
1.0.5 • Public • Published


This repo offers a better alternative to JSON.deserialize() and JSON.deserializeUntypped()


   * Implement the JSONDeserializer.Deserializable on your type
  public class DeserializableClass implements JSONDeserializer.Deserializable {
    private String firstname;
    public void setDeserializedField(String key, Object value) {
      switch on key {
        when 'first_name' {
          this.firstname = (String) value;
        when else {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            'Key [' + key + '] is not supported'
    public Map<String, System.Type> getDeserializableFields() {
      return new Map<String, System.Type>{ 'first_name' => String.class };

  /** call the deserializer */
  DeserializableClass simple = (DeserializableClass) JSONDeserializer.deserialize(

Deploy right away

But have a look at the code first. Don't trust random code from the internet ;)

Deploy to Salesforce

Thanks @andyinthecloud

Install as a dependency

Alternatively, you may use this as an npm dependency

From github or npmjs

In your sfdx project folder

npm i @guimini/apex-json-serialization
npm install https://github.com/guimini/apex-json-serialization

Mount it as a PackageDirectory

In your sfdx project folder

ln -s node_modules/@guimini/apex-json-serialization/force-app apex-json-serialization

Then edit your sfdx-project.json to add

 "packageDirectories": [
    { "path": "apex-json-serialization" }

or Mount it as a source directory

In your sfdx project folder, create the folder were you want to mount the sources (for instance : force-app/dependencies)

cd path/to/folder
ln -s ../<until you are back ar your sfdx project dir>/node_modules/@guimini/apex-json-serialization/force-app/main apex-json-serialization

This will make sources accessible in force-app/dependencies/apex-json-serialization

Key Features

  • Deserializing arbitrary keys to specific members of your Deserializable class : bringing a more tedious yet functionally equivalent to GSON @SerializedName("name") https://www.javadoc.io/doc/com.google.code.gson/gson/2.6.2/com/google/gson/annotations/SerializedName.html

  • Polymorphic Deserialization : Should you need to deserialize values that may need to be deserialized to a different class depending on the content of serialized object, you may provide a Discriminator with your Polymorph Deserializable class

  • Support for Object typped members. Avoiding System.JSONException: Apex Type unsupported in JSON: Object, for there are times we simply do not know what to expect !

What's next

  • [ ] Json Serialization to arbitrary keys
  • [ ] Managed Package

Known Gotchas

  • Deserialzing to Blob type may give surprising results. I was not able to handle that properly. Please avoid it. PR welcome :)
  • If a member of class is Deserializable, then that class should implement Deserializable.
  • Performance. I didn't run any perf test, but i wouldn't be surprised if it were dramatically slower than the standard counterpart. If you look big and complex json payloads, this may be an issue.

Publish to NPM

I do not have time to setup a full CI/CD for something that should not move that much Simply run this by hand npm publish


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  • remileguin
  • gaelmotte