
0.1.0 • Public • Published

Harvest SDK


npm install --save @harvestfi/harvest-sdk@0.0.1


List all of my available tokens that I could deposit

// initialise the harvest SDK
const {HarvestSDK} = require("@harvestfi/harvest-sdk/harvest");
const wallet = new ethers.Wallet('<PRIVATE KEY HERE>');
const harvest = new HarvestSDK({signerOrProvider: wallet});
const tokens = await harvest.myTokens();
tokens.forEach(({balance, token}) => {
    console.log(`${token.symbol}: ${balance}`);

List all of my vaults i've deposited into

// initialise the harvest SDK
const {HarvestSDK} = require("@harvestfi/harvest-sdk/harvest");
const wallet = new ethers.Wallet('<PRIVATE KEY HERE>');
const harvest = new HarvestSDK({signerOrProvider: wallet});
const vaults = await harvest.myVaults();
vaults.forEach(({vault, balance}) => {
    console.log(`${vault.symbol}: ${balance}`);

List all of my pools i've staked in

const {HarvestSDK} = require("@harvestfi/harvest-sdk/harvest");
const wallet = new ethers.Wallet('<PRIVATE KEY HERE>');

const harvest = new HarvestSDK({signerOrProvider: wallet});

const myPools = harvest.myPools();

(await myPools).forEach(({pool, balance}) => {
    console.log(`${pool.name} ${ethers.utils.formatUnits(balance, 18)}`);

Deposit and stake all of a token

// initialise the harvest SDK
const {HarvestSDK} = require("@harvestfi/harvest-sdk/harvest");
const wallet = new ethers.Wallet('<PRIVATE KEY HERE>');
const harvest = new HarvestSDK({signerOrProvider: wallet});

// convert 1 eth to weth
const weth = new ethers.Contract('0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2', wethAbi, signer);
await weth.deposit({value: ethers.utils.parseEther("1")});

// find the weth vault
const wethVault = (await harvest.vaults()).findByName("WETH"); // search is case insensitive

// deposit and stake ALL YOUR WETH
const pool = await harvest.depositAndStake(wethVault, await wethVault.underlyingToken().balanceOf(await wallet.getAddress()));

console.log(`You are now in the WETH pool with a staked balance of : ${(await pool.balanceOf(await signer.getAddress())).toString()}`);

Anonymous Usage

You don't always need to use a provider to get some information out of the sdk.

For example you can list all the available vaults:

const {HarvestSDK} = require("@harvestfi/harvest-sdk/harvest");
const harvest = new  HarvestSDK({chainId: Chain.ETH}); // eth mainnet
const vaultContainer = await harvest.vaults();

vaultContainer.vaults.forEach(vault => {
    console.log(`${vault.symbol} ${vault.address}`);

Additionally you can do the same for the pools:

const {HarvestSDK} = require("@harvestfi/harvest-sdk/harvest");
const harvest = new  HarvestSDK({chainId: Chain.ETH}); // eth mainnet
const poolContainer = await harvest.pools();

poolContainer.pools.forEach(pool => {
    console.log(`${pool.symbol} ${pool.address}`);


You can run tests by using this command:

npx hardhat test

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npm i @harvestfi/harvest-sdk

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