
1.0.6-2023.1.0 • Public • Published

IAG Device Onboarding

Table of Contents


The IAG Device Onboarding pre-built provides the ability to onboard a list of devices onto an IAG instance through the IAG adapter.

Estimated Run Time: < 1 minute for single device

Supported IAP Versions

Itential pre-builts are built and tested on particular versions of IAP. In addition, pre-builts that work with devices are often dependent on certain orchestration systems (e.g. NSO and IAG). As such, these pre-builts will have dependencies on these other systems. This version of the IAG Device Onboarding pre-built has been tested with:

  • IAP 2023.1.x

Getting Started

These instructions will help you get a copy of the pre-built in your local machine for testing in your environment. Reading this section is also helpful for deployments as it provides you with pertinent information on prerequisites and capabilities.


Users must satisfy the following prerequisites to install and run this pre-built:

  • Itential Automation Platform
    • ^2023.1.x
  • Itential Automation Gateway
    • ^3.227.0+2023.1.15
  • An instantiated IAP IAG adapter


  • Ability to onboard a list of devices.
  • Ability to onboard a list of device types (Currently only supports HTTP Request and Ansible device types).
  • Ability to onboard a single device through operations manager.

How to Install

To install this pre-built:

  • Verify that you are running the documented prerequisites in order to install the pre-built.

  • Follow the instructions on the Itential Documentation site for importing a pre-built.


While Itential tests this pre-built and its capabilities, it is often the case the customer environments offer their own unique circumstances. Therefore, it is our recommendation that you deploy this pre-built into a development/testing environment in which you can test the pre-built.

Using this Pre-Built

This pre-built can be run as a standalone automation or in a childJob task.

Note: The entry point workflow to this pre-built is called IAGDO: Onboard Devices. Use this worklow name if running the pre-built in a childJob task.

Running this pre-built depends on providing correct input so that the onboarding operations against the intended devices run as expected. The input to and possible outputs from this pre-built are described here.

Note: This pre-built can also be ran as an automation through Operations Manager. The Operations Manager automation to run this pre-built is called IAGDO: Onboard With Form. When onboarding an HTTP device through this form a user must pass properties for params, data, headers, cookies, auth, timeout, and proxies as JSON object to correctly pass these additional fields.

IAGDO Onboard With Form Image

IAGDO Onboard With Form Image

Input Schema

Ansible Device Onboarding:

    "device": [
            "deviceName": "Ansible_Test_Device",
            "inventoryType": "ansible",
            "iagAdapterInstance": "IAG-2021.2",
            "onboarding": {
                "ipaddress": "",
                "port": "22",
                "user": "user",
                "password": "password",
                "device-type": "network_cli",
                "ostype": "ios",
                "become": "true",
                "become_method": "enable",
                "become_user": "user",
                "become_pass": "password"
    "options": {
        "verbose": false

The following table details the property keys for an Ansible Device.

key type required description
device array yes list of devices
device.deviceName string yes device name
device.inventoryType enum yes inventory type [anisble or http_requests]
device.iagAdapterInstance string yes IAG adapter devices instance to onboard on
device.onboarding object yes onboarding parameters
device.onboarding.device-type string yes NSO instance
device.onboarding.ipaddress string yes ip address
device.onboarding.port string yes port
device.onboarding.ostype string no allows user to manually view and confirm job details
device.onboarding.user string no user to become through privilege escalation
device.onboarding.sshKey string no Private key file used by ssh
device.onboarding.password string no password used to authenticate to host
device.onboarding.become string no allow to force privilege escalation ("true" or "false")
device.onboarding.become string no allows to force privilege escalation ("true" or "false")
device.onboarding.become_method string no allows to set privilege escalation method
device.onboarding.become_pass string no privilege escalation password
options object yes additional options
options.verbose boolean yes verbose
options object yes additional options
options.verbose boolean yes verbose

The following table details the IAP vs Ansible Inventory type mapping. For additional documentation related to Ansible inventory, please see the official Ansible Inventory Guide, and for additional documentation for IAP Ansible createDevice mapping, please see the offcial createDevice documentation.

IAP Variable Anisble Variable
device-type ansible_connection
ipaddress ansible_user
port ansible_port
ostype ansible_network_os
user ansible_user
sshKey ansible_ssh_private_key_file
password ansible_password
become ansible_become
become_method ansible_become_method
become_pass ansible_become_pass

HTTP Request Device Onboarding:

    "device": [
            "deviceName": "Http_Test_Device",
            "inventoryType": "http_requests",
            "iagAdapterInstance": "IAG-2021.2",
            "onboarding": {
                "base_url": "",
                "protocol": "https",
                "endpoint": "/tm/ltm/pool",
                "method": "",
                "params": {},
                "data": {},
                "headers": {},
                "cookies": {},
                "auth": {
                    "username": "user",
                    "password": "password"
                "timeout": {},
                "allowRedirects": true,
                "proxies": {},
                "verify": false
    "options": {
        "verbose": false

The following table details the property keys for a HTTPRequests Device.

key type required description
device array yes list of devices
device.deviceName string yes device name
device.inventoryType string yes inventory type [anisble or http_requests]
device.iagAdapterInstance string yes IAG adapter devices instance to onboard on
device.onboarding object yes onboarding parameters
device.onboarding.base_url string yes The name of a base url to execute against
device.onboarding.protocol string yes The name of the protocol used to communicate
device.onboarding.endpoint string no The endpoint to append to the url built from your inventory/host
device.onboarding.method enum no Request method - one of GET, OPTIONS, HEAD, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE
device.onboarding.params object no Keys/values to convert into the request's query string
device.onboarding.data object no Keys/values to send as the request's body
device.onboarding.headers object no Keys/values to send as the request's HTTP headers
device.onboarding.cookies object no Keys/values to send as the request's cookies
device.onboarding.auth object no Keys/values to send as the username and password for Basic Authentication
device.onboarding.timeout string no The connect and read timeouts for the request. See Request HTTP documentation for more detatils
device.onboarding.allowRedirects boolean no A flag which enables or disables HTTP redirection
device.onboarding.proxies object no The keys/values which describe proxies to use for the request
device.onboarding.verify boolean no A flag which enables or disables TLS certificate verification
options object yes additional options
options.verbose boolean yes verbose

Output Schema

The ReturnStatus job variable returned from the run pre-built reports the success or failure of the onboarding process for the list of devices provided to the pre-built. Below are example outputs of scenarios were a device does not exist on the IAG instance, a device does exist on an IAG instance, an invalid inventory type, and a failure with the Get Device Details child job.

Device Does Not Already Exist on IAG:

  "ReturnStatus": {
    "details": [
        "response": {
          "get_device": {
            "icode": "AD.500",
            "IAPerror": {
              "origin": "IAG-2021.2-connectorRest-handleEndResponse",
              "displayString": "Error 404 received on request",
              "recommendation": "Verify the request is accurate via debug logs and postman",
              "code": 404,
              "raw_response": {
                "status": "success",
                "code": 404,
                "headers": {
                  "server": "gunicorn/20.0.4",
                  "date": "Thu, 22 Dec 2022 15:29:28 GMT",
                  "connection": "close",
                  "content-type": "application/json;",
                  "content-length": "52",
                  "last-modified": "2022-12-22 10:29:28.511166",
                  "cache-control": "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0, max-age=0",
                  "pragma": "no-cache",
                  "expires": "-1",
                  "x-frame-options": "DENY",
                  "x-xss-protection": "1",
                  "x-content-type-options": "nosniff"
                "response": "{\"code\": 404, \"status\": 404, \"message\": \"Not Found\"}",
                "redirects": 0,
                "tripTime": "38ms",
                "reqHdr": {
                  "Content-Type": "application/json",
                  "Accept": "application/json"
            "metrics": {
              "code": 404,
              "timeouts": 0,
              "redirects": 0,
              "retries": 0,
              "tripTime": 38,
              "isThrottling": false,
              "capabilityTime": "172ms"
            "response": {
              "code": 404,
              "status": 404,
              "message": "Not Found"
          "addDevice": {
            "name": "Ansible_Test_Device",
            "device-type": "network_cli",
            "ipaddress": "",
            "port": "22",
            "ostype": "cisco-nx",
            "become": "true",
            "become_method": "enable",
        "device": "Ansible_Test_Device",
        "message": "Successfully onboarded device to IAG",
        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "errors": []
    "errors": [],
    "number_failure": 0,
    "number_successfully_onboarded_devices": 1,
    "number_already_onboarded_devices": 0,
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "number_success": 1,
    "message": "0 devices found already onboarded to IAG, 1 devices successfully onboarded to IAG, 0 devices failed to onboard to IAG"

Device Already Found on IAG:

  "ReturnStatus": {
    "details": [
        "response": {
          "get_device": {
            "name": "Ansible_Test_Device",
            "inventory_type": "ansible",
            "device-type": "network_cli",
            "ipaddress": "",
            "port": "22",
            "ostype": "cisco-nx",
            "become": "true",
            "become_method": "enable"
        "device": "Ansible_Test_Device",
        "inventory_type": "ansible",
        "message": "Device already exists on IAG",
        "status": "SUCCESS",
        "errors": []
    "errors": [],
    "number_failure": 0,
    "number_successfully_onboarded_devices": 0,
    "number_already_onboarded_devices": 1,
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "number_success": 1,
    "message": "1 devices found already onboarded to IAG, 0 devices successfully onboarded to IAG, 0 devices failed to onboard to IAG"

Given Invalid Inventory Type:

  "ReturnStatus": {
    "details": [
        "response": {
          "get_device": "Invalid inventory type"
        "device": "Ansible_Test_Device",
        "inventory_type": "anible",
        "message": "Invalid inventory type",
        "status": "FAILED",
        "errors": [
            "message": "Invalid inventory type",
            "error_details": {}
    "errors": [],
    "number_failure": 1,
    "number_successfully_onboarded_devices": 0,
    "number_already_onboarded_devices": 0,
    "status": "FAILED",
    "number_success": 0,
    "message": "0 devices found already onboarded to IAG, 0 devices successfully onboarded to IAG, 1 devices failed to onboard to IAG"

Get Device Details Error or Any Other Adapter Error:

  "ReturnStatus": {
    "details": [
        "response": {
          "get_device": "Cannot forward message to corral:IAG-2021.2"
        "device": "Ansible_Test_Device",
        "inventory_type": "ansible",
        "message": "Cannot forward message to corral:IAG-2021.2",
        "status": "FAILED",
        "errors": [
            "message": "Cannot forward message to corral:IAG-2021.2",
            "error_details": {}
    "errors": [],
    "number_failure": 1,
    "number_successfully_onboarded_devices": 0,
    "number_already_onboarded_devices": 0,
    "status": "FAILED",
    "number_success": 0,
    "message": "0 devices found already onboarded to IAG, 0 devices successfully onboarded to IAG, 1 devices failed to onboard to IAG"

The following table details the property keys of the ReturnStatus output object:

key type description
ReturnStatus.status enum status of onboarding list of devices [SUCCESS, FAILED]
ReturnStatus.errors array list of errors encountered returned from running pre-built
ReturnStatus.number_failure integer number of devices that failed to onboard
ReturnStatus.number_successfully_onboarded_devices integer number of successfully onboarded devices
ReturnStatus.number_already_onboarded_devices integer number of already onboarded devices
ReturnStatus.number_success integer number devices found already on IAG or successfully onboarded to IAG
ReturnStatus.message string description of onboarding list of devices result
ReturnStatus.details[x].response.get_device object IAGGDD: Get Device Details Details childJob response
ReturnStatus.details[x].response.add_Device object IAGDO: Onboard Device childJob response
ReturnStatus.details[x].device string device name
ReturnStatus.details[x].message string description of single device result
ReturnStatus.details[x].status string status of single device result [SUCCESS, FAILED]
ReturnStatus.details[x].errors array list of errors encountered onboaring single device

Additional Information

Please use your Itential Customer Success account if you need support when using this pre-built.


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