
0.11.0 • Public • Published

Grogqli Storybook Addon

To setup development environment

  • In monorepo root: npm start
    • installs dependencies
    • builds and links all packages of monorepo
    • starts this project's type checker and babel transpiler in watcher modes
  • In this package: npm start
    • runs the local storybook example that consumes this project's addon code
    • if type checker and transpilation are successful, storybook will be available at http://localhost:6006

setup for consumer of this addon

  • added msw service worker to the next.js public subdirectory

    • mkdir public && npx msw init ./public
  • pass static assets option to npm storybook start script

    • "storybook": "start-storybook -p 6006 -s public"
  • set the public assets path on line20 src/handler/index.ts

    • TODO have consumer set this outside of the addon code
  • set env vars

    • publicPath
      • set the STORYBOOK_GROGQLI_PUBLIC_PATH env var either 1) inline storybook execution OR 2) in a .env file
    • schemaMappings
      • pass a string to string:string object that maps the schemaUrl(s) that are queried to the appropriate schemaId(s) found in the respective grogqli data
      type SchemaMappings = {
        [schemaUrl: string]: string;


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    • deanslamajr