
1.2.0 • Public • Published

Kittycat TS

Typescript library for the kittycat permission system

Supported Operations

  • hasPerm
  • StaffPermissions#resolve
  • checkPatchChanges


A permission is defined as the following structure


If a user has the * permission, they will have all permissions in that namespace If namespace is global then only the permission is checked. E.g. global.view allows using the view permission in all namespaces

If a permission has no namespace, it will be assumed to be global

If a permission has ~ in the beginning of its namespace, it is a negator permission that removes that specific permission from the user

Negators work to negate a specific permission excluding the global. permission* (for now, until this gets a bit more refined to not need a global.* special case)

Anything past the . may be ignored or indexed at the discretion of the implementation and is undefined behaviour

Permission Overrides

Permission overrides are a special case of permissions that are used to override permissions for a specific user. They use the same structure and follow the same rules as a normal permission, but are stored separately from the normal permissions.

Special Cases

  • Special case: If a * element exists for a smaller index, then the negator must be ignored. E.g. manager has ~rpc.PremiumAdd but head_manager has no such negator

Clearing Permissions

In some cases, it may desired to start from a fresh slate of permissions. To do this, add a '@clear' permission to the namespace. All permissions after this on that namespace will be cleared

TODO: Use enums for storing permissions instead of strings by serializing and deserializing them to strings when needed

Permission Management

A permission can be added/managed by a user to a position if the following applies:

  • The user must have the permission themselves. If the permission is a negator, then the user must have the 'base' permission (permission without the negator operator)
  • If the permission is *, then the user has no negators in that namespace that the target perm set would not also have

Note on point 2: this means that if a user is trying to add/remove rpc.* but also has ~rpc.test, then they cannot add rpc.* unless the target user also has ~rpc.test



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