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1.8.1 • Public • Published


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Text fields let users enter and edit text.

The fds-textfield extends Material web's mwc-textfield-base.



npm i @finastra/textfield
import '@finastra/textfield';
<fds-textfield label="Field me in"></fds-textfield>

Native pickers

Date pickers and Time pickers allow selecting a value from a standard format.

The TextField support date type="date", time type="time" and date&time type="datetime-local" pickers. See MDN web docs for more information about the different input types.


<fds-textfield type="date" iconTrailing="calendar_today"></fds-textfield>



Property Attribute Modifiers Type Default Description
autoValidate boolean
autocapitalize string
charCounter boolean | "external" | "internal"
dense dense boolean false
disabled boolean Disabled state for the component. When disabled is set to true, the
component will not be added to form submission.
endAligned boolean
helper string
helperPersistent boolean true
icon string
iconTrailing string
inputMode TextFieldInputMode
label string
labelInside labelInside boolean false
max string | number
maxLength number
min string | number
minLength number
name string
outlined boolean true
pattern string
placeholder string
prefix string
readOnly boolean
required boolean
ripple readonly Promise<RippleInterface | null> | undefined Implement ripple getter for Ripple integration with mwc-formfield
selectionEnd readonly number | null
selectionStart readonly number | null
showActionButton showActionButton boolean false
size number | null
step number | "any" | null step can be a number or the keyword "any".

Use String typing to pass down the value as a string and let the native
input cast internally as needed.
suffix string
type TextFieldType
validateOnInitialRender boolean
validationMessage string
validity readonly ValidityState
validityTransform ((value: string, nativeValidity: ValidityState) => Partial<ValidityState>) | null
value string
willValidate readonly boolean


Method Type
blur (): void
checkValidity (): boolean
click (): void
focus (): void
layout (): Promise<void>
renderOutline (): string | TemplateResult<ResultType>
reportValidity (): boolean
select (): void
setCustomValidity (message: string): void
setSelectionRange (selectionStart: number, selectionEnd: number, selectionDirection?: "forward" | "backward" | "none" | undefined): void



Property Attribute Modifiers Type Default Description
autoValidate boolean
autocapitalize string
charCounter boolean | "external" | "internal"
dense dense boolean false Smaller text field size.
disabled disabled boolean false Disabled state for the component. When disabled is set to true, the
component will not be added to form submission.
endAligned boolean
helper helper string "" Helper text to display below the input.
helperPersistent boolean true
icon icon string "" Leading icon to display in input. See fds-icon.
iconTrailing iconTrailing string "" Leading icon to display in input. See fds-icon.
inputMode TextFieldInputMode
label label string "textfield" Sets floating label value.
labelInside labelInside boolean false Is the label included in the text field.
max string | number
maxLength number
min string | number
minLength number
name string
outlined boolean true
pattern pattern string "" A JavaScript regular expression. The textfield value must match this pattern.
placeholder placeholder string "textfield" Sets placeholder value displayed when input is empty.
prefix string
readOnly boolean
required required boolean false Displays error state if value is empty and input is blurred.
ripple readonly Promise<RippleInterface | null> | undefined Implement ripple getter for Ripple integration with mwc-formfield
selectionEnd readonly number | null
selectionStart readonly number | null
showActionButton showActionButton boolean false Enable the use of a the actionButton slot.
size number | null
step number | "any" | null step can be a number or the keyword "any".

Use String typing to pass down the value as a string and let the native
input cast internally as needed.
styles CSSResult[] ["styles"]
suffix string
type type TextFieldType "" A string specifying the type of control to render.
validateOnInitialRender boolean
validationMessage validationMessage string "" Message to show in the error color when the textfield is invalid. (Helper text will not be visible)
validity readonly ValidityState
validityTransform ((value: string, nativeValidity: ValidityState) => Partial<ValidityState>) | null
value string
willValidate readonly boolean


Method Type
blur (): void
checkValidity (): boolean
click (): void
focus (): void
layout (): Promise<void>
renderOutline (): string | TemplateResult<ResultType>
reportValidity (): boolean
select (): void
setCustomValidity (message: string): void
setSelectionRange (selectionStart: number, selectionEnd: number, selectionDirection?: "forward" | "backward" | "none" | undefined): void


Name Description
actionButton Slot to replace iconTrailing with an action button.

CSS Custom Properties

Property Type Default Description
--fds-icon-color color "#694ED6" Icon color.
--fds-icon-trailing-color color "#694ED6" Icon trailing color.
--fds-primary color "#694ED6" TextField color
--fds-text-field-radius text "4px" Border radius of the outline.


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