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1.8.6 • Public • Published


TypeScript Knex ORM & table handler including a backup system and a cache.

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Compatible with PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite.


npm install @ghom/orm


import { ORM } from "@ghom/orm"

const orm = new ORM({
  // tables directory
  tableLocation: "./tables",
  // knex config (sqlite3 by default)
  database: { ... },
  // custom logger (console by default)
  logger: console,
  loggerColors: { ... },
  // caching options for all tables and rawCache queries (default to Infinity)
  caching: 10 * 60 * 1000,

  // configuration for the database backups
  backups: {
    location: "./backups",

// start handling of tables
await orm.init()

Add tables

The tables are automatically loaded from the location directory.

// tables/user.ts

import { Table } from "@ghom/orm"

interface User {
  username: string
  password: string

export default new Table<User>({
  name: "user",
  // the higher the priority, the earlier the table is compiled
  priority: 0,
  // the migration are executed in order of version number
  migrations: {
    1: (table) => {
      table.renameColumn("name", "username")
  // the setup is executed only once for table creation
  setup: (table) => {
  // the then is executed after the table is created and the migrations are runned
  then: ({ query }) => {
    query.insert({ username: "admin", password: "admin" })
  caching: 10 * 60 * 1000 // The table cache. Default to the ORM cache or Infinity

Launch a query

For more information about the query builder, see knexjs.org.
You can launch a SQL query on a table like that

import user from "./tables/user"

export async function compareHash(username, hash): Promise<boolean> {
  const user = await user.query
    .where("username", username)

  return user && user.password === hash


You can backup the database by calling the createBackup and restoreBackup methods on the ORM instance. The backup is stored in the config.backups.location directory.

await orm.createBackup() // on the root backup directory (not recommended)
await orm.createBackup("2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z") // with dirname as backup ID

await orm.restoreBackup()
await orm.restoreBackup("2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z")


The cache is automatically managed by the ORM. When a table is requested from the <Table>.cache property, the ORM will automatically use caching for all your queries. The cache is useful when you have a lot of requests on the same table, and you don't want to query the database every time.

// get the number of rows in the table with caching
await table.cache.count() // => 10

// add a row with caching
await table.cache.set((query) => {
  return query.insert({ name: "test" })

await table.cache.count() // => 11

// Get the row with caching.
// After the first call, the row is cached until
// the cache is invalidate by a "cache.set" or "cache.invalidate" call
await table.cache.get("named test", (query) => {
  return query.where("name", "test").first()
}) // => { name: "test" }

// delete the row without caching
await table.query.delete().where("name", "test")

await table.cache.count() // => 11 (unchanged)

// indicate that the cache is invalidate
// and force the cache to be updated

await table.cache.count() // => 10
await table.cache.count() // => 10 (no more query to the database)

// remove all rows from a table with caching
await table.cache.set((query) => {
  return query.truncate()

await table.cache.count() // => 0

⚠️ For a cache-style usage, you should use the cache property for all your queries. If you use the query property, the cache will not be updated, and it will cause a cache inconsistency.

Raw cache

You can also cache raw queries with the <ORM>.cache.raw property. The raw cache is useful when you have a complex query that you want to cache.

const fooUser = await orm.cache.raw("select * from user where name = 'foo'") // query the database
const barUser = await orm.cache.raw("select * from user where name = 'bar'") // query the database
const fooUserCached = await orm.cache.raw("select * from user where name = 'foo'") // no query to the database

The cache of the <ORM>.cache.raw method is automatically invalidated when the database is updated.

Future features

  • [x] Add timed caching system
  • [x] Add backup option
  • [ ] Dependency management between tables
  • [ ] Auto typings for tables from the column definitions
  • [ ] Add specific methods for relations and joins
  • [ ] Add admin panel
  • [ ] Make possible to switch the data between all possible clients (pg, mysql, sqlite3)
  • [ ] Add a way to set up timezone directly in the ORM constructor

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