TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.4.0 • Public • Published


This library contains template helpers for testing inferred types in Glint-enabled templates. It's similar in concept to (and built on) the expect-type library.


{{expectTypeOf "hello" to.beString}}
{{expectTypeOf 123 to.equalTypeOf 456}}

Strict-Mode Templates

For strict-mode templates, the expectTypeOf helper and to collection of expectations are both directly importable from @glint/type-test.

import { expectTypeOf, to } from '@glint/type-test';

let letters = ['a', 'b', 'c'];

  {{#each letters as |letter index|}}
    {{expectTypeOf letter to.beString}}
    {{expectTypeOf index to.beNumber}}

Loose-Mode Templates

For "classic" loose-mode Ember templates, @glint/type-test provides a typeTest wrapper that will pass expectTypeOf and to to your template as args:

import { typeTest } from '@glint/type-test';
import { hbs } from 'ember-cli-htmlbars';

    {{#each (array 'a' 'b' 'c') as |letter index|}}
      {{@expectTypeOf letter @to.beString}}
      {{@expectTypeOf index @to.beNumber}}

You can also optionally provide an initial this value to typeTest to make values available in your template to either test inference against or to use as a basis for comparing type equality.

import { typeTest } from '@glint/type-test';
import { hbs } from 'ember-cli-htmlbars';

  { letters: ['a', 'b', 'c'] },
    {{#each this.letters as |letter index|}}
      {{@expectTypeOf letter @to.beString}}
      {{@expectTypeOf index @to.beNumber}}


This library provides a set of expectations to compare the type of a given value to common simple types.

import { expectTypeOf, to } from '@glint/type-test';

let symbolValue = Symbol('hi');
let anyValue: any = null;
let unknownValue: unknown = null;
let neverValue: never = (null as never);

  {{expectTypeOf "hello" to.beString}}
  {{expectTypeOf 123 to.beNumber}}
  {{expectTypeOf true to.beBoolean}}
  {{expectTypeOf symbolValue to.beSymbol}}
  {{expectTypeOf anyValue to.beAny}}
  {{expectTypeOf unknownValue to.beUnknown}}
  {{expectTypeOf neverValue to.beNever}}
  {{expectTypeOf null to.beNull}}
  {{expectTypeOf undefined to.beUndefined}}

It also provides expectations that allow you to compare the type of one value to that of another.

import { expectTypeOf, to } from '@glint/type-test';

let a: 'a' | 'b' = 'a';
let b: 'a' | 'b' = 'b';
let hi: string = 'hi';

  <!-- 'a' | 'b' is the same type as itself -->
  {{expectTypeOf a to.equalTypeOf b}}
  <!-- 'a' | 'b' is assignable to the more general type string -->
  {{expectTypeOf a to.beAssignableToTypeOf hi}}

  <!-- string is not the same type as 'a' | 'b' -->
  {{! @glint-expect-error }}
  {{expectTypeOf hi to.equalTypeOf a}}

  <!-- string is not assignable to 'a' | 'b' -->
  {{! @glint-expect-error }}
  {{expectTypeOf hi to.beAssignableToTypeOf a}}

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    • hm_krystan
    • wagenet
    • jamescdavis
    • dfreeman
    • chriskrycho