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The package has been renamed to @iooxa/components. Thanks ๐Ÿš€

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Ink-Basic on npm MIT License

The goal of ink-basic is to provide web-components for interactive scientific writing, reactive documents and explorable explanations. This library provides the base of ink-components including ways to create, update and display variables as dynamic text and modify them with buttons, inputs, sliders, switches, and dropdowns.

The ink-components project is heavily inspired by tangle.js, re-imagined to use web-components! This means you can declaratively write your variables and how to display them in html markup. To get an idea of what that looks like, let's take the canonical example of Tangled Cookies - a simple reactive document.

How many calories in that cookie?

<ink-var name="cookies" value="3" format=".4"></ink-var>
<ink-var name="caloriesPerCookie" value="50"></ink-var>
<ink-var name="dailyCalories" value="2100"></ink-var>

<ink-var name="calories" :value="cookies * caloriesPerCookie" format=".0f"></ink-var>
<ink-var name="dailyPercent" :value="calories / dailyCalories" format=".0%"></ink-var>

  When you eat <ink-dynamic bind="cookies" min="2" max="100">cookies</ink-dynamic>,
  you consume <ink-display bind="calories"></ink-display> calories.<br>
  That's <ink-display bind="dailyPercent"></ink-display> of your recommended daily calories.

Getting Started

Ink is based on web-components, which creates custom HTML tags so that they can make writing documents easier. To get started, copy the built javascript file to the head of your page:

<script src=""></script>

You can also download the latest release from GitHub. If you are running this without a web server, ensure the script has charset="utf-8" in the script tag. You can also install from npm:

>> npm install @iooxa/ink-basic

You should then be able to extend ink as you see fit:

import components from '@iooxa/ink-basic';

Note that the npm module does not setup the @iooxa/runtime store, nor does it register the components. See the ink.ts file for what the built package does to setup the store and register the components.

Basic Components

  • ink-var
  • ink-display
  • ink-dynamic
  • ink-range
  • ink-action
  • ink-button
  • ink-switch
  • ink-checkbox
  • ink-radio
  • ink-select
  • ink-input
  • ink-visible


Variables need to be defined to drive your dynamic document, the ink-var web component can specify a name, description and a value.

<ink-var name="x" value="1"></ink-var>

These variables can be hidden in the DOM, which makes sense in most applications.

Reactive Variables

You can also create reactive variables which gets and executes a user-defined string using @iooxa/runtime with access to all other variables in the scope. Note here that the :value has a semi-colon to show that this should be executed to define the value.

<ink-var name="xSquared" :value="x * x"></ink-var>

Properties of ink-var:

  • name: The variable to name to in the state, must follow javascript naming conventions for variables.
  • description: The variable description, useful for alt-text.
  • value: The value of the variable.
  • :value: Function to evaluate to update the value. If present, this will update the value anytime the state is changed.
  • format: A d3-format string. See the documentation.

Display Variables

To display an element create an ink-display, which will just render the named variable as text.

<ink-display bind="x"></ink-display>


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