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1.0.2 • Public • Published

🕉 @feelinglovelynow/svelte-catch

💎 Install

pnpm add @feelinglovelynow/svelte-catch

🙏 Description

  • Ease error handling in SvelteKit with functions to help with catching, parsing and logging errors
  • Errors condense down to an array of strings that works nicely with @feelinglovelynow/toast
  • Original error, formatted error, and stack trace is logged on error

💚 Add log and trace to terminal

  • log (data: any): void
import { log } from '@feelinglovelynow/svelte-catch'

log({ hello: 'world', foo: 'bar' })
  • Terminal Output
{ hello: 'world', foo: 'bar' }
    at Module.log (/Users/fln/@feelinglovelynow/svelte-catch/dist/log.js:6:13)
    at load (/Users/fln/feelinglovelynow/src/routes/+layout.server.ts:18:27)
    at Module.load_server_data (/Users/fln/feelinglovelynow/node_modules/.pnpm/@sveltejs+kit@1.27.6_svelte@4.2.3_vite@4.5.0/node_modules/@sveltejs/kit/src/runtime/server/page/load_data.js:57:41)

💛 Add these helper functions to ease working with @feelinglovelynow/svelte-catch

import { onMount } from 'svelte'
import { json } from '@sveltejs/kit'
import showToast from '@feelinglovelynow/toast'
import { SvelteCatch, enumCatchLocation } from '@feelinglovelynow/svelte-catch'

export function pageServerCatch (e: any) {
  const svelteCatch = new SvelteCatch(enumCatchLocation.pageServer, 'We apologize, there is an error with this page. Please try again and/or <a href="/links">contact us</a>')
  return svelteCatch.catch(e)

export function serverCatch (e: any) {
  const svelteCatch = new SvelteCatch(enumCatchLocation.server, 'We apologize, there is an error with this request. Please try again and/or <a href="/links">contact us</a>')
  return svelteCatch.catch(e, json)

export function routeCatch (data: any) {
  if (data?._errors?.length) {
    onMount(() => {
      showToast('info', data._errors)

🧡 Throw one error

import { one } from '@feelinglovelynow/svelte-catch'

export const load = (async () => {
  try {
    throw one('hello world', { foo: 'bar' })
  } catch (e) {
    return pageServerCatch(e)
}) satisfies LayoutServerLoad
  • Terminal Output
  • originalError is the error that was recieved by the format error function
  • formattedError is the error that will be returned to the frontend
  originalError: { _errors: [ 'hello world' ], _errorData: { foo: 'bar' } },
  formattedError: { _errors: [ 'hello world' ] }
    at Module.log (/Users/fln/@feelinglovelynow/svelte-catch/dist/log.js:6:13)
    at SvelteCatch.catch (/Users/fln/@feelinglovelynow/svelte-catch/dist/SvelteCatch.js:18:35)
    at Module.pageServerCatch (/Users/fln/feelinglovelynow/src/lib/global/catch.ts:11:27)
  • Frontend that shows toast notification with the error
<script lang="ts">
  import type { PageData } from './$types'
  import { routeCatch } from '$lib/global/catch'

  export let data: PageData

❤️ Throw many errors

  • many (_errors: string[], _errorData: any = undefined)
import { many } from '@feelinglovelynow/svelte-catch'
import { serverCatch } from '$lib/global/catch'

export const GET = (async () => {
  try {
    const errors = [{ message: 'foo' }, { message: 'bar' }] // example graphql error
    const errorsAsArrayOfStrings = errors.map(e => e.message)
    const errorData = JSON.stringify({ errors })

    throw many(errorsAsArrayOfStrings, errorData)
  } catch (e) {
    return serverCatch(e)
}) satisfies RequestHandler
  • Terminal Output
  • originalError is the error that was recieved by the parser
  • formattedError is the error that will be returned to the frontend
  originalError: {
    _errors: [ 'foo', 'bar' ],
    _errorData: '{"errors":[{"message":"foo"},{"message":"bar"}]}'
  formattedError: { _errors: [ 'foo', 'bar' ] }
    at Module.log (/Users/fln/@feelinglovelynow/svelte-catch/dist/log.js:6:13)
    at SvelteCatch.catch (/Users/fln/@feelinglovelynow/svelte-catch/dist/SvelteCatch.js:19:62)
    at Module.serverCatch (/Users/fln/feelinglovelynow/src/lib/global/catch.ts:16:27)
  • Frontend that shows toast notification with the error
<script lang="ts">
  import type { PageData } from './$types'
  import { routeCatch } from '$lib/global/catch'

  export let data: PageData

💟 Zod Support

  • Schema
import { z } from 'zod'

export const schemaSearch = z
    isQuotesChecked: z.any().optional(), // allow .superRefine() to do the validation
    isSourcesByTitleChecked: z.any().optional(), // allow .superRefine() to do the validation
    isSourcesByDescriptionChecked: z.any().optional(), // allow .superRefine() to do the validation
    query: z.string().min(3, 'Query is at least 3 characters please'),
  .superRefine(({ isQuotesChecked, isSourcesByTitleChecked, isSourcesByDescriptionChecked }, ctx) => {
    if (!isQuotesChecked && !isSourcesByTitleChecked && !isSourcesByDescriptionChecked) ctx.addIssue({ code: z.ZodIssueCode.custom, message: 'Select atleast one checkbox please' })

export type SchemaSearch = z.infer<typeof schemaSearch>
  • Server
import type { RequestHandler } from './$types'
import { serverCatch } from '$lib/global/catch'
import { schemaSearch, type SchemaSearch } from '$lib/zod/search'

export const POST = (async ({ request }) => {
  try {
    const body = (await request.json()) as SchemaSearch
  } catch (e) {
    return serverCatch(e)
}) satisfies RequestHandler
    "Select atleast one checkbox please"
      "Query is at least 3 characters please"

🌟 Redirect

import { redirect } from '@sveltejs/kit'
import type { PageServerLoad } from './$types'
import { pageServerCatch } from '$lib/global/catch'

export const load = (async ({ locals }) => {
  try {
    if (!locals.userUid) throw redirect(302, '/auth/sign-in')
  } catch (e) {
    return pageServerCatch(e)
}) satisfies PageServerLoad

✨ Formatted error of random error formats

  • formattedError is the error that will be returned to the frontend
  • IF _errorData is in the throw we do not return _errorData to the frontend but _errorData is logged in the terminal
throw 'hello world' // IF e is strng => we put string into array
formattedError: { _errors: [ 'hello world' ] }

throw new Error('foo') // IF e.message found => we put e.message into array
formattedError: { _errors: [ 'foo' ] }

throw { format: () => ({ foo: 'bar' }) } // IF e.format() found => formattedError is the response from e.format()
formattedError: { foo: 'bar' }

throw null // IF !e => formattedError is the default error set above @ pageServerCatch or serverCatch
formattedError: {
  _errors: [
    'We apologize, there is an error with this page. Please try again and/or <a href="/links">contact us</a>'

throw { _errors: [ 'hello', 'world' ], foo: 'bar' } // IF _errors array found => no parsing done
formattedError: { _errors: [ 'hello', 'world' ], foo: 'bar' }

throw { message: 'hello world' } // IF e.message found => we put e.message into array
formattedError: { _errors: [ 'hello world' ] }

🎁 All Our Packages

  1. @feelinglovelynow/dgraph: NPMGithub
  2. @feelinglovelynow/env-write: NPMGithub
  3. @feelinglovelynow/get-form-entries: NPMGithub
  4. @feelinglovelynow/get-relative-time: NPMGithub
  5. @feelinglovelynow/global-style: NPMGithub
  6. @feelinglovelynow/jwt: NPMGithub
  7. @feelinglovelynow/loop-backwards: NPMGithub
  8. @feelinglovelynow/slug: NPMGithub
  9. @feelinglovelynow/svelte-catch: NPMGithub
  10. @feelinglovelynow/svelte-kv: NPMGithub
  11. @feelinglovelynow/svelte-loading-anchor: NPMGithub
  12. @feelinglovelynow/svelte-modal: NPMGithub
  13. @feelinglovelynow/svelte-turnstile: NPMGithub
  14. @feelinglovelynow/toast: NPMGithub

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  • feelinglovelynow