
1.0.10 • Public • Published

o-permutive MIT licensed

Note! this is a Work In Progress Component.

A component for adding the Permutive Data Management Platform to a website.

Functionality Overview

This component will integrate Permutive's Data Management Platform functionality onto a website. Specifically the component will do the following:

  • Runs the Permutive 'bootstrap' code, this code has been provided by Permutive and is intended to be run before any other Permutive code. A global variable, 'permutive' is added to the window object and a 'command-queue' array is defined under the window.permutive global object which holds functions which will be called when the Permutive main script is attached and ready. The bootstrap code also sets-up the Permutive-DFP integration (GPT).
  • Checks for user-consent for behavioural profiling - no Permutive code (including the above mentioned bootstrap code) will be run if a user has not consented to behavioural profiling.
  • Attaches the main Permutive JS file to the page DOM.
  • Calls Permutive's api function to link Permutive's unique id assigned to a user/device with first-party ID's (e.g. User GUIDs, SpoorIDs). This is configurable.
  • Calls Permutives api function for passing meta-data associated with a page visit.
  • Note; Permutive's code integrates with Google DFP for passing user segments into ad-server requests.


The o-permutive component can be deployed in the same way as all standard Origami components; either via the Build-service or as a Bower dependancy, (an NPM compatible version of the component is being worked on for a furture release). See the Origami tutorials for more details on how Origami components can be deployed or integrated into a build-pipeline.


Configure and Initialise

There are two ways to configure o-permutive.


import oPermutive from "o-permutive"
const config = {
	projectId: "<Project ID>",
	publicApiKey: "<API KEY>",
	consent: true | false,
	consentFtCookie: true | false,


You must provide a html element with the following attributes:

	data-o-permutive-projectId="<Project ID>"
	data-o-permutive-publicApiKey="<API KEY>"

o-permutive listens for a o.DOMContentLoaded event, on which it initialises.

If using the origami build service, o-permutive will initialise automatically.

Otherwise, you must trigger the event yourself:

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
	document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("o.DOMContentLoaded"))

Or you can initialise it by manually calling the oPermutive.init() function with the HTML Element

oPermutive.init(null, "#o-permutive")


const permutiveEl = document.getElementById("#o-permutive")
oPermutive.init(null, permutiveEl)

Configuration options

o-permutive takes the following configuration options. These can be specified either through a config opbject or as data attribues on an element (see above).

Name Key Type Required? Notes
Public project ID projectId String yes This is the project ID provided by Permutive.
Public api key publicApiKey String yes This is the public API key provided by Permutive.
User consent consent Boolean true/false default is false no The component will not run any Permutive code unless user consent has been explicitly given. This can be passed in as a config.
Use FT consent cookie consentFtCookie Bolean true/false no If true, user consent will be derived via the FTConsent cookie



Configure and initialise the permutive instance (see above for details)




Use if you wish to make use of Permutive's User Identity Matching features whereby Permutive's unique user ID can be mapped to first-party User IDs. This would be needed for cross-device User matching for example.

Name Data-structure Required? Notes
User IDs Array userIDs Array of objects. See example below yes, see notes Required if cross device user matching is required


		id: "<userID>",
		tag: "SporeID",
		id: "<userID>",
		tag: "GUID",


Send metadata about the current request to permutive. All data-points are optional; however the schema is fixed, meaning that any data passed that is not in the format specified below will be rejected. Any data-point below may be omitted if it is not available or not relevant for the page request.


	page: {
		type: "<STRING>", // e.g. "home" or "article"
		article: {
			id: "<STRING>",
			title: "<STRING>",
			type: "<STRING>", // genre
			organisations: ["<LIST>", "<OF>", "<STRINGS>"],
			people: ["<LIST>", "<OF>", "<STRINGS>"],
			categories: ["<LIST>", "<OF>", "<STRINGS>"],
			authors: ["<LIST>", "<OF>", "<STRINGS>"],
			topics: ["LIST", "OF", "STRINGS"],
			admants: ["LIST", "OF", "STRINGS"],
		user: {
			industry: "<STRING>",
			position: "<STRING>",
			responsibility: "<STRING>",




We use tables to represent our migration guides. Be sure to update it when there is a major release, and update MIGRATION.md, as well

State Major Version Last Minor Release Migration guide
active 3 N/A migrate to v3
maintained 2 2.0 migrate to v2
╳ deprecated 1 1.0 N/A


If you have any questions or comments about this component, or need help using it, please either raise an issue, visit #advertising-dev or email FT Advertising-dev Support.


This software is published by the Financial Times under the MIT licence.

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    • robertboulton
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    • hamza.samih
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    • rowanmanning
    • chee
    • alexwilson