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1.0.0-rc.9 • Public • Published


An accessible tabs component.

The Tab and TabPanel elements are associated by their order in the tree. None of the components are empty wrappers, each is associated with a real DOM element in the document, giving you maximum control over styling and composition.


yarn add @chakra-ui/tabs

# or

npm i @chakra-ui/tabs

Import components

import { Tabs, TabList, TabPanels, Tab, TabPanel } from "@chakra-ui/core"




Tab variants and color schemes

Tabs come in 6 different variants to style the tabs: line,enclosed, enclosed-colored, soft-rounded, solid-rounded. Each variant comes it different color schemes.

<Tabs variant="enclosed" colorScheme="red">

Manually Activated Tabs

By default, Tabs are activated automatically. This means when you use the arrow keys to change tabs, the tab is activated and focused.

The content of a TabPanel should ideally be preloaded. However, if switching to a tab panel causes a network request and possibly a page refresh, there might be some notable latency and this might affect the experience for keyboard and screen reader users.

In this scenario, you should use a manually activated tab, it moves focus without activating the tabs. With focus on a specifc tab, users can activate a tab by pressing Space or Enter.

<Tabs isManual variant="enclosed">

Tab sizes

You can change the size of the tab by passing size prop. We support 3 sizes sm, md, lg

<Tabs size="md" variant="enclosed">

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npm i @hackr/chakra-ui-tabs

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  • gnuns