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This package has moved to @commonshost/cli See:


2.2.3 • Public • Published

@http2/live 🐿

Command line interface for the Http2live service.


Global Installation

Registers the command in the system PATH. Convenient for command line use.

npm install --global @http2/live

Local Installation

Adds the package to the package.json devDependencies. Useful when deploying using npm scripts. Avoids conflicts between multiple projects using incompatible versions of the command.

npm install --development @http2/live


Run http2live if you globally installed. Run ./node_modules/.bin/http2live if you locally installed.

Create an account

$ http2live signup

? Email address:
? Username: babayaga
? Password: ***************
 ✔ Registering account
 ✔ Creating new authentication token
 ✔ Saving credentials

Use an existing account

$ http2live login

? Username or email address: babayaga
? Password: [hidden]
 ✔ Authenticating
 ✔ Saving token

Deploy a static web site

$ http2live deploy --domain --root ./ --confirm

To cancel, press Ctrl+C.


   Directory:  /Users/johnw/blog/public
   File count: 14
   Total size: 24 kB
   Options:    default

 ✔ Uploading

Deployment successful!


Command: signup

Alias: register

Register a new account.

--username ""

Email or username for the account.

Optional. If supplied the prompt for this value will be skipped.

--password "secret"

Secret password key for the account.

Optional. If supplied the prompt for this value will be skipped.

Command: login

Alias: signin

Authenticates the account credentials. Only one account is signed-in at a time.

--email ""

Email for the account.

If supplied as an option, the prompt for this value will be skipped.

--username "janedoe"

Username for the account.

If supplied as an option, the prompt for this value will be skipped.

--password "secret"

Secret password key for the account.

If supplied as an option, the prompt for this value will be skipped.

Command: logout

Alias: signout

Clears the access token. Does not affect published sites.

Command: whoami

Display currently authenticated username or email.

Command: deploy

Aliases: publish, serve, sync, upload

Transfer static files and configuration options to the service.

--domain ""

Domain name for the site.

If the domain is not specified as a command line option, the ./CNAME file is checked for a valid domain. This is a text file that has a domain name as its first line.

If not specified, and no CNAME file can be loaded, an interactive prompt will suggest a few random domains or allow entry of a custom domain name. Make sure the DNS records for any custom domain are set up correctly. The suggested random domains are automatically configured. Upon successful deployment the domain name is saved in the CNAME file.

--options "options.json"

Path to a valid @http2/configuration options file containing either a server configuration or just a single host. If a server configuration contains multiple hosts, the host with matching domain is used, otherwise the first host is used.

Can be JSON or a JavaScript file that exports a configuration object.

--root "./some/path"

Path to a directory containing static files to upload.


Skip the manual deployment confirmation.

Command: list

Aliases: ls, ll, la, l

Display a list of all sites owned by the currently authenticated user.

Command: config [get|set|delete|reset]

Aliases: configure, configuration, setting, settings, option, options

Edit the user settings.

Specify the setting name and value as "my setting value". Dot-notation is used for nested property names.

Multiple settings may be configured in sequence. --foo=bar --lol=true.

Settings can be removed by specifying the delete subdommand.

The entire settings file is cleared using the reset subcommand.

Example Configuration

  // See the `login` command
  username: 'babayega',
  access_token: 'eyJ0eX...',
  // Base URL of the CDN API
  api: {
    origin: ''
  // Auth0 tenant settings
  auth0: {
    client_id: 'WX1Kgy0NWL069OaiaCJLQE3OL0gqzq2e',
    domain = '',
    database = 'Username-Password-Authentication',
    audience = '',
    scope = 'openid deploy'

See Also


Made with ❤️ by Sebastiaan Deckers in 🇸🇬 Singapore.


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