 to 4. The meaning of each value is as follows:

  • 0: new message
  • 1: read message
  • 2: stored message not yet sent
  • 3: stored message already sent
  • 4: all messages (Default)

This method passes an Array object containing SmsMessage objects representing the SMS messages.

The code below reads new messages (i.e., messages which have not been read yet):

const SmsTransceiver = require('node-sms-transceiver');
const smstransceiver = new SmsTransceiver('/dev/ttyMODEM0');

(async () => {
  await smstransceiver.open();
  let message_list = await smstransceiver.listMessages({ stat: 0 });
  console.log(JSON.stringify(message_list, null, '  '));
  await smstransceiver.close();

the code above will output the result as follows:

    "index": 16,
    "stat": 0,
    "type": "SMS-DELIVER",
    "from": "09000000000",
    "to": null,
    "date": "2020-04-11T14:43:10+09:00",
    "concat": null,
    "text": "Hello. How are you?"
    "index": 17,
    "stat": 0,
    "type": "SMS-DELIVER",
    "from": "09000000000",
    "to": null,
    "date": "2020-04-11T14:43:21+09:00",
    "concat": null,
    "text": "Thank you. Take care."

Note that the stat of a received message will change from 0 to 1 once it is read. If this module encounters a concatenated message, it reads all messages in order to merge separated messages. That is, the value of the stat of message you have never read could be 1.

readMessage() method

The readMessage() method reads a stored message. This method returns a Promise object. This method takes an index number of the target message. If this method successfully read the message, a SmsMessage object representing the target message will be passed to the resolve(). If the specified index number was not found, null will be passed to the resolve().

const SmsTransceiver = require('node-sms-transceiver');
const smstransceiver = new SmsTransceiver('/dev/ttyMODEM0');

(async () => {
  await smstransceiver.open();
  let message = await smstransceiver.readMessage(16);
  console.log(JSON.stringify(message, null, '  '));
  await smstransceiver.close();

the code above will output the result as follows:

  "index": 16,
  "stat": 1,
  "type": "SMS-DELIVER",
  "from": "09000000000",
  "to": null,
  "date": "2020-04-11T14:43:10+09:00",
  "concat": null,
  "text": "Hello. How are you?"

deleteMessage() method

The deleteMessage() method deletes a message from the storage. This method returns a Promise object. This method takes an index number of the target message. If this method successfully delete the message, a SmsMessage object representing the target message will be passed to the resolve(). If the specified index number was not found, null will be passed to the resolve().

const SmsTransceiver = require('node-sms-transceiver');
const smstransceiver = new SmsTransceiver('/dev/ttyMODEM0');

(async () => {
  await smstransceiver.open();
  let msg = await smstransceiver.deleteMessage(16);
  console.log(JSON.stringify(msg, null, '  '));
  await smstransceiver.close();

the code above will output the result as follows:

  "index": 16,
  "stat": 1,
  "type": "SMS-DELIVER",
  "from": "09000000000",
  "to": null,
  "date": "2020-04-11T14:43:10+09:00",
  "concat": null,
  "text": "Hello. How are you?"

deleteAllMessages() method

The deleteAllMessages() method deletes all message stored in the storage. This method returns a Promise object. Nothing will be passed to the resolve().

const SmsTransceiver = require('node-sms-transceiver');
const smstransceiver = new SmsTransceiver('/dev/ttyMODEM0');

(async () => {
  await smstransceiver.open();
  await smstransceiver.deleteAllMessages();
  await smstransceiver.close();

sendMessage() method

The sendMessage() method sends a SMS message directly without storing it in the storage. This method takes two arguments:

No. Type Required Description
1st String Required Destination telephone number
2nd String Required Message text

This method returns a Promise object. Nothing will be passed to the resolve().

const SmsTransceiver = require('node-sms-transceiver');
const smstransceiver = new SmsTransceiver('/dev/ttyMODEM0');

(async () => {
  await smstransceiver.open();
  await smstransceiver.sendMessage('09000000000', 'Hello!');
  await smstransceiver.close();

writeSubmitMessage() method

The writeSubmitMessage() method save a SMS message in the preferred message storage. This method takes two arguments:

No. Type Required Description
1st String Required Destination telephone number
2nd String Required Message text

This method returns a Promise object. An Array object will be passed to the resolve(). The Array object contains index number(s) of the stored message(s).

const SmsTransceiver = require('node-sms-transceiver');
const smstransceiver = new SmsTransceiver('/dev/ttyMODEM0');

(async () => {
  await smstransceiver.open();
  let text = 'Hello!';
  let indexes = await smstransceiver.writeSubmitMessage('09000000000', text);
  await smstransceiver.close();

the code above will output the result as follows:

[ 0 ]

If the message text is long, the message text will be divided into multiple messages as a concatenated SMS message.

const SmsTransceiver = require('node-sms-transceiver');
const smstransceiver = new SmsTransceiver('/dev/ttyMODEM0');

(async () => {
  await smstransceiver.open();
  let text = 'SMS (short message service) is a text messaging service component of most telephone, Internet, and mobile device systems. It uses standardized communication protocols to enable mobile devices to exchange short text messages. An intermediary service can facilitate a text-to-voice conversion to be sent to landlines.'
  let indexes = await smstransceiver.writeSubmitMessage('09000000000', text);
  await smstransceiver.close();

the code above will output the result as follows:

[ 1, 2, 3 ]

Note that you can access the concatenated SMS message only with the index number 1. If you pass 2 or 3 to the readMessage(), deleteMessage(), or sendStoredMessage() method, the message won't be found.

sendStoredMessage() method

The sendStoredMessage() method sends a message stored in the preferred message storage. This method returns a Promise object. Nothing will be passed to the resolve().

const SmsTransceiver = require('node-sms-transceiver');
const smstransceiver = new SmsTransceiver('/dev/ttyMODEM0');

(async () => {
  await smstransceiver.open();
  await smstransceiver.sendStoredMessage(1);
  await smstransceiver.close();

Note that some LTE modules do not seem to support concatenated SMS. With such LTE module, it could freeze. If your LTE module do not support concatenated SMS, do not send a long text message.

SmsMessage object

The SmsMessage object represents a SMS message. This object consists of the properties described in the table below:

Property Type Description
index Integer Index number
stat Integer Message status
type String PDU type ("SMS-DELIVER" or "SMS-SUBMIT")
from String Phone number of the origination. When the type is "SMS-SUBMIT", this value is null.
to String Phone number of destination. When the type is "SMS-DELIVER", this value is null.
date String Time stamp when the message was sent. When the type is "SMS-SUBMIT", this value is null.
concat Object Concatenated SMS information. If the message is not a concatenated SMS message, this value is null.
    reference Integer Reference number
    total Integer Number of messages
    indexes Array List of index numbers
text String SMS message text

The type is either "SMS-DELIVER" or "SMS-SUBMIT". "SMS-DELIVER" means a received message, "SMS-SUBMIT" means a transmitted message.

The stat is an integer in the range of 0 to 4. The meaning of each value is as follows:

  • 0: new message ("SMS-DELIVER")
  • 1: read message ("SMS-DELIVER")
  • 2: stored message not yet sent ("SMS-SUBMIT")
  • 3: stored message already sent ("SMS-SUBMIT")
  • 4: all messages

Example of SMS-DELIVER (Concatenated SMS message)

  "index": 0,
  "stat": 0,
  "type": "SMS-DELIVER",
  "from": "09000000000",
  "to": null,
  "date": "2020-04-11T17:20:46+09:00",
  "concat": {
    "reference": 17,
    "total": 3,
    "indexes": [
  "text": "SMS (short message service) is a text messaging ..."

Example of SMS-SUBMIT

  "index": 3,
  "stat": 2,
  "type": "SMS-SUBMIT",
  "from": null,
  "to": "09000000000",
  "date": null,
  "concat": null,
  "text": "Hello!"

Release Note

  • v0.0.1 (2020-04-11)
    • First public release



The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2020 Futomi Hatano

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Dependencies (3)

Dev Dependencies (0)

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    • jujax