
1.0.4 • Public • Published

import { Meta } from "@storybook/addon-docs";

Glisser Elements - React Component Library

Glisser Elements is a virtual events SDK, based on Glisser's award-winning tech platform, that allows enterprises and their agencies to create bespoke virtual and hybrid events experiences using Glisser's highly-developed components, inside their own websites. Learn more about Glisser here and about Glisser Elements here.

Note: you need a Glisser account to use the Elements. Sign up for free here.


How To Use Glisser Elements

Step 1: Scaffolding Your Project

If you need help setting up a React application, we have a guide available.

Step 2: Installation

Run the following command to install the Glisser React package:

npm install @glisser/react

// or

yarn add @glisser/react

Step 3: Setting-up Glisser Elements

To use Glisser Elements in your app, you first need to ensure you import the GlsrProvider component and useSession hook.

GlsrProvider is a wrapper for all Glisser Elements and is an instantiation of the React Context API.

useSession is a custom hook used by Glisser Elements as the central source of truth for all session related state.

import { GlsrProvider, useSession } from '@glisser/react'

const App = () => {
  const [session, setSession] = useSession({ code: '' })

  return (
    <GlsrProvider session={session} setSession={setSession}>
      // glisser elements

export default App

Step 4: Adding Glisser Elements

Once you have the above set-up, you're ready to start importing and utilising Glisser Elements into your app:

Component Props Type Default Description
SlideFeed area main | tabs main TBC
boarding boolean false Setting the value to true will cause this component to render the on-boarding form
debug boolean false TBC
streamComponent React.ReactNode Pass in an instance of the <Stream /> component to allow toggling between slide and stream view
AttendeeList boarding boolean false Setting the value to true will cause this component to render the on-boarding form
Optional debug boolean TBC
CommentFeed boarding boolean false Setting the value to true will cause this component to render the on-boarding form
Optional debug boolean TBC
Download** Optional displayHeader boolean
NoteFeed** Optional displayHeader boolean
Related** Optional displayHeader boolean
Optional inline boolean
showMenu boolean false
Social** TBC
Stream** Optional stream TBC
Optional provider TBC

**SlideTab, Download, NoteFeed, Related, Social, Stream and Subtitles cannot be used on their own as they require either SlideFeed, AttendeeList and/or CommentFeed for the boarding process.

An object containing a key of code with a property of type string is also required (an empty string is OK) by the useSession hook:

Invalid Usage
const [session, setSession] = useSession()

return (
    <SlideTab />
    <Download />
Valid Usage
const [session, setSession] = useSession({ code: '' })

return (
  <GlsrProvider session={session} setSession={setSession}>
    <SlideFeed boarding={true} />
    <NoteFeed />
    <Download />

Boarding property

Note that <SlideFeed /> has a boarding prop set to true which will load the event boarding process inside this particular component. This prop can be alternatively used with <CommentFeed />.

Silent login

When adding a Glisser element, it is possible to onboard the attendee silently. This creates a seamless experience for the attendee in which they will not be prompted for a Glisser code or for their identifier (email/uniqueID etc.). In order to do this, arguments can be passed as an object for useSession() which are code, identifier, and profile. Here's an example:

const [session, setSession] = useSession({
  code: 'event-code',
  identifier: 'email@email.com',
  profile: {
    firstName: 'User first name',
    lastName: 'User last name',
    company: 'Company name',
    linkedinUrl: 'https://linkedin.com/',
    location: 'City, State, Country',

Note that profile is only needed if intending to use Glisser's Named Q&A and Attendee List features.


The Elements are quite flexible in size but it's recommended to keep it not smaller than 350px both width and height.

Quick Start

Below is a basic Glisser session layout to easily copy and paste into your app to test:

import './App.css'
import {
} from '@glisser/react-dev'

function App() {
  const [session, setSession] = useSession({ code: 'my-code' })

  const styles = {
    main: {
      display: 'grid',
      gridTemplateColumns: '1fr auto',
      gridTemplateRows: '1fr auto',
      gap: '1rem',
      backgroundColor: '#111',
      padding: '2rem',
    slide: { width: '800px' },
    slideTab: { width: '100%', height: '100%', gridRow: '1 / 3' },
    download: { justifySelf: 'flex-start' },

  return (
    <main style={styles.main}>
      <GlsrProvider session={session} setSession={setSession}>
        <div style={styles.slide}>
          <SlideFeed boarding={true} />
        <div style={styles.slideTab}>
          <SlideTab />
        <div style={styles.download}>
          <Download />

export default App

Customising Elements

A large number of HTML class attributes are exposed throughout Glisser Elements (with more being added as the project evolves). The current list contains the following classes:

Component / Element Component Name Class Name (glsr_) File Notes
Atom/Molecule/Organism BoardingContainer boarding-container boarding-container.jsx
BoardingInfoContainer boarding-container__info-container boarding-info.jsx
BoardingFormContainer boarding-container__form-container boarding-form.jsx
TextInputElement text-input text-input.jsx
TextInputContainer text-input__container text-input.jsx
IconHolder text-input__icon-container text-input.jsx
LinkLargeIcon text-input__icon text-input.jsx
ButtonBaseContainer btn button-base.jsx
ButtonBaseContainer btn--primary button-base.jsx
ButtonBaseContainer btn--{ type } button-base.jsx
SlideTabContainer slide-tab__container slide-tab.jsx
ContentGridContainer slide-tab__grid slide-tab.jsx
SlideThumbContainer slide-tab__thumb slide-tab.jsx
RelatedBody related related.jsx
RelatedHeader related__header related-body.jsx
RelatedToggle related__toggle related-body.jsx
InfoAlert related__info-alert related-body.jsx
RelatedLinkList related__link-list related-links.jsx
RelatedLink related__link related-links.jsx
ElementContainer notes note-feed.jsx
NotesContainer notes__container note-feed.jsx ge-slide-feed-wrapper class still exists
Header notes__header note-feed.jsx
NoteThumbsContainer notes__thumb-carousel note-thumbs.jsx
SlidesList notes__thumb-list note-thumbs.jsx
SlidesListItem notes__thumb-list-item note-thumbs.jsx
SlideThumb notes__thumb note-thumbs.jsx
slide-feed ElementContainer slide-feed__wrapper slide-feed.jsx
SlideViewContainer slide-feed__view-container slide-feed.jsx
SlideContainer slide-feed__slide-container slide-feed.jsx ge-slide-feed class still exists
SlideViewInner slide-feed__view slide-feed.jsx
SlideViewInner slide-feed__view--top slide-feed.jsx Slides component
SlideViewInner slide-feed__view--bottom slide-feed.jsx Stream component
attendee-list ElementContainer attendee-list attendee-list.jsx
SearchInput attendee-list__search attendee-list.jsx
AttendeeNavContainer attendee-list__nav attendee-list.jsx
AttendeeNavContainer attendee-list__nav--no-attendees attendee-list.jsx
AttendeeCount attendee-list__nav-attendee-count attendee-list.jsx
AttendeePaging attendee-list__nav-attendee-paging attendee-list.jsx
List attendee-list__list attendee-list.jsx
User attendee-list__user attendee-list.jsx
NoAttendeesContainer attendee-list__no-attendees attendee-list.jsx
Attendees attendee-list__attendees attendee-list.jsx
comment-feed ElementContainer comment-feed comment-feed.jsx
CommentsContainer comment-feed__container comment-feed.jsx
List comment-list__attendee-list comment-list.jsx
CommentNav comment-list__comment-nav comment-list.jsx
TextTabsArea comment-list__text-area comment-list.jsx
ToggleSwitch comment-list__text-area-toggle comment-list.jsx

Migrating From An Earlier Version

If you have been using elements, prior to the release of 1.0.2, and wish to upgrade versions to the most current you will need to ensure you include the addition of the GlsrProvider into your application.

As outlined above elements now require this context provider to share logic between themselves.

If you have an app which currently looks something like:

function App() {
  const [session, setSession] = useSession()

  return (
      <SlideFeed boarding={true} session={session} setSession={setSession} />
      <SlideTab session={session} setSession={setSession} />
      <Download session={session} setSession={setSession} />

it will now need to look something more like this:

function App() {
  const [session, setSession] = useSession({ code: 'my-code' })

  return (
      <GlsrProvider session={session} setSession={setSession}>
        <SlideFeed boarding={true} />
        <SlideTab />
        <Download />

Just make sure than all Glisser Elements any any logic interacting with either the session or setSession values is wrapped within a single instance of this provider.


If you have any technical questions, please go to our forum.


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