
1.3.0 • Public • Published


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Read a CSV file, parse the rows and write them to _redirects before Netlify processes your build. Check out an example implementation here.


Netlify's _redirects file does not support environment variables or context. With this build, you can specify environmentally specific redirect rules in a CSV file and then dynamically write those rules to _redirects before your site is deployed.


Create a new file called redirects.csv and put it in the root of your application directory (example). Each row in your CSV file should contain the following columns:

Source Destination Status Context
This is the path you want to match This is the destination for your rule The status code associated with the rule, eg. 301, 200!, etc. Comma delimited string of branch names for your deployment context, leave this column blank for "no context"

If you have defined a context for a rule, it will only be rendered for when the current branch name is included within that column; if you have not defined a context, that rule will be deployed everywhere.

When referring to exported environment variables, you need to use the following convention in your CSV...



Add the plugin to your package.json file...

$ npm i @helloample/netlify-plugin-redirects -D

Create a new file at the root of your project called redirects.csv with your redirect rules (see setup for more information on formatting your rules)...

$ echo "/redirect-me,https://ample.co,301!" > ./redirects.csv

And add the plugin to your netlify.toml file (see configuration for available options)...

  package = "@helloample/netlify-plugin-redirects"

Commit & push changes back to your repository. Now go watch the next build on Netlify.


You can tell the plugin where to source your rules and where to write the parsed redirects via the following options, in your netlify.toml file...

  • source: Specifies the location of your CSV file.
  • destination: Specifies the file to which the parsed rules will be written.
  • defaultBranch: The default branch for your repo. This value is used when context cannot be determined.

The default configuration, if none is specified, is:

  package = "@helloample/netlify-plugin-redirects"
    source = "./redirects.csv"
    destination = "./_redirects"
    defaultBranch = "master"


This project is licensed under the MIT License.



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  • tcmacdonald