TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.0.13-beta.11 • Public • Published



import {
    } from '@icreate/ics-utils'
 * 例子:使用boolean下的equals方法
boolean.equals({ a: [2, { e: 3 }], b: [4], c: 'foo' }, { a: [2, { e: 3 }], b: [4]})


boolean 返回boolean

equals 两个值之间的深入比较,以确定它们是否相等
 * 两个值之间的深入比较,以确定它们是否相等
 * @param {Object} a
 * @param {Object} b
 * @returns {*}
 * @example
 equals({ a: [2, { e: 3 }], b: [4], c: 'foo' }, { a: [2, { e: 3 }], b: [4], c: 'foo' }); // true
hasOverflow 判断元素是否超出内容区(是否应该出现滚动条)
 * It checks if the target element has overflow content
 * @param {Element} element - DOM element target
 * @returns {boolean} true if the target element has overflow content
 * @example
 * <div class="box flex" style="widht: 100px;">
 *  <div style="width: 200px;">
 * </div>
 * hasOverflow(document.querySelector('.box'));
 * // true
hasScrollbar 判断元素是否出现了滚动条
 * It checks if the target element has scrollbar content considering css properties
 * @param {Element} element DOM target element
 * @returns {boolean} true if the element has scrollbar
 * @example
 * <div class="box flex" style="widht: 100px;overflow: auto;">
 *  <div style="width: 200px;">
 * </div>
 * hasOverflow(document.querySelector('.box'));
 * // true
hasValue 判断一个字符串是否有值
 * It checks if the string has value
 * @param {string} value string to be tested
 * @returns {boolean} true if the value is valid
hasValue('   ') // false
inRange 判断数字是否在两个数字中间
 * It checkes if the assigned value is within the given range (inclusive)
 * @param {number} value - value to be tested
 * @param {number} min min value
 * @param {number} max max value
 * @returns {boolean} true if the number is within the range
inRange(1, 2, 3 ) // false
inRange(4, 3, 5 ) // true
isDate 判断是否为日期格式
 * It checks if the assigned parameter is a valid date
 * @param {any} value
isDate(new Date()) // true
isArrayEmpty 判断数组是否为空
 * It checks if the array is empty
 * @param {any} value array to be tested
 * @returns {boolean} true if the array is empty
isArrayEmpty([]) // true
isArrayEmpty 判断对象是否为空
 * It checks if the array is empty
 * @param {any} value array to be tested
 * @returns {boolean} true if the array is empty
isObjectEmpty({}) // true
isImage 判断是否为图片类型(仅判断后缀名,并不能确定为真的图片)
 * It checks if the given value is an imageF
 * @param {string} value string to be tested
 * @returns {boolean} true if the given value is an image
isImage('ad.png') // true
isJSON 判断是否JSON格式
 * It checks if the given value is an imageF
 * @param {string} value string to be tested
 * @returns {boolean} true if the given value is an image
isJSON('a') // false
isMobile 判断设备是否为手机、pad等移动端设备
 * It checks if the current user agent is mobile
 * @returns {boolean} true if the user agent is mobile
isMobile() // true或者是false
isElement 判断是否为dom节点
 * It checks if assigned parameter is an element
 * @param {any} value object to be tested
 * @returns {boolean} true if the element is a valid node
<div class="box flex" style="widht: 100px;">
  <div style="width: 200px;">
isElement(document.querySelector('.box')) // true
isNumber 判断是否数字
 * It checks if assigned parameter is a number
 * @param {any} value any to be tested
 * @returns {boolean} true if the value is a valid number
isNumber(1) // true
isNumber('1') // true
isNumber('ss') // false
isObject 判断是否为对象
 * Simple object check
 * @param {any} value object to be tested
 * @returns {boolean} true if the value is an object but not an array
isObject({}) // true
isObject([]) // false
isRegex 判断是否为正则表达式
 * Simple object check
 * @param {any} value object to be tested
 * @returns {boolean} true if the value is an object but not an array
isRegex(/^s/) // true
isRegex('ss') // false
isString 判断是否为字符串string
 * It checks if the assigned parameter is a string
 * @param {any} value value to be tested
 * @returns {boolean} true if value is a string
isString('sss') // true
isString(111) // false
isString 判断是否为字符串string
 * It checks if the assigned parameter is a string
 * @param {any} value value to be tested
 * @returns {boolean} true if value is a string
isString('sss') // true
isString(111) // false
isURL 判断是否为合法的url地址
 * It checks if the assigned value is a valid URL
 * @param {string} value string to be tested
 * @returns {boolean} true if the value is a valid URL
isURL('sss') // false
isURL('[sss/ss](https://wenku.baidu.com)') // true
isCardId 是否为有效的身份证号,支持1/2代(15位/18位数字)
 * @param {string} val
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @example
 * isCardId('411423198807127834');
 * // => true
isCardId('sss') // false
isCardId('411423198807127834') // true
isChinese 是否为中文
 * @param {string} val
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @example
 * isCardId('411423198807127834');
 * // => true
isChinese('sss') // false
isChinese('是') // true
isEmpty 是否为空
 * 是否为空
 * 如果a值是空对象,集合,没有可枚举属性或任何不被视为集合的类型,则返回true。
 * {@link https://30secondsofcode.org/type#isempty}
 * @param val
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @example
 * isEmpty([]);
 * // => true
 * isEmpty({});
 * // => true
 * isEmpty('');
 * // => true
 * isEmpty([1, 2]);
 * // => false
 * isEmpty({ a: 1, b: 2 });
 * // => false
 * isEmpty('text');
 * // => false
 * isEmpty(123);
 * // => true - type is not considered a collection
 * isEmpty(true);
 * // => true - type is not considered a collection
isHTML 是否html标签
 * 是否为 HTML 标签
 * @since 1.2.4
 * @param {string} str
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @example
 * isHTML('<p>123</p>');
 *  // => true
 * isHTML('<p2>123</p2>');
 * // => true
isLeapYear 是否闰年
 * 是否为闰年
 * @param {number} val
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @example
 * isLeapYear(2000);
 * // => true
isLetters 是否为字母
 * 是否为字母
 * @param {string} val
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @example
 * isLetters('1234');
 * // => false
 * isLetters('avc');
 * // => true
isSpecialChar 检查是否为特殊字符
 * 检查是否为特殊字符
 * @param {string} value 正则校验的变量
 * @returns {boolean} 正则校验结果 true: 是特殊字符 false: 不是特殊字符
 * @example
 * isSpecialChar('1234');
 * // => false
 * isSpecialChar('%&');
 * // => true
isValidBase64Format 是否为有效的 base64格式
 * 是否为有效的 base64格式
 * @param {string} val
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @example
 * isValidBase64Format('')
 * => true
isValidChineseName 是否为有效的中文姓名
 * 是否为有效的中文姓名
 * @param val
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @example
 * isValidChineseName('葛二蛋');
 * // => true
 * isValidChineseName('凯文·杜兰特');
 * // => true
 * isValidChineseName('德克·维尔纳·诺维茨基');
 * // => true
isValidChineseTelephone 是否为有效的国内座机电话
 * 是否为有效的国内座机电话
 * @param {string} val
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @example
 * isValidChineseTelephone('0571-4211236');
 * // => true
 * isValidChineseTelephone('0341-86091234');
 * // => true
isValidEmail 是否为有效的邮箱地址
 * 是否为有效的邮箱地址<br>
 * 名称允许汉字、字母、数字,域名只允许英文域名<br>
 * 中文如:杨元庆001Abc@lenovo.com.cn
 * @param {string} val
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @example
 * isValidEmail('123456@qq.com');
 * // => true
isValidEmail 是否为有效的邮箱地址
 * 是否为有效的邮箱地址<br>
 * 名称允许汉字、字母、数字,域名只允许英文域名<br>
 * 中文如:杨元庆001Abc@lenovo.com.cn
 * @param {string} val
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @example
 * isValidEmail('123456@qq.com');
 * // => true
isValidEnglishName 是否为有效的英文姓名
 * 是否为有效的英文姓名
 * @param val
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @example
 * isValidEnglishName('James');
 * // => true
 * isValidEnglishName('Kevin Wayne Durant');
 * // => true
 * isValidEnglishName('Dirk Nowitzki');
 * // => true
isValidHexadecimalColor 是否为有效的16进制颜色
 * 是否为有效的16进制颜色
 * @param {string} val
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @example
 * isValidHexadecimalColor('#f00');
 * // => true
 * isValidHexadecimalColor('#fe9de8');
 * // => true
isValidIPV4 是否为有效的IP v4
 * 是否为有效的IP v4
 * @param {string} val
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @example
 * isValidIPV4('');
 * // => true
 * isValidIPV4('');
 * // => true
isValidIPV6 是否为有效的IP v6
 * 是否为有效的IP v6
 * @param {string} val
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @example
 * isValidIPV6('2031:0000:130f:0000:0000:09c0:876a:130b');
 * // => true
isValidSemverVersion 版本号格式必须为X.Y.Z
 * 版本号格式必须为X.Y.Z
 * @param {string} val
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @example
 * isValidSemverVersion('16.3.10');
 * // => true

Date 处理日期相关的方法

age 根据出生日期获取年龄
 * It convertes date to age value
 * @param {any} value birthday
 * @returns {number} age
age(new Date('1994-05-24')) // 27
compareTo 判断给定的两个日期是否相等
 * It checks if the given dates are equal
 * @param {date} a date
 * @param {date} b date
 * @returns {boolean} true if the dates are equal
compareTo(new Date('1994-05-24'), new Date('1994-05-24')) // true
compareDiff 返回两个时间的时间戳之差
 * @param {Date | number | string} a 
 * @param {Date | number | string} b 
 * @returns {number} 
compareDiff(new Date('1999-05-27'), new Date('1999-05-24')) 
toDateTime 把一个字符串变为时间格式
 * It converts a string to a Date Object
 * @param {string} value string date
 * @returns {Date} date

toDateTime('09-28') // Sun Dec 31 1899 09:28:00 GMT+0805 (中国标准时间)
formatDate Date 转化为指定格式的String
 * Date 转化为指定格式的String<br>
 * 月(M)、日(d)、12小时(h)、24小时(H)、分(m)、秒(s)、周(E)、季度(q)可以用 1-2 个占位符<br>
 * 年(y)可以用 1-4 个占位符,毫秒(S)只能用 1 个占位符(是 1-3 位的数字)
 * @param {string | number} date string支持形式:20160126 12:00:00,2016-01-26 12:00:00,2016.01.26 12:00:00,20160126,2016-01-26 12:00:00.0
 * @param {string} fmt
 * @returns {string}
 * @example
 * formatDate(Date.now(), 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.S');
 * // => 2006-07-02 08:09:04.423
 * formatDate(Date.now(), 'yyyy-MM-dd E HH:mm:ss');
 * // => 2009-03-10 二 20:09:04
 * formatDate(Date.now(), 'yyyy-MM-dd EE hh:mm:ss');
 * // => 2009-03-10 周二 08:09:04
 * formatDate(Date.now(), 'yyyy-MM-dd EEE hh:mm:ss');
 * // => 2009-03-10 星期二 08:09:04
 * formatDate(Date.now(), 'yyyy-M-d h:m:s.S')
 * // => 2006-7-2 8:9:4.18
// interface dynamicObj {
//   [key: string]: any
// }
formatTimeAgo 将时间转化为几天前,几小时前,几分钟前
 * 将时间转化为几天前,几小时前,几分钟前
 * @param {number} ms
 * @returns {*}
 * @example
 * formatTimeAgo(1505232000000);
 * // => 1天前
getDayOfYear 获取某个日期是当年中的第几天
 * 获取某个日期是当年中的第几天
 * @since 1.2.4
 * @param time
 * @returns {number}
 * @example
 * getDayOfYear('2014-01-10')
 * => 10
getFirstDayOfYear 获取某年的第一天
 * 获取某年的第一天
 * @param time
 * @returns {string}
 * @example
 * getFirstDayOfYear(new Date())
 * => '2022-01-01 00:00:00
getDayOfYearWeek 获取某个日期在这一年的第几周
 * 获取某个日期在这一年的第几周
 * @since 1.2.4
 * @param time
 * @returns {number}
 * @example
 * getDayOfYearWeek('2014-01-10')
 * => 2
getDayOfYearWeek 返回指定长度的天数集合
 * 返回指定长度的天数集合
 * 摘自:https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000013041329
 * @param  {time} 时间
 * @param  {len} 长度
 * @param  {direction} 方向:  1: 前几天;  2: 后几天;  3:前后几天  默认 3
 * @return {Array} 数组
 * @example
 * getDays('2018-1-29', 6, 1)
 * // => ["2018-1-26", "2018-1-27", "2018-1-28", "2018-1-29", "2018-1-30", "2018-1-31", "2018-2-1"]
getDiffDay 得到两个时间的时间差(返回天数)
 * 得到两个时间的时间差(返回天数)
 * @since 1.0.7
 * @param {number} startDay 开始时间戳
 * @param {number} endDay   结束时间戳
 * @returns {number}
 * @example
 * getDiffDay(1501516800000, 1504195200000);
 * // => 31
getMonthOfDay 获取某月有多少天
 * 获取某月有多少天
 * 摘自:https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000013041329
 * @param  {time} 时间
 * @return {number} 天数
 * @example
 * getMonthOfDay('2018-1-29')
 * // => 31
getMonths 返回指定长度的月份集合
 * 返回指定长度的月份集合
 * 摘自:https://segmentfault.com/a/1190000013041329
 * @param  {time} 时间
 * @param  {len} 长度
 * @param  {direction} 方向:  1: 前几个月;  2: 后几个月;  3:前后几个月  默认 3
 * @return {Array} 数组
 * @example
 * getMonths('2018-1-29', 6, 1)
 * // => ["2018-1", "2017-12", "2017-11", "2017-10", "2017-9", "2017-8", "2017-7"]
getYearOfDay 获取某年有多少天
 * 获取某年有多少天
 * @since 1.2.4
 * @param time
 * @returns {number}
 * @example
 * getYearOfDay('2014')
 * => 365
fromISO It converts ISO date string to Date
 * It converts ISO date string to Date
 * @param {string} value utc string
 * @returns {Date} Date
fromISO('+2022-05-20T07:29:48.210Z') // Fri May 20 2022 19:29:48 GMT+0800 (中国标准时间)
toISO It returns the ISO date
 * It returns the ISO date (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ or ±YYYYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ)
 * @param {Date} value
 * @returns {string} ISO date
toISO(new Date()) //'2022-05-20T07:29:48.210Z'
toTimestamp 获取时间戳
 * It returns the timestamp of the date
 * @param {Date} value
 * @returns {number} respective timestamp
toTimestamp(new Date()) // 1653032030336

node dom节点相关的方法

addClass 元素添加某个class
 * dom操作,元素添加某个class
 * @since 1.1.5
 * @param el HTML元素
 * @param cls css类名
 * @example
 * <div class="box flex"></div>
 * addClass(document.querySelector('.box'), 'flex1');
 * // => <div class="box flex flex1"></div>
trigger 元素触发事件
 * It manually triggers a determined event
 * @param {Element} element DOM element target
 * @param {string} element event name to be triggered
 * @param {boolean} bubbles 是否冒泡
 * <div class="box flex"></div>
trigger(document.querySelector('.box'), 'click', false);
// 表示触发.box 元素click事件,不冒泡
trigger 元素是包含某个 class
 * Dom 操作,元素是包含某个 class
 * @since 1.1.5
 * @param el HTML元素
 * @param cls css类名
 * @returns {boolean}
 * @example
 * <div class="box flex"></div>
 * hasClass(document.querySelector('.box'), 'flex');
 * // => true
indexOf 找到元素是兄弟元素的第几个
 * It gets the index of the element
 * @param {Element} element - DOM element target
 * @returns {number} index
<div class="box flex">
    <div class="item1"></div>
    <div class="item2"></div>
    <div class="item3"></div>
indexOf(document.querySelector('.item1')) // 0
insertBefore 在目标元素前插入元素
 * It inserts element before another
 * @param {Element} element - DOM element target
 * @param {Element} node - element to be inserted
<div class="box flex">
    <div class="item1"></div>
    <div class="item2"></div>
insertBefore(document.querySelector('.item1'), '<div class="item3"></div>')
// <div class="box flex">
//     <div class="item3"></div>
//     <div class="item1"></div>
//     <div class="item2"></div>
// </div>
insertAfter 在目标元素后插入元素
 * It inserts element after another
 * @param {Element} element - DOM element target
 * @param {Element} node - element to be inserted
<div class="box flex">
    <div class="item1"></div>
    <div class="item2"></div>
insertAfter(document.querySelector('.item1'), '<div class="item3"></div>')
// <div class="box flex">
//     <div class="item1"></div>
//     <div class="item3"></div>
//     <div class="item2"></div>
// </div>
offset 获取元素距离上、左的距离
 * It returns the absolute position of the element taking the scroll in considerantion
 * @param {Element} element DOM element target
 * @returns {object} { top: number, left: number }
<div class="box flex">
insertAfter(document.querySelector('.box')) // { top: number, left: number }
outerHeight 获取元素占的高度
 * It calculates the outer height of the element
 * @param {Element} element DOM element target
 * @returns {number} height of the element (within margin)
<div class="box flex" style="height: 100px;margin-top: 20px;">
outerHeight(document.querySelector('.box')) // 120
getProperty 获取元素指定属性的值
 * It returns a determined property from the given element
 * @param {Element} element DOM element target
 * @param {string} property property name
 * @returns {string} property value
<div class="box flex" data-id="s1sss">
getProperty(document.querySelector('.box'), 'data-id') // s1sss
removeClass 元素删除某个 class
 * Dom 操作,元素删除某个 class
 * @since 1.1.5
 * @param el HTML元素
 * @param cls css类名
 * @example
 * <div class="box flex"></div>
 * removeClass(document.querySelector('.box'), 'flex');
 * // => <div class="box"></div>
scrollToTop 滚动到顶部
 * 滚动到顶部
 * 使用document.documentElement.scrollTop或document.body.scrollTop获取到顶部的距离。从顶部滚动一小部分距离。
 * @since 1.2.1
 * @example
 * scrollToTop();
inViewport 判断元素是否在可视范围内
 * It checks whether the target element is in viewport
 * @param {Element} element DOM element target
 * @returns {boolean} true if the element is in viewport
<div class="box flex" style="height: 100px;margin-top: 20px;">
inViewport(document.querySelector('.box')) // true || false
find 根据给定的元素或其本身遍历查找元素
 * It walks the tree to find the element based on the given selector or itself
 * @param {Element} element DOM root element
 * @param {string} selector DOM selector
 * @param {boolean} all (default false)
 * @returns {Element} element that matches the selector and if all is true, it might returns more than one element
<div class="box flex">
    <div class="item1"></div>
    <div class="item2"></div>
find(document.querySelector('.box'), '.item1', true)
//  <div class="item1"></div>
//  <div class="item2"></div>
closest 找到给定元素的父元素
 * It moves backwards on the tree throught the parent nodes
 * @param {Element} element DOM root element
 * @param {string} selector DOM selector
 * @returns {Element} if finds an element which matches the selector, otherwise returns null
<div class="box flex">
    <div class="item1"></div>
    <div class="item2"></div>
matches 递归搜索与给定选择器匹配的元素
 * It searchs for elements that matches the given selector (recursively)
 * @param {Element} element DOM root element
 * @param {string} selector DOM selector
 * @returns {Element} if finds an element which matches the selector, otherwise returns null
forward 它在树上通过兄弟元素向前移动
 * It moves forward on the tree throught the sibling elements
 * @param {Element} element DOM root element
 * @param {string} selector DOM selector
 * @returns {Element} if finds an element which matches the selector, otherwise returns null
backward 它在树上通过兄弟元素向后移动
 * It moves backward on the tree throught the sibling elements
 * @param {Element} element DOM root element
 * @param {string} selector DOM selector
 * @returns {Element} if finds an element which matches the selector, otherwise returns null

number 数字类型相关处理方法

changeMoneyToChinese 数字金额大写转换
 * 数字金额大写转换
 * @since 1.2.5
 * @param n
 * @returns {string}
 * @example
 * changeMoneyToChinese(100111);
 * => "壹拾万零壹佰壹拾壹元整"
 * changeMoneyToChinese(7.52);
 * => "柒元伍角贰分"
 * changeMoneyToChinese(951434677682.00);
 * => "玖仟伍佰壹拾肆亿叁仟肆佰陆拾柒万柒仟陆佰捌拾贰元整"
formatNumber 格式化数字、金额、千分位、保留几位小数、舍入舍去
 * 格式化数字、金额、千分位、保留几位小数、舍入舍去
 * @since 1.0.7
 * @param number 要格式化的数字
 * @param decimals 保留几位小数
 * @param decPoint 小数点符号
 * @param thousandsSep 千分位符号
 * @param roundTag 舍入参数,默认 'ceil' 向上取,'floor'向下取,'round' 四舍五入
 * @returns {XML|void|*|string}
 * @example
 * formatNumber(2, 2, '.', ',');
 * // => 2.00
getRandomInt 获取max与min之间的随机数
 * 获取max与min之间的随机数
 * @param {number} min
 * @param {number} max
 * @returns {*}
 * @example
 * getRandomInt(1, 9);
 * // => 2
minmax 获取两个参数组成的[最小值, 最大值]数组
 * It checks if the given values are valid and garantizes that min < max
 * @param {number} min min value
 * @param {number} max max value
 * @returns {array} [min, max]
numberToChinese 数字转换成中文的大写数字
 * 数字转换成中文的大写数字
 * @since 1.2.5
 * @param num
 * @returns {string}
 * @example
 * numberToChinese(10001010);
 * => "一千万一千一十"
pad 给数字添加前置的0
 * It adds leading zeros
 * @param {number} value number to be filled with leading zeros
 * @param {number} size result length (default 2)
 * @returns {string} value if the leading zeros
pad(3, 3) //'003'
prettyBytes 将字节转换成友好格式,如Bytes,KB,MB
 * 将字节转换成友好格式,如Bytes,KB,MB
 * @param num
 * @param precision 3位数字的默认精度
 * @param addSpace 默认情况下在数字和单位之间添加空格
 * @returns {string}
 * {@link https://www.30secondsofcode.org/js/s/pretty-bytes}
 * @example
 * prettyBytes(10000)
 * // => '1 KB'
 * // prettyBytes(-27145424323.5821, 5);
 * // => '-27.145 GB'
 * // prettyBytes(123456789, 3, false);
 * // => '123MB'
preZeroFill 对整数进行前置补0
 * 对整数进行前置补0
 * @param {number} num 数值
 * @param {number} size 要补0的位数
 * @returns {string}
 * @example
 * preZeroFill(12, 3);
 * // => 012
random 获取两个数之间的随机数
 * It generates a random value (decimal) between min and max
 * @param {number} min min value (default MIN_VALUE)
 * @param {number} max max value (default MAX_VALUE)
 * @returns {number} random value
randomDecimal (1, 5) // 1.4016161022088092
time 将秒转换为天、小时、分钟、秒
 * It converts seconds to days, hours, minutes, seconds
 * @param {number} value time to be converted (in seconds)
 * @returns {any} an object containing the count of days, hours, minutes and seconds or the value itself
time(11111) // {hour: 3, min: 5, sec: 11}
toTimeString 将秒转换时间字符串
 * It converts seconds to time string (00:00:00)
 * @param {number} value time to be converted (in seconds)
 * @returns {string} an object containing the count of days, hours, minutes and seconds as string
toTimeString(1111) // '18:31'
strip 将数字去掉到最接近的右边数字
 * 将数字去掉到最接近的右边数字
 * @param {number}
 * @returns {number}
strip(0.09999999999999998) // = 0.1
plus 数字求和
 * addition, num + num2 + num3, two numbers is required at least
 * @param {number}
 * @returns {number}
plus(0.1, 0.2) // = 0.3, not 0.30000000000000004
minus 数字求差
 * subtraction, num1 - num2 - num3
 * @param {number}
 * @returns {number}
minus(1.0, 0.9) // = 0.1, not 0.09999999999999998
times 数字积运算
 * multiplication, num1 * num2 * num3
 * @param {number}
 * @returns {number}
times(3, 0.3) // = 0.9, not 0.8999999999999999
divide 数字商运算
 * division, num1 / num2 / num3
 * @param {number}
 * @returns {number}
divide(1.21, 1.1) // = 1.1, not 1.0999999999999999
round 基于比率舍入数字
 * round a number based on ratio
 * @param {number}
 * @returns {number}
round(0.105, 2) // = 0.11, not 0.1

object 对象相关的方法

createNamespace 创建命名空间
/* Creates a name namespace.
 *  Example:
 *  var taskService = createNamespace(ics, 'services.task');
 *  taskService will be equal to ics.services.task
 *  first argument (root) must be defined first
deepMerge 将两个对象,深度合并
 * Deep merge two objects
 * @param {object} original original object
 * @param {object} params object to be merged
 * @returns {object} merged object

deepMerge({a: 1, b: {x: 2}}, {a: 1, b: {y: 2}}) // {a: 1, b: {x: 2, y: 2}}
deepClone 深层克隆对象
 * 深层克隆对象
 * @param obj
 * @returns {*}
 * @example
 * const a = { foo: 'bar', obj: { a: 1, b: 2 } };
 * const b = deepClone(a);
 * // => a !== b, a.obj !== b.obj
extend 将from所有的键值对都添加到to上面去,返回to
 * 将from所有的键值对都添加到to上面去,返回to
 * @param {Object} to
 * @param {Object} from
 * @returns {*}
 * @example
 * const from = {mobile: '15858264903', nickname: 'liwb'};
 * const to = {nickname: 'cklwb'};
 * extend(to, from);
 * // => {nickname: "liwb", mobile: "15858264903"}
getIn 深度获取对象值
 * 主动防御
 * 对于我们操作的数据,尤其是由 API 接口返回的,时常会有一个很复杂的深层嵌套的数据结构。为了代码的健壮性,很多时候需要对每一层访问都作空值判断,就像这样:
 props.user &&
 props.user.posts &&
 props.user.posts[0] &&
 props.user.posts[0].comments &&
 * @param p 属性列表
 * @param o 对象
 * @returns {*} 如果正常访问到,则返回对应的值,否则返回 null。
 * @example
 * var props = {
 *  user: {
 *    post: [{
 *      comments: 'test'
 *    }]
 *  }
 * };
 * getIn(['user', 'post', 0, 'comments'], props);
 * // => test
objectFromPairs 数组转换为键值对的对象
 * 数组转换为键值对的对象
 * @since 1.2.1
 * @param array
 * @returns {*}
 * @example
 * objectFromPairs([['a',1],['b',2]]);
 * // => {a: 1, b: 2}
objectToPairs 对象转化为键值对
 * 对象转化为键值对
 * 使用 Object.keys() 和 Array.map() 遍历对象的键并生成一个包含键值对的数组。
 * @param obj
 * @returns {any[][]}
 * @example
 * objectToPairs({ a: 1, b: 2 });
 * // => [['a',1],['b',2]]
parser 键值对转化为对象
 * It parses a form to pair-value object
 * @param {[Object]} form form array
 * @returns {Object} form oject or {} if there is no values to parse
 * @example
 * parser([['a',1],['b',2]]);
 * // => { a: 1, b: 2 }
swap 交换数组中的两个值
 * It swaps two elements inside an array
 * @param {object} elements array
 * @param {number} from index
 * @param {number} to index
 * @returns {object} new array
swap([1,2,3,4]) // [1, 4, 3, 2]

string 字符串方法

CamelCasetoKebab 驼峰转短横线
CamelCasetoKebab('carId') // car-id
KebabtoCamelCase 短横线转小驼峰
KebabtoCamelCase('car-id') // carId
KebabtoPascalCase 短横线转大驼峰
KebabtoPascalCase('car-id') // CarId
capitalizes 大写首字母
 * It capitalizes the given string
 * @param {string} value value to be capitalized
 * @returns {string} captalized value
capitalizes(car) // Car
toRGB 将hex颜色转为rgb颜色
 * It converts an Hex color to a RGB color
 * @param {string} value - Hex color with or without `#`
 * @return {object?} { r: number, g: number, b: number } or undefined if does not match
toRGB('#4e6ef2') // { r: 78, g: 110, b: 242 }
toHex 将rgb颜色转为hex颜色
 * It converts an RGB color to an Hex color
 * @param {string} value RGB color
 * @param {string} prefix default value '#'
 * @return {string} Hex color or the entered value
toHex ('78,110,242') // #4E6EF2
getContrast 为给定背景确定最合适的文本颜色
 * It determines the most appropriate text color for the given background
 * @param {string} value - background color (RGB color string)
 * @param {string} light color when light (default #fff)
 * @param {string} dark color when dark (default #000)
 * @returns {string} the color with the most appropriate contrast
getContrast ({ r: 78, g: 110, b: 242 }) //'#fff'
filesize 获取文件大小
 * It converts filesize from bytes to gigabytes, megabytes, kilobytes and bytes
 * @param {number} value value to be converted to string
 * @param {number} base default 1024
 * @returns {string} string representation of the filesize
formatDateToTimeStamp 获取指定时间unix时间戳
 * 获取指定时间unix时间戳
 * @param {string} time
 * @returns {number}
 * @example
 * formatDateToTimeStamp('20160126 12:00:00');
 * // => 1453780800000
 * formatDateToTimeStamp('2016-01-26 12:00:00');
 * // => 1453780800000
 * formatDateToTimeStamp('2016.01.26 12:00:00');
 * // => 1453780800000
 * formatDateToTimeStamp('20160126');
 * // => 1453737600000
 * formatDateToTimeStamp('2016-01-26 12:00:00.0');
 * // => 1453780800000
formatMoney 用符号(默认为逗号)格式化金钱
 * 用符号(默认为逗号)格式化金钱
 * @param {string} val
 * @param {string} symbol 默认`,`
 * @returns {string|*|XML|void}
 * @example
 * formatMoney('1234567890');
 * // => 1,234,567,890
formatPhone 手机号码中间部分替换成指定符号
 * 手机号码中间部分替换成指定符号
 * @param {string} phone
 * @param {string} symbol 默认为`*`
 * @returns {string|*|XML|void}
 * @example
 * formatPhone('15858264903');
 * // => 158****4903
/* Formats a string just like string.format in C#.
 *  Example:
 *  formatString('Hello {0}','Tuana') = 'Hello Tuana'
generateGUID 生成guid
 * 生成guid
 * @returns {string}
 * @example
 * generateGUID();
 * // => 1e508ed6-6177-498d-c2a3-467f546db6ab
getImgBase64 获取图片的base64 url
 * 获取图片的base64 url
 * @param {string} url 图片url
 * @returns {Promise} 图片base64信息
getLocationHrefParam 获取location.href参数
 * 获取location.href参数
 * @param {string} name
 * @returns {*}
 * @example
 * window.location.href = 'http://www.baidu.com/?a=1&b=2';
 * getLocationHrefParam('a');
 * // => 1
getLocationSearchParam 获取location.search的参数
 * 获取location.search的参数
 * @param {string} name
 * @returns {*}
 * @example
 * window.location.href = 'http://www.baidu.com/?a=1&b=2';
 * getLocationSearchParam('a');
 * // => 1
getURLParameters 获取网址参数
 * 获取网址参数
 * @param {string} url
 * @returns {{}} 返回包含当前URL参数的对象。
 * @example
 * getURLParameters('http://url.com/page?name=Adam&surname=Smith');
 * => // {name: 'Adam', surname: 'Smith'}
htmlDecode html字符解码
 * html字符解码
 * @param {string} str
 * @returns {string}
 * @example
 * htmlDecode('&lt;script&gt;');
 * // => <script>
htmlEncode html字符编码
 * html字符编码
 * @param {string} str
 * @returns {string}
 * @example
 * htmlEncode('<script>');
 * // => &lt;script&gt;
formattedJSON 转化为json字符串
 * It makes JSON string "prettier"
 * @param {string} value JSON to be formatted
 * @param {number} spaces indentation
 * @returns {string} formatted JSON
md5 md5加密
 * @description:md5加密
 * @param {string} message 字符串
 * @return {sting} MD5加密字符串
normalize 去掉读音符号
 * It removes all the accentuation
 * @param {string} value to be replaced
 * @returns {string} formatted value
normalize('ÁÀÂÃÄ') // AAAAA
objectId 生成对象的唯一id
 * It generates ObjectId (mongodb)
 * @param {Math} math
 * @param {DateConstructor} date
 * @param {Function} callback
 * @returns {string}
objectId() // 628756d34d6d7a5336ffa473
replaceAll 替换字符串
/* Find and replaces a string (search) to another string (replacement) in
 *  given string (str).
 *  Example:
 *  replaceAll('This is a test string', 'is', 'X') = 'ThX X a test string'
toCamelCaseVar 下划线转换小驼峰
 * 下划线转换小驼峰
 * @param {string} variable
 * @returns {string}
 * @example
 * toCamelCaseVar('get_account_list');
 * // => getAccountList
generateCode 生成一个指定长度的只有数字的token
 * It generates a token with a determined length with only numbers (0-9)
 * @param {number} len length of the code
 * @returns {string} generated token
generateCode(5) // '27565'
generateKey 生成一个指定长度的只有数字(不含0)和字母的token
 * It generates a token with a determined length with only letters and numbers excluding zero
 * @param {number} len length of the code
 * @returns {string} generated token
generateKey (5) // 'jYSPJ'
toNonExponential 科学计数法转化为数值字符串形式
 * 科学计数法转化为数值字符串形式
 * @param {number} num
 * @returns {string}
 * @example
 * toNonExponential(3.3e-7);
 * => // "0.00000033"
 * toNonExponential(3e-7);
 * => // "0.0000003"
 * toNonExponential(1.401e10);
 * => // "14010000000"
 * toNonExponential(0.0004);
 * => // "0.0004"
toNumber 转数字
 * 转数字
 * @param val
 * @returns {*|number}
 * @example
 * toNumber(1.2);
 * => // 1.2
toUnderlineVar 驼峰转换下划线
 * 驼峰转换下划线
 * @param {string} variable
 * @returns {string}
 * @example
 * toUnderlineVar('getAccountList');
 * // => get_account_list
toZhCN 把字符串或数字转换为中文大写的金额
 * toZhCN 把字符串转成以分为单位的整数。
 * @param {number|string} num 金额
 * @returns {string} 中文大写的金额, 标准会计格式
 * @example
 * toZhCN(500.3);
 * // => 伍佰元叁角整
allTrim 去除字符串所有空格
trim 去除字符串前后空格
leftTrim 去除字符串前空格
rightTrim 去除字符串后空格
truncateString 从首位开始截取字符串
 * truncateString 从首位开始截取字符串
 * @param {string} 
 * @param {number} maxLength 截取长度
 * @returns {string} 截取的字符串
truncateString('abc', 2) // 'ab'
truncateStringWithPostfix 从首位开始截取字符串并拼接指定字符串
 * truncateStringWithPostfix 从首位开始截取字符串并拼接指定字符串
 * @param {string} 
 * @param {number} maxLength 截取长度
 * @param {string} postfix 拼接字符串
 * @returns {string} 拼接后的字符串
truncateStringWithPostfix('abc', 1, 'xyz') // x
uniqueId 生成唯一的ID
 * It generates a random and unique value
 * @returns {string} unique value
uniqueId () // 'fsfoyh57hkw'
getStrokeCode 获取五笔码
 * @returns {string}  value
getStrokeCode ('你好') // 'WV'
getFirstSpell getFullSpell 拼音码首拼、全拼
 * @returns {string}  value
getFirstSpell ('你好') // 'NH'
getFullSpell ('你好') // 'nihao'
URLJoin 拼接url
 * URLJoin
 * @param args
 * @returns {string}
 * @description
 * Joins all given URL segments together, then normalizes the resulting URL.

 Use String.prototype.join('/') to combine URL segments, then a series of String.prototype.replace() calls with various regexps to normalize the resulting URL (remove double slashes, add proper slashes for protocol, remove slashes before parameters, combine parameters with '&' and normalize first parameter delimiter).
 * @example
 * URLJoin('http://www.google.com', 'a', '/b/cd', '?foo=123', '?bar=foo');
 * // => 'http://www.google.com/a/b/cd?foo=123&bar=foo'
 * URLJoin
 * @param workerId 标识ID
 * @param dataCenterId 机器ID
 * @returns {string}
 * @description
 * Joins all given URL segments together, then normalizes the resulting URL.

 Use String.prototype.join('/') to combine URL segments, then a series of String.prototype.replace() calls with various regexps to normalize the resulting URL (remove double slashes, add proper slashes for protocol, remove slashes before parameters, combine parameters with '&' and normalize first parameter delimiter).
 * @example
    const { SnowFlake } = string
    const snowflake = new SnowFlake(1, 1, 0)
 * URLJoin
 * @param id 身份证号
 * @returns   {
    valid: true,
    validMsg: '',
    birthday: '',
    sex: '',
    age: 0
 * @description
 * @example

system 系统相关方法

buildQueryString 设置cookie
 * Sets a cookie value for given key.
 * This is a simple implementation created to be used by ics.
 * Please use a complete cookie library if you need.
 * @param {string} key
 * @param {string} value
 * @param {Date} expireDate (optional). If not specified the cookie will expire at the end of session.
 * @param {string} path (optional)
buildQueryString('name', 'dengliu2', new Date('2024-06-28'), 'system')
getCookieValue 获取cookie
 * Gets a cookie with given key.
 * This is a simple implementation created to be used by ics.
 * Please use a complete cookie library if you need.
 * @param {string} key
 * @returns {string} Cookie value or null
getCookieValue('name') // 'dengliu2;path=system'
deleteCookie 删除cookie
 * @param {string} key
getBrowser 获取浏览器的类型和版本号
 * 获取浏览器的类型和版本号
 * @returns {{type: string, version: string}}
 * @example
 * getBrowser();
 * // => {type: "chrome", version: "60.0.3112.101"}
getDevice 获取移动设备信息,如是否是iOS,android等
 * 获取移动设备信息,如是否是iOS,android等
 * @returns {{}}
 * @example
 * getDevice();
 * // => {"androidChrome":false,"ipad":false,"iphone":true,"android":false,"ios":true,"os":"ios","osVersion":"9.1","webView":null}
getPixelRatio 获取设备像素比
 * 获取设备像素比
 * @returns {number}
 * @example
 * // window.navigator.appVersion(5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 9_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/601.1.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0 Mobile/13B143 Safari/601.1)
 * getPixelRatio();
 * // => 2
htmlEscape html标签转义
 * Escape HTML to help prevent XSS attacks.
htmlEscape('<>') // '&lt;&gt;'
photoCompress 图片压缩
 * 图片压缩
 * @param  {string}   file [压缩文件]
 * @param  {object}   obj [压缩参数]
 * @param  {function} cb   [回调函数]
 * @return {string}        [返回压缩前和压缩后的格式]

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