A processor which applies some functionalities for the images before uploading process in Filerobot Media Asset Widget.
npm install --save @filerobot/preupload-processors
yarn add @filerobot/preupload-processors
import PreUploadProcessors from '@filerobot/preupload-processors'
filerobot.use(PreUploadProcessors, propertiesObject)
The plugin from CDN is found inside Filerobot
global object Filerobot.PreUploadProcessors
const PreUploadProcessors = window.Filerobot.PreUploadProcessors
filerobot.use(PreUploadProcessors, propertiesObject)
import '@filerobot/core/dist/style.css'
import '@filerobot/preupload-processors/dist/style.css'
or if you prefer the minified version
import '@filerobot/core/dist/style.min.css'
import '@filerobot/preupload-processors/dist/style.min.css'
The plugin's css file should be imported after the Core's css file for having the styles shown correctly.
Type: boolean
Default: false
If true
the processing of image before upload checkbox would be default checked in the upload settings of uploading panel if there are any images selected, otherwise the checkbox will be default un-checked.
Type: boolean
Default: true
If false
the processing of image before upload will be disabled if there are any images selected, otherwise the processing will be enabled.
Type: boolean
Default: false
If true
the processing of video before upload checkbox would be default checked in the upload settings of uploading panel if there are any videos selected, otherwise the checkbox will be default un-checked.
Type: object
Default: null
The operations to be available to the user as options to choose from which to apply on the images before uploading, till now the supported operations:
resize: {
width: 2000, // max width the user could reach
height: 2000 // max height the user could reach
Type: object
resolutions: ['auto', 'hq', 'desktop', 'tablet', 'mobile', 'sample'],
protocols: ['HLS', 'DASH'],
defaultResolution: 'auto',
defaultProtocol: 'HLS'
The options available for video transcoding shown in the UI controls with its default options.
Type: object
Default: default locales inside lib/defaultLocale.js
Customizing some of the translations or the language's strings and replace the default locale.