
1.1.0 • Public • Published

Eversend Nodejs SDK

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Nodejs SDK for Eversend payments API

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Initialization
  3. Usage
  4. Contribution Guidelines
  5. License


$ npm install --save @eversend/node-sdk


const eversendClient = require('@eversend/node-sdk')
    ({clientId: "clientId", clientSecret: "clientSecret"});

You can get your clientId and clientSecret from the settings section in the dashboard



Get all wallets

const wallets = await eversendClient.wallets.getWallets();

Get one wallet

const usdWallet = await eversendClient.wallets.getWallet({ id: "USD" });


Get all transactions

const transactions = await eversendClient.transactions.fetchTransactions({ page: 1, limit: 10});

If page and limit are not set, the default of 1 and 10 are used respectively.

Get one transaction

const transaction = await eversendClient.transactions.fetchTransaction({ id: "EVS12345678" });


To exchange from one wallet to another, you first have to generate a quotation. This returns a token with a 30s timeout that you can use to make the exchange.

Get exchange quotation

const quotation = await eversendClient.exchanges.getQuotation({
  from: "USD", to: "UGX", amount: 10.0,

Exchange currency

const exchange = await eversendClient.exchanges.createExchange({
  quotationToken: "dhhsggajjshhdhdhd",
  transactionRef: "EVS-12345678", // optional field


Get beneficiaries

const beneficiaries = await eversendClient.beneficiaries.getBeneficiaries({
  page: 1,
  limit: 10

If page and limit are not set, the default of 1 and 10 are used respectively.

Get single beneficiary

const beneficiary = await eversendClient.beneficiaries.getBeneficiaries({
  id: 100

Create a beneficiary

const beneficiary = await eversendClient.beneficiaries.addBeneficiary({
  firstName: "John",
  lastName: "Okello",
  country: "UG", // Alpha-2 country code
  phoneNumber: "+256712345678", // Should be in international format
  bankAccountName: "John Okello",
  bankAccountNumber: "12345678",
  bankName: "Stanbic Bank",
  bankCode: 1234 // You can get the bank code from payouts.getDeliveryBanks()

Note that all bank fields are optional if bank payments will not be required Delete a beneficiary

const beneficiary = await eversendClient.beneficiaries.deleteBeneficiary({
  id: 100


Get collection fees

const collectionFees = await eversendClient.collections.getCollectionFees({
  amount: 1000,
  currency: "KES",
  method: "momo"

Get collection OTP

Required when initiating mobile money collections

const collectionOTP = await eversendClient.collections.getCollectionOTP({
  phone: "+256712345678"

Initiate Mobile Money collection

  phone: "+256712345678",
  amount: 1000,
  country: "UG",
  currency: "UGX",
  otpPin: 123456, // From phone number passed in Get Collection OTP
  otpPinId: "dg524fhsgfde", // From Get Collection OTP
  transactionRef: "EVS-12345678", // Optional transaction ref generated by you
  customer: { name: "John Okello" } // Optional customer object with your metadata


Get payout quotation

const quotation = await eversendClient.payouts.getQuotation({
  amount: 100,
  amountType: "SOURCE", // amountType can be SOURCE or DESTINATION
  sourceWallet: "USD",
  destinationCountry: "KE",
  destinationCurrency: "KES"

amountType refers to whether you want amount to represent sourceWallet (SOURCE) or destinationCurrency (DESTINATION)

Pay existing beneficiary

const payout = eversendClient.payouts.payoutExistingBeneficiary({
  beneficiaryId: 100,
  quotationToken: "token",
  transactionRef: "EVS-12345678" // Optional transaction ref generated by you

Pay new beneficiary

const payout = eversendClient.payouts.payoutNewBeneficiary({
  firstName: "John",
  lastName: "Okello",
  country: "UG", // Alpha-2 country code
  phoneNumber: "+256712345678", // Should be in international format
  bankAccountName: "John Okello",
  bankAccountNumber: "12345678",
  bankName: "Stanbic Bank",
  bankCode: 1234, // You can get the bank code from payouts.getDeliveryBanks()
  quotationToken: "token",
  transactionRef: "EVS-12345678" // Optional transaction ref generated by you

Get delivery countries

const countries = await eversendClient.payouts.getDeliveryCountries()

Get delivery banks

const banks = await eversendClient.payouts.getDeliveryBanks({
  country: "UG"


Create a card user

const createUser = await eversendClient.card.createCardUser({
  firstName: "John",
  lastName: "Okello",
  email: "test@card.com",
  phoneNumber: "+256712345678", // Should be in international format but optional

Note that phone number field is optional

Get card users

const cardUsers = await eversendClient.card.getCardUsers({
   page: 1,
   limit: 10

If page and limit are not set, the default of 1 and 10 are used respectively.

Create a card

const card = await eversendClient.card.createCard({
  title: "Netflix payment" // Reason for creating the card, which you can use to identify why you created the card
  color: "blue" // could be blue, black, purple, yellow, orange
  amount: 1000, // Amount to be added to card
  currency: "USD", //The currency which the card creation amount will be deducted from. Use USD
  brand: "visa", // could be visa, mastercard

Get all cards

const cards = await eversendClient.card.getAllCards({
   page: 1, // optional
   limit: 10, // optional
   status, // optional
   query, // optional
   from, // optional
   to, // optional

If page and limit are not set, the default of 1 and 10 are used respectively.

Get single card details

const card = await eversendClient.card.getSingleCardDetails({

Get single card transactions

const singleCardTransactions = await eversendClient.card.fetchSingleCardTransaction({
  status, // optional
  query, // optional
  from,  // optional
  to, // optional
  type // optional
  page: 1, // optional
  limit: 10, // optional

Get all card transactions

const cardTransactions = await eversendClient.card.fetchAllCardsTransaction({
  status, // optional
  query, // optional
  from,  // optional
  to, // optional
  type // optional
  page: 1, // optional
  limit: 10, // optional

Fund a card

const fundCard = await eversendClient.card.fundCard({
  amount, cardId, currency

Withdraw from a card

const withDrawCard = await eversendClient.card.cardWithdrawal({
  amount, cardId, currency

Freeze a card

const freezeCard = await eversendClient.card.freezeCard({

Unfreeze a card

const unfreezeCard = await eversendClient.card.unfreezeCard({

Delete a card

const deleteCard = await eversendClient.card.deleteCard({

Get card analytics

const cardAnalytics = await eversendClient.card.getCardsAnalytics({
  from,  // optional
  to, // optional

Contribution Guidelines

Contributions are welcome and encouraged. Learn more about our contribution guidelines here


MIT © Eversend


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