TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.1.0 • Public • Published


A utility for retrieving the type of a JS value.


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// ES6 Import
import typeOf from "@ibnlanre/typeof"

// NodeJS Require
const typeOf = require("@ibnlanre/typeof");


typeOf([1, "two", 3]) // array
typeOf(JSON, { quirksMode: true }) // object
typeOf(async() => {}) // function
typeOf(new Set([0])[Symbol.iterator]()) // setiterator


You can also use typeOf within the browser, but only as a module.

<script src="http://unpkg.com/@ibnlanre/typeof" type="module">
  // CDN Service

<script src="./node_modules/@ibnlanre/typeof" type="module">
  // PKG manager
  console.log(typeOf(null)) // null


Some JavaScript Standard Built-ins compared with { quirkMode: true } results.

  • Primitives

    typeOf(NaN) // number
    typeOf(-Infinity) // number
    typeOf(0) // number
    typeOf(new Number(1)) // number
    typeOf(2n) // bigint
    typeOf(BigInt(3)) // bigint
    typeOf("type") // string
    typeOf(new String("of")) // string
    typeOf(false) // boolean
    typeOf(new Boolean(true)) // boolean
    typeOf(new Object(1 > 2)) // boolean
    typeOf(Symbol("bar")) // symbol
    typeOf(undefined) // undefined
    typeOf(null) // null
  • Functions

    typeOf(Object) // function
    typeOf(new Function()) // function
    typeOf((function () { return arguments })()) // arguments
    typeOf(() => { }) // function
  • Control Abstractions

    typeOf(function*() {}) // generatorfunction
    typeOf((function*(x) { yield x })(0)) // generator
    typeOf(new Set([0, 9, 8])[Symbol.iterator]()) // setiterator
    typeOf(async() => { await 0 }) // asyncfunction
  • Objects

    typeOf({ a: "apple", b: "ball" }) // object
    typeOf(new Object()) // object
    typeOf(new (class Library {})(), { quirksMode: true }) // library
    typeOf(new (class Library {})()) // object
    typeOf(/regEx/m) // regexp
    typeOf(new RegExp(/u/, "ig")) // regexp
    typeOf(new Date()) // date
  • Global Properties

    typeOf(globalThis) // global
    typeOf(globalThis, { quirksMode: true }) // object
    // NodeJS
    typeOf(global, { quirksMode: true }) // object
    typeOf(global), // global
  • Math

    typeOf(Math) // math
    typeOf(Math, { quirksMode: true }) // object
  • JSON

    typeOf(JSON, { quirksMode: true }) // object
    typeOf(JSON) // json
  • Error Objects

    typeOf(new Error()) // error
    typeOf(new SyntaxError()) // error
    typeOf(new SyntaxError(), { quirksMode: true }) // syntaxerror
  • Array

    typeOf([1, "two"]) // array
    typeOf(new Array()) // array
  • Structured Data

    typeOf(new ArrayBuffer()) // arraybuffer
    typeOf(new DataView(new ArrayBuffer())) // dataview
  • Keyed Collections

    typeOf(new Map()) // map
    typeOf(new WeakMap()) // weakmap
    typeOf(new Set()) // set
    typeOf(new WeakSet()) // weakset
  • Typed DataViews

    typeOf(new Int8Array()) //  int8array
    typeOf(new Uint8Array()) // uint8array
    typeOf(new Uint8ClampedArray()) // uint8clampedarray
    typeOf(new Int16Array()) // int16array
    typeOf(new Uint16Array()) // uint16array
    typeOf(new Int32Array()) // int32array
    typeOf(new Uint32Array()) // uint32array
    typeOf(new Float32Array()) // float32array
    typeOf(new Float64Array()) // float64array
    typeOf(new BigInt64Array()) // bigint64array
    typeOf(new BigUint64Array()) // biguint64array
  • Buffer

    // NodeJS
    typeOf(Buffer.from("abc"), { quirksMode: true }) // buffer
    typeOf(Buffer.from("abc")) // uint8array

Custom Type

You may also use Symbol.toStringTag to change an object's return value

const testObject = {};
testObject[Symbol.toStringTag] = "customType";
typeOf(testObject, { quirksMode: true }) // object
typeOf(testObject) // customtype

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