
1.0.0 • Public • Published


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@goa/http-errors is Creates HTTP Errors For Goa Apps.

yarn add @goa/http-errors

Table Of Contents


The package is available by importing its default function and named class:

import httpErrors, { HTTPError } from '@goa/http-errors'

HttpError: The error constructor that extends Error.

Name Type Description
status number The status message.
statusCode string The status code.
headers * Can be an object of header names to values to be sent to the client, defaulting to undefined. When defined, the key names should all be lower-cased.
message string The traditional error message, which should be kept short and all single line.
expose boolean Whether to expose the error to the client.
For client errors the default is true, for server errors (status >= 500) is false.

  status: number,
  message: string,
  props: string,
): !Error

Create a new error object with the given message msg. The error object inherits from createError.HttpError.

  • status* number: The status code as number.
  • message* string: The message. By default, will look up in the status code table.
  • props* string: Additional custom properties to attach to object.
import { aqt } from 'rqt'
import httpErrors from '@goa/http-errors'
import Goa from '@goa/koa'

const goa = new Goa()

goa.use(() => {
  throw httpErrors(401, 'Please login to view this page.')
goa.listen(async function() {
  const url = `http://localhost:${this.address().port}`
  const res = await aqt(url)
{ body: 'Please login to view this page.',
   { 'content-type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8',
     'content-length': '31',
     date: 'Sat, 14 Dec 2019 18:32:50 GMT',
     connection: 'close' },
  statusCode: 401,
  statusMessage: 'Unauthorized' }

Another example that extends the given error. Koa will automatically set status 404 for errors with ENOENT code.

import { aqt } from 'rqt'
import { readFile } from 'fs'
import createError from '@goa/http-errors'
import Goa from '@goa/koa'
import { join } from 'path'

const goa = new Goa()

goa.use(async (ctx) => {
  await new Promise((r, j) => {
    readFile(join('example', ctx.path), (err) => {
      let httpError
      if (err.code == 'ENOENT') {
        httpError = createError(404, err, { expose: false })
      } else {
        httpError = createError(500, err)
goa.listen(async function() {
  // 404
  console.log('Request missing file')
  let url = `http://localhost:${this.address().port}/missing.txt`
  let res = await aqt(url)
  // 500
  console.log('\nRequest a dir')
  url = `http://localhost:${this.address().port}/dir`
  res = await aqt(url)
Request missing file
{ body: 'Not Found',
   { 'content-type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8',
     'content-length': '9',
     date: 'Sat, 14 Dec 2019 18:32:50 GMT',
     connection: 'close' },
  statusCode: 404,
  statusMessage: 'Not Found' }

Request a dir
{ body: 'Internal Server Error',
   { 'content-type': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8',
     'content-length': '21',
     date: 'Sat, 14 Dec 2019 18:32:50 GMT',
     connection: 'close' },
  statusCode: 500,
  statusMessage: 'Internal Server Error' }

The app will write to stderr on internal error:

Error: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, read

new createError.ErrorType([msg]))

A new error could be created from a name or code, like so:

import createError from '@goa/http-errors'

const err = new createError.NotFound()
{ NotFoundError: Not Found
    at Object.<anonymous> (example/constructor.js:3:13)
    at Module._compile (module.js:653:30)
    at Module.p._compile (node_modules/documentary/node_modules/alamode/compile/depack.js:49:18)
    at Module._extensions..js (module.js:664:10)
    at Object.k.(anonymous function).y._extensions.(anonymous function) [as .js] (node_modules/documentary/node_modules/alamode/compile/depack.js:51:7)
    at Module.load (module.js:566:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (module.js:506:12)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:498:3)
    at Module.require (module.js:597:17)
    at require (internal/module.js:11:18)
  message: 'Not Found',
  status: 404,
  statusCode: 404,
  expose: true,
  headers: null,
  name: 'NotFoundError' }

It's not possible to import specific errors as they are properties on the exported function, and not exports themselves.

List of all constructors

Status Code Constructor Name
400 BadRequest
401 Unauthorized
402 PaymentRequired
403 Forbidden
404 NotFound
405 MethodNotAllowed
406 NotAcceptable
407 ProxyAuthenticationRequired
408 RequestTimeout
409 Conflict
410 Gone
411 LengthRequired
412 PreconditionFailed
413 PayloadTooLarge
414 URITooLong
415 UnsupportedMediaType
416 RangeNotSatisfiable
417 ExpectationFailed
418 ImATeapot
421 MisdirectedRequest
422 UnprocessableEntity
423 Locked
424 FailedDependency
425 UnorderedCollection
426 UpgradeRequired
428 PreconditionRequired
429 TooManyRequests
431 RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge
451 UnavailableForLegalReasons
500 InternalServerError
501 NotImplemented
502 BadGateway
503 ServiceUnavailable
504 GatewayTimeout
505 HTTPVersionNotSupported
506 VariantAlsoNegotiates
507 InsufficientStorage
508 LoopDetected
509 BandwidthLimitExceeded
510 NotExtended
511 NetworkAuthenticationRequired

Copyright & License

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0

Original work by Jonathan Ong and Douglas Christopher Wilson under MIT license found in COPYING.

idiocc © Idio™ 2019



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