TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.1.6 • Public • Published

Built With Stencil

Hubert Widget

The official Hubert interview web widget

Features included:

  • Clients without an Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) can use the Hubert Interview Platform to carry out and assist in their recruitment processes.
  • Install on anywhere with the power of web components.
  • Near native look and feel to match your website.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

Install via a CDN

For now we recommend installing the widget via a CDN. We are working on making it available via npm.

Using unpkg :

<script type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/@hubertai/interview-widget/dist/esm/interview-widget.js"></script>
<script nomodule src="https://unpkg.com/@hubertai/interview-widget/dist/index.js"></script>

Using jsdelivr :

<script type="module" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@hubertai/interview-widget/dist/esm/interview-widget.js"></script>
<script nomodule src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@hubertai/interview-widget/dist/index.js"></script>

Add the component CSS

Add the CSS file at the end of your head to make sure it doesn't get overidden by any of your site's styles.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@hubertai/interview-widget/dist/hubert-widget.css">


There are 2 steps in order for the component to work as expected.

In your HTML, Template or JSX include the following

<hubert-apply job-id="<your-job-id>">
    Start interview

Important to note that even in your JSX, the props must be in kebab-case. (separated by a '-') since the interview widget is built on the native web components spec

Add a script to initialise the hubert-apply component with the necessary props

    (async () => {
        await customElements.whenDefined('hubert-apply')
        const button = document.querySelector('hubert-apply')
            // ... pass your configuration here

For information on the configuration object, see the Configuration section below.


The configuration object is passed to the init method of the hubert-apply component.

Name Type Description
type ats | no-ats The type of the client. If you have an ATS, use ats. If you don't have an ATS, use no-ats.

No ATS Configuration

If you use type: "no-ats" in the configuration object, you do not need to provide any additional configuration beyond the type property and the job-id attribute on the widget.

ATS Configuration

If you use type: "ats" in the configuration object, you will need to provide the following additional configuration.

Name Type Description
name "intelliplan" | "uniflex" The name of your ATS (more support coming soon)
clientId string Your client ID registered with Hubert
jobTitle string The title to be displayed on our Pre-Interview page

Configuring with Intelliplan

If you are a user of the Intelliplan ATS, you will need to provide the following additional configuration.

Name Type Description
jobAdId string Job AD ID attached to your Intelliplan specified job.

Element Attributes

These props will be passed ot the component directly in the HTML.

Name Type Default Description
job-id string - (required) The ID of the job you want to start an interview for.
disable-overlay boolean false If set to true, the widget will not open in an overlay and will instead open in a new tab.
open-in popup | tab popup If set to popup, the widget will open in a popup window. If set to tab, the widget will open in a new tab.
  • When disable-overlay is true,
    open-in uses tab
locale string en_us Sets the locale of the widget, however the language of the interview flow is not determined by this attribute.
Supported locales
  • en_us (default)
  • sv_se


You can style the widget to match your website's look and feel. Below are the CSS classes you would need to target.


Styles applied to main hub-apply


Styles applied to the overlay that opens when the widget is clicked


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    npm i @hubertai/interview-widget

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