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Infinum Docusaurus theme

Note This repo is still work in progress. Code might not be optimal, documentation might not be complete. Not all Docusaurus features have been restyled yet!

This theme adds style overrides and new components for building consistent open-source, Docusaurus-based project pages.

To get started (WIP)

  1. Create a new Docusaurus project (with the classic theme!): npx create-docusaurus@latest my-website classic

  2. Install the Infinum Docusaurus theme package: npm i @infinum/docusaurus-theme

  3. Configure Docusaurus:

    • Open the config file (docusaurus.config.js)
    • Edit your title, tagline, and favicon
    • Edit the navbar:
      • Remove title from the navbar object
      • Set the logo and the menu items (avoid multi-level nesting if possible)
    • Edit the footer
      footer: {
              links: [
                      title: 'Community',
                      items: [
                              label: '',
                              href: 'https://...',
                              icon: '',
      Note: look for the icon in the Icon component from the package (will also include a list at some point)
    • Edit the copyright
    • At the top of the file add:
      const darkCodeTheme = require('prism-react-renderer/themes/dracula');
    • Add these at the end of the config, just after copyright:
      prism: {
      	theme: darkCodeTheme,
      colorMode: {
      	defaultMode: 'light',
      	disableSwitch: true,
      	respectPrefersColorScheme: false,
  4. Override some of the default components

    • Replace the footer

      • Go to src/theme and create a Footer folder in it
      • Create an index.js file with the following contents:
        import React from 'react';
        import { useThemeConfig } from '@docusaurus/theme-common';
        import { Footer as InfinumFooter } from '@infinum/docusaurus-theme';
        function Footer() {
        	const { footer } = useThemeConfig();
        	return (
        		<InfinumFooter footer={footer} />
        export default React.memo(Footer);
    • Replace the contents of the blog listing page

      • Go to src/theme and create a BlogListPage folder in it
      • Create an index.js file with the following contents:
        import React from 'react';
        import clsx from 'clsx';
        import useDocusaurusContext from '@docusaurus/useDocusaurusContext';
        import {
        } from '@docusaurus/theme-common';
        import BlogLayout from '@theme/BlogLayout';
        import BlogListPaginator from '@theme/BlogListPaginator';
        import SearchMetadata from '@theme/SearchMetadata';
        import BlogPostItems from '@theme/BlogPostItems';
        import { EsOpenSource } from '../sections/os-projects';
        import { EsOsFreebies } from '../sections/os-freebies';
        function BlogListPageMetadata(props) {
        	const { metadata } = props;
        	const {
        		siteConfig: { title: siteTitle },
        	} = useDocusaurusContext();
        	const { blogDescription, blogTitle, permalink } = metadata;
        	const isBlogOnlyMode = permalink === '/';
        	const title = isBlogOnlyMode ? siteTitle : blogTitle;
        	return (
        			<PageMetadata title={title} description={blogDescription} />
        			<SearchMetadata tag='blog_posts_list' />
        function BlogListPageContent(props) {
        	const { metadata, items } = props;
        	return (
        			<h1 className='es-big-title'>Typing as <wbr /> we code</h1>
        			<div className='es-blog-grid'>
        				<BlogPostItems items={items} />
        			<BlogListPaginator metadata={metadata} />
        			<EsOpenSource gray />
        			<EsOsFreebies gray />
        export default function BlogListPage(props) {
        	return (
        			<BlogListPageMetadata {...props} />
        			<BlogListPageContent {...props} />
        (make sure to replace any of the generic content here, like the IconLinkCards)
    • Replace the Admonition cards

      • Go to src/theme and create a Admonition folder in it
      • Create an index.js file with the following contents:
        import React from 'react';
        import { AdmonitionCard } from '@infinum/docusaurus-theme';
        export default function Admonition(props) {
        	return (
        		<AdmonitionCard {...props} />
  5. Build your site npm start and check everything

Built-in components

More detailed description coming soon

  • CtaCards

  • CtaImageButton

  • FeatureShowcase

  • Hero

  • IconLinkCards

  • ImageAndText

  • InfinumLogo

  • ShowcaseCard

  • TextCards

  • icons


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    npm i @infinum/docusaurus-theme

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    • safo6m
    • fvoska
    • darkokukovec
    • infinumcom