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Validator.js Directives

A validator.js wrapper for GraphQL validation directive

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Validation directive Example: @validate(method: METHOD[, OPTIONS]) is used to validate input values of GraphQL fields against specific rules defined in the directive.

import val from "@graphql-directive/validator"
import { makeExecutableSchema } from "@graphql-tools/schema"
import { ApolloServer } from "@apollo/server";
import { startStandaloneServer } from "@apollo/server/standalone"

const typeDefs = `
    input UserInput {
        name: String!       @validate(method: LENGTH, max: 150)
        email: String!      @validate(method: EMAIL)
        dateOfBirth: Date!  @validate(method: BEFORE)
    type Mutation { 
        addUser(user:UserInput!): Boolean!

const schema = val.transform(makeExecutableSchema({
    typeDefs: [val.typeDefs, typeDefs],
    resolvers: { /* resolvers */ }

const server = new ApolloServer({ schema })
const { url } = await startStandaloneServer(server)
console.log(`Server running at ${url}`)

Validation Result

For each failed validation, server will throw GraphQLError with message USER_INPUT_ERROR. The detail error message can be seen in extension.error property like below.

  "data": {},
  "errors": [
      "message": "USER_INPUT_ERROR",
      "extensions": {
        "error": [
            "message": "Must have a length within the specified range",
            "path": "addUser.user.name"
            "message": "Must be a valid email address",
            "path": "addUser.user.email"
        "code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR",
        "stacktrace": [ ]

Custom Error Message

Currently its possible to create your own error message by providing the message on message parameter like example below.

@validate(method: EMAIL, message: "Please provide a valid email address")

Validation Methods

The validation directive supports all of the validation functions in Validator.js. Below is a list of the supported methods and their respective parameters.

Method Description Parameters / Example Usage
AFTER Checks if a date is after a specified date. Example: @validate(method: AFTER)
ALPHA Checks if a string contains only alphabetical characters. locale (optional): The locale to use for alphabet validation (defaults to en-US).

Example: @validate(method: ALPHA, locale: "id-ID")
ALPHANUMERIC Checks if a string contains only alphanumeric characters. locale (optional): The locale to use for alphabet validation (defaults to en-US).

Example: @validate(method: ALPHANUMERIC, locale: "id-ID")
ASCII Checks if a string contains only ASCII characters. Example: @validate(method: ASCII)
BASE64 Checks if a string is a valid base64-encoded string. Example: @validate(method: BASE64)
BEFORE Checks if a date is before a specified date. Example: @validate(method: BEFORE)
BOOLEAN Checks if a value is a boolean (true or false). Example: @validate(method: BOOLEAN)
CREDIT_CARD Checks if a string is a valid credit card number. Example: @validate(method: CREDIT_CARD)
CURRENCY Checks if a string is a valid currency amount. symbol: The currency symbol to use (defaults to $).
decimal: The decimal separator to use (defaults to .).
symbol_position: The position of the currency symbol (defaults to left).
negative_sign_before: Whether to put the negative sign before or after the currency symbol (defaults to false).
thousands_separator: The thousands separator to use (defaults to ,).
allow_negative: Whether to allow negative currency amounts (defaults to false).

Example: @validate(method: CURRENCY, allow_negative: true)
DATA_URI Checks if a string is a valid data URI. Example: @validate(method: DATA_URI)
DECIMAL Checks if a string is a valid decimal number. Example: @validate(method: DECIMAL)
DIVISIBLE_BY Checks if a number is divisible by another number. number (required): The number to divide value by.

Example: @validate(method: DIVISIBLE_BY, number: 3)
EMAIL Checks if a string is a valid email address. allow_display_name: Whether to allow the use of display names (defaults to false).
require_display_name: Whether to require the use of display names (defaults to false).
allow_utf8_local_part: Whether to allow non-ASCII characters in the local part of the email address (defaults to false).
require_tld: Whether to require a top-level domain (defaults to true).
ignore_max_length: Whether to ignore the maximum length of the email address (defaults to false).

Example: @validate(method: EMAIL, ignore_max_length: true)
ETHEREUM_ADDRESS Checks if a string is a valid Ethereum address. Example: @validate(method: ETHEREUM_ADDRESS)
FQDN Checks if a string is a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). require_tld: Whether to require a top-level domain (defaults to true).
allow_underscores: Whether to allow underscores in domain names (defaults to false).
allow_trailing_dot: Whether to allow a trailing dot in domain names (defaults to false).

Example: @validate(method: FQDN)
FLOAT Checks if a string is a valid float. min: The minimum value the float can be (defaults to Number.MIN_VALUE).
max: The maximum value the float can be (defaults to Number.MAX_VALUE).
gt: The value the float must be greater than.
lt: The value the float must be less than.
locale: The locale to use for validation (defaults to en-US).

Example: @validate(method: FLOAT)
FULL_WIDTH Checks if a string contains any full-width characters. Example: @validate(method: FULL_WIDTH)
HALF_WIDTH Checks if a string contains any half-width characters. Example: @validate(method: HALF_WIDTH)
HEX_COLOR Checks if a string is a valid hexadecimal color code. Example: @validate(method: HEX_COLOR)
HEXADECIMAL Checks if a string is a valid hexadecimal number. Example: @validate(method: HEXADECIMAL)
IP Checks if a string is a valid IP address (version 4 or 6). version (optional): The IP version to validate against (4 or 6, defaults to 4).

Example: @validate(method: IP)
IP_RANGE Checks if a string is a valid IP range. Example: @validate(method: IP_RANGE)
ISBN Checks if a string is a valid International Standard Book Number (ISBN). version (optional): The ISBN version to validate against (10 or 13, defaults to 13).

Example: @validate(method: ISBN)
ISIN Checks if a string is a valid International Securities Identification Number (ISIN). Example: @validate(method: ISIN)
ISO8601 Checks if a string is a valid ISO 8601 date. Example: @validate(method: ISO8601)
ISO31661_ALPHA2 Checks if a string is a valid ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Example: @validate(method: ISO31661_ALPHA2)
ISO31661_ALPHA3 Checks if a string is a valid ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code. Example: @validate(method: ISO31661_ALPHA3)
ISRC Checks if a string is a valid International Standard Recording Code (ISRC). Example: @validate(method: ISRC)
ISSN Checks if a string is a valid International Standard Serial Number (ISSN). Example: @validate(method: ISSN)
JSON Checks if a string is valid JSON. Example: @validate(method: JSON)
JWT Checks if a string is a valid JSON Web Token (JWT). Example: @validate(method: JWT)
LAT_LONG Checks if a string is a valid latitude-longitude coordinate pair. Example: @validate(method: LAT_LONG)
LENGTH Checks if a string's length is within a specified range. min (optional): The minimum length of the string.
max (optional): The maximum length of the string.

Example: @validate(method: LENGTH)
LOWERCASE Checks if a string is all lowercase. Example: @validate(method: LOWERCASE)
MAC_ADDRESS Checks if a string is a valid Media Access Control (MAC) address. Example: @validate(method: MAC_ADDRESS)
MIME_TYPE Checks if a string is a valid MIME type. Example: @validate(method: MIME_TYPE)
MONGO_ID Checks if a string is a valid MongoDB ObjectId. Example: @validate(method: MONGO_ID)
MULTIBYTE Checks if a string contains any multibyte characters. Example: @validate(method: MULTIBYTE)
NOT_EMPTY Checks if a string is not an empty string. Example: @validate(method: NOT_EMPTY)
NUMERIC Checks if a string is a valid number. no_symbols (optional): If true, disallows symbols in the number (such as a leading plus or minus sign). Defaults to false.
locale (optional): The locale to use when validating the number. Can be a string (such as "en-US") or an array of strings (such as ["en-US", "de-DE"]).

Example: @validate(method: NUMERIC)
PORT Checks if a string is a valid port number. Example: @validate(method: PORT)
POSTAL_CODE Checks if a string is a valid postal (ZIP) code for a given locale. locale (required): The locale to use when validating the postal code.

Example: @validate(method: POSTAL_CODE, locale: "any")
REGEX Checks if a string matches a pattern. pattern (required): The pattern to match against.
modifier: (Optional) The regex modifier.

Example: @validate(method: REGEX, pattern: "^[a-zA-Z]", modifier: "i")
SLUG Checks if a string is a valid slug. Example: @validate(method: SLUG)
STRONG_PASSWORD Checks if a string is a strong password. minLength (optional): The minimum length of the password. Defaults to 8.
minLowercase (optional): The minimum number of lowercase letters. Defaults to 1.
minUppercase (optional): The minimum number of uppercase letters. Defaults to 1.
minNumbers (optional): The minimum number of digits. Defaults to 1.
minSymbols (optional): The minimum number of symbols. Defaults to 1.

Example: @validate(method: STRONG_PASSWORD)
SURROGATE_PAIR Checks if a string contains any surrogate pairs characters. Example: @validate(method: SURROGATE_PAIR)
UPPERCASE Checks if a string is all uppercase. Example: @validate(method: UPPERCASE)
URL Checks if a string is a valid URL. protocols (optional): An array of valid protocols (such as http or https). Defaults to ['http', 'https', 'ftp'].
require_tld (optional): If true, requires a top-level domain (such as .com). Defaults to true.
require_protocol (optional): If true, requires a protocol (such as http). Defaults to false.

Example: @validate(method: URL)
UUID Checks if a string is a valid UUID. version (optional): The UUID version to validate against (such as 3, 4, or 5). Defaults to all versions.

Example: @validate(method: UUID)
VARIABLE_WIDTH Checks if a string contains any full-width characters. Example: @validate(method: VARIABLE_WIDTH)
WHITELISTED Checks if a string contains only whitelisted characters. chars (required): A string containing all allowed characters.

Example: @validate(method: WHITELISTED, chars: "abcdefghijklkmopqrstuvwxyz")

Custom Valdiation

You can define your own custom validation logic by registering it on the transform function. First create your own custom validation logic with plugin

const customValidators: Plugins = {
    phone: (val) => /^(\()?\d{3}(\))?(-|\s)?\d{3}(-|\s)\d{4}$/.test(val) || "Invalid phone number"

Keep in mind that the name (phone) will be used to identify the plugin. Next step, register the plugin into the transformer.

const schema = val.transform(/* executable schema*/, { customValidators })

The final process, apply it on the @validate directive like below

input UserInput {
    phone: String!  @validate(method: CUSTOM, validator: "phone")

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