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Evervault React.js SDK

The Evervault React.js SDK is a toolkit for encrypting data on the client. Using the Evervault React.js SDK means your customer's data never leaves their device unencrypted.

Getting Started

Before starting with the Evervault React SDK, you will need to create an account and a team.

For full installation support, book time here.


See the Evervault React.js SDK documentation.


Our React.js SDK is distributed via npm, and can be installed using your preferred package manager.

# Using npm
npm install @evervault/react

# Using yarn
yarn add @evervault/react

Initialize SDK

Once installed, initialize the React.js SDK with your Team and App ID found in the Evervault Dashboard.

Use the <EvervaultProvider> component as a provider for your app.

import { EvervaultProvider } from "@evervault/react";
import ChildComponent from "../ChildComponent";
export default function App() {
  return (
    <EvervaultProvider teamId="<TEAM_ID>" appId="<APP_ID>">
      <ChildComponent />

Encrypt a string

Once you've added the <EvervaultProvider>, you can use the useEvervault() hook in its children. The useEvervault() hook returns an initialized instance of the JavaScript SDK, which includes the encrypt() function.

import { useState } from "react";
import { useEvervault } from "@evervault/react";

export default function ChildComponent() {
  const evervault = useEvervault();
  const [message, setMessage] = useState("");

  const handleSubmit = async (e) => {
    const encryptedMessage = await evervault.encrypt(message);

  return (
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
      <input value={message} onChange={(e) => setMessage(e.target.value)} />


<EvervaultProvider />

The EvervaultProvider component exposes the useEvervault() hook to any nested components.

<EvervaultProvider teamId="<TEAM_ID>" appId="<APP_ID>">
  <App />


Parameter Type Description
teamId String The unique identifier for your Team. It's found in Team Settings.
appId String The unique identifier for your App. It's found in App Settings.


The useEvervault hook is accessible in children of the EvervaultProvider, and returns an initialized instance of the Evervault JavaScript SDK. One of the functions included in the returned object is encrypt(), which can be passed any plaintext data structure.

const evervault = useEvervault();


Encrypts data using Evervault Encryption. Evervault Strings can be used across all of our products. It is accessible on the returned value from the useEvervault() hook. To encrypt data using the React.js SDK, simply pass a String or an Object into the evervault.encrypt() function.

The encrypted data can be passed to your server and stored in your database as normal. It can also be used with any of Evervault’s other services.

const evervault = useEvervault();

const encrypted = await evervault.encrypt("Hello, world!");
Parameter Type Description
data Object, Array, String, Number, File or Blob Data to be encrypted.

<EvervaultInput />

Use Evervault Inputs to securely collect encrypted cardholder data. Evervault Inputs are served within an iFrame retrieved directly from Evervault’s PCI-compliant infrastructure, which can reduce your PCI DSS compliance scope to the simplest form (SAQ A).

Evervault Inputs also support themes and custom styles so you can customise how Inputs looks in your UI.


Parameter Type Description
onChange Function A function that is called whenever the submission changes.
onInputsLoad Function A function that is called when the iFrame that serves Inputs has loaded.
config String | Object A theme string (supported: default, minimal or material), or a config object for custom styles.
config.theme String The base styling for Inputs. Currently supports default, minimal and material.
config.height String The height of the Evervault Inputs iframe.
config.primaryColor String The main theme color.
config.labelColor String The color CSS property applied to the input labels.
config.inputBorderColor String The border-color CSS property applied to inputs.
config.inputTextColor String The color CSS property applied to inputs.
config.inputBackgroundColor String The color CSS property applied to the ::placeholder CSS pseudo-element for inputs.
config.inputBorderRadius String The border-radius CSS property applied to inputs.
config.inputHeight String The height CSS property applied to inputs.
config.cardNumberLabel String The label for the card number input
config.expirationDateLabel String The label for the expiration date input
config.securityCodeLabel String The label for the security code input
config.expirationDatePlaceholder String The placeholder for the expiration date input
config.invalidCardNumberLabel String The message shown on an invalid card number
config.invalidExpirationDateLabel String The message shown on an invalid expiration date
config.invalidSecurityCodeLabel String The message shown on an invalid security code
config.fontUrl String Load a custom font with the Google Fonts API
config.fontFamily String Set the font-family for the fontUrl
config.inputFontSize String Set the font-size property of the input attribute
config.inputBoxShadow String Set the box-shadow property of the input attribute
config.labelFontSize String Set the font-size property of the label attribute
config.labelWeight String Set the font-weight property of the label attribute
config.disableCVV Boolean Removes the CVV field from Inputs, showing only the Card Number and Expiry fields
config.disableExpiry Boolean Removes the Expiry field from Inputs, showing only the Card Number and CVV fields

Retrieving card data

To access the encrypted card data, you must pass an onChange handler. This function will be called any time the card data is updated and is passed an object with the encrypted card details as well as validation information.

function Payment() {
  const handleChange = ({ encryptedCard, isValid }) => {
    if (isValid) {

  return <EvervaultInput onChange={handleChange} />;

onChange callback params

The onChange callback will be passed the following object as a parameter.

  "encryptedCard": {
    "type": "visa_credit",
    "number": "ev:encrypted:abc123",
    "cvc": "ev:encrypted:def456",
    "expMonth": "01",
    "expYear": "23"
    "lastFour": "1234"
  "isValid": true,
  "isPotentiallyValid": true,
  "isEmpty": false,
  "error": {
    "type": "invalid_pan",
    "message": "The credit card number you entered was invalid"


The iFrame can be localized on initialization by providing a set of labels in the config.

const config = {
  cardNumberLabel: 'Numéro de carte:',
  expirationDateLabel: 'Date d'expiration:',
  securityCodeLabel: 'Code de sécurité:'

<EvervaultInput onChange={handleChange} config={config} />

Custom Fonts

A custom font can be loaded from Google's Fonts API and the font-family set with the fontFamily config paramerter

const config = {
  fontUrl: 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Poppins:wght@100;800&display=swap',
  fontFamily: 'Poppins, sans-serif',
  inputFontSize: '20px',
  inputBoxShadow: '2px 2px 2px 1px rgba(0, 0, 255, .2)',
  labelFontSize: '13px',
  labelWeight: '400'

<EvervaultInput onChange={handleChange} config={config} />

iFrame loading status

If you need to wait for the iFrame that serves Inputs to load before doing some action, you can used the onInputsLoad prop callback:

  onInputsLoad={() => {
    console.log("Inputs has loaded!");

<EvervaultReveal />

Use Evervault Reveal to show encrypted card details to show your users their encrypted card details in plaintext in a secure iFrame hosted by Evervault. Before using Reveal you'll first have to create a Relay to decrypt the card details; Reveal expects to receive the card data from the Relay as a JSON object with the schema below.

Note: It is important that the endpoint that you create sets the applicable CORS headers so that it can be accessed from the Inputs iFrame. Otherwise your requests will fail!

  "cardNumber": "string | number",
  "cvv": "string | number",
  "expiry": "string | number"

Once you have your endpoint that returns the encrypted card data, you'll need to create an Evervault Inbound Relay that will decrypt the encrypted card data as is passes through it, before it gets to the iFrame. Once you have created your Relay you can add the component to your React app.

export default function Reveal() {
  const request = {
    url: "https://example-com.relay.evervault.com",
    method: "GET",
    headers: {
      Authorization: "Bearer ey...",

  return (
      <EvervaultReveal request={request}></EvervaultReveal>

The only required field is request which takes an object that supports all of the same fields as a Javascript Request Object. The URL must be the Evervault Inbound Relay you configured earlier.


Parameter Type Description
onRevealLoad Function A function that is called when the iFrame that serves Reveal has loaded.
onRevealError Function(Error) A function that is called when the iFrame that serves Reveal errors, it is called with the error as its first parameter.
onCopy Function A function that is called when user clicks the copy button inside the Reveal component.
config String | Object A theme string (supported: default, minimal or material), or a config object for custom styles.
config.height String The height of the Evervault Inputs iframe.
config.fontUrl String Load a custom font with the Google Fonts API
config.fontFamily String Set the font-family for the fontUrl
config.revealFontSize String Set the font-size property of the reveal text fields
config.revealFontWeight String Set the font-weight property of the reveal text fields
config.revealTextColor String Set the font-color property of the reveal text fields


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/evervault/evervault-react.


Questions or feedback? Let us know.


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