
8.0.1 • Public • Published

Semantic Release Configuration

A shareable semantic release configuration supporting a range of languages and platforms supported by the @ethima organization.



  • Create the relevant authentication token for the platform on which the project using this configuration is hosted. This secret will be used by the main semantic-release tool for pushing tags as well as the platform-specific plugin i.e. GitHub or GitLab.

    For improved security, use a unique token for every project this configuration is used in!

  • Use this shareable semantic release configuration by including it in the extends configuration for the project to be semantically released.

  • When using this shareable semantic release configuration on GitHub, be sure to read the instructions below on the primary_release_branch configuration and provide an appropriate value if necessary.


The semantic release configuration has several configuration options itself. Some of this configuration, like sensitive tokens such as GH_TOKEN, GITLAB_TOKEN and NPM_TOKEN, should be configured through environment variables.

Other configuration options have more complex values and are not suitable for configuration through environment variables. These configuration options can be configured through a file. The cosmiconfig library is used for this purpose. This library will search for an ethima configuration file as explained in the introduction of its README, e.g. a JSON or YAML-formatted .ethimarc or .config/ethimarc file, JavaScript in a .ethimarc.js, etc.

The available configuration options are explained in detail in the sections describing the functionality they apply to.


By default, semantic-release accepts at most 3 "release branches". This configuration provides a mechanism to work around this limitation by detecting the type of the active branch and only configuring semantic-release to act on the primary release branch and the active branch, enabling the use of more "release branches". The primary release branch is always configured as semantic-release requires at least one "release branch" to be defined.

Additionally, this configuration extends the allowed patterns for "maintenance" and "prerelease" branches. Specifically semantic-release only supports N.N.x, N.x.x and N.x patterns where N is a number. When using this configuration N, N.N, N.y, N.y.z and N.N.z (suffix) patterns are also supported.

The configuration distinguishes three types of branches:

  • The "primary release branch" which is the branch from which the most up-to-date release gets cut.

  • "Maintenance branches" which represent a specific subset of releases that can be used for maintenance releases after the "primary release branch" has moved ahead to a newer version. For instance, a release-2 branch when the primary release branch targets releases for version 3 or up, or a release-1.2 branch for releases within the v1.2.z range after the release-1 branch has started to target v1.3.z.

  • "Prerelease branches" which can be used to "gate" releases, e.g. to accumulate a number of changes to release at once instead of releasing on every single merge into a "release branch", i.e. the "primary release branch" or a "maintenance branch". These branches typically follow the naming convention of the other "release branches" but with a different prefix, e.g. next-2 corresponds to prereleases for release-2, next-1.2.z corresponds to releases for release-1.2.z, etc. The "prerelease branch" for the "primary release branch" is a special case which only consists of the prefix used to indicate "prerelease branches", e.g. next. The tags associated with a "prerelease branch" receive an additional suffix.

    Note that "breaking" or "feature" "prerelease branches" will accept prereleases for the next "breaking" or "feature" version as, according to the semantic versioning specification, these versions technically fall within the upper bounded version range represented by the "prerelease branch". For instance, a feature commit on the next-3.1 branch will be accepted and results in the publication of 3.2.0-rc.1 from that branch. If that same commit would have been made on the release-3.1 branch it would not have been accepted.

Various aspects of branch and tag naming can be configured through the mechanisms outlined above. The folowing branch-related configuration options are available:

Configuration option Description Environment Variable
branch_prefix_separator Specifies the character(s) used to separate the branch prefixes from version ranges BRANCH_PREFIX_SEPARATOR
maintenance_branch_prefix Specifies the prefix used for "maintenance branches" MAINTENANCE_BRANCH_PREFIX
prerelease_branch_prefix Specifies the prefix used for "prerelease branches" PRERELEASE_BRANCH_PREFIX
prerelease_branch_prefix Specifies the suffix used for tags created from "prerelease branches" PRERELEASE_TAG_SUFFIX
primary_release_branch Indicates the name of the "primary release branch" PRIMARY_RELEASE_BRANCH

The default configuration is

  branch_prefix_separator: "-",
  maintenance_branch_prefix: "release"
  prerelease_branch_prefix: "next",
  prerelease_tag_suffix: "rc",
  primary_release_branch: env.CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH || "main",

The branch for which a release is intended to be triggered should be provided as a CURRENT_BRANCH environment variable before instantiating this configuration. For common platforms, i.e. GitLab CI and GitHub Actions, this value will be automatically derived from known environment variables specific to each platform.

Changelog Maintenance

A changelog is maintained using the release notes generated by the semantic release tooling. This changelog is maintained in a CHANGELOG.md in the root of a project by default. This path can be configured by adding a changelog_filename property to a file-based configuration as described in the configuration section.

JavaScript Packages

JavaScript packages are detected based on the presence of a package.json file in the root of the project.

Julia Packages

Julia packages are detected based on the presence of a Project.toml file in the root of the project.

The configuration is not able to automatically register releases with the General registry. Newly created releases should be registered using JuliaHub's Register Packages interface.

Templated Content in Files

The configuration will look for __NEXT_SEMANTIC_RELEASE_VERSION__ tokens in templates in files specified in the files_with_versioned_templates configuration and replace them with the version that is being released. This is, for instance, useful for automatically keeping installation instructions up-to-date. The configuration defaults to a project's root-level README.md.

Templated content has the following token-based structure:

  • the template itself with one or more __NEXT_SEMANTIC_RELEASE_VERSION__ tokens,
  • (optionally) content that was previously templated and which will be discarded,

The BEGIN_VERSIONED_TEMPLATE, END_VERSIONED_TEMPLATE and END_VERSIONED_TEMPLATE_REPLACEMENT tokens must each be on their own line. These lines may be indented and contain other content that is exempt from replacements, e.g. comment markers to ensure the templates do not affect surrounding code or documentation. The exact tokens may differ per file-type, see the source code for available configurations. For instance, Markdown files can use HTML block comments and may replace the literal END_VERSIONED_TEMPLATE token with an "end comment" token.

More concretely a section in a README.md that looks like


The next semantically released version will be v__NEXT_SEMANTIC_RELEASE_VERSION__!


would, after a v1.2.3 release using the configuration has been triggered, become


The next semantically released version will be v__NEXT_SEMANTIC_RELEASE_VERSION__!


The next semantically released version will be v1.2.3!


Note that the v is in the template! The version as derived by the semantic release tooling does not contain that prefix.

Configuring which files to update

The templated content feature uses the replace-in-file library to perform the actual replacements. In which files templates should be replaced, can be configured by adding a files_with_versioned_templates key specifying an array of filenames and globs to a configuration file as described in the configuration section. For instance:

  "files_with_versioned_templates": [

Preventing individual templates from being updated

Configuring which files to ignore when updating templated content is a very coarse approach which may not always be suitable. In cases where a more fine-grained approach is necessary, replacements in individual templates can be prevented by modifying (one of) the tokens in those templates. For instance by including a non-visible whitespace character, e.g. a Zero Width Non-Joiner (ZWNJ) character. A sufficient approach is to modify the starting token, so that the template is no longer recognized as one. Using the suggested ZWNJ character the starting token becomes <!--‌ BEGIN_VERSIONED_TEMPLATE.

Note that when using this approach, although the templates/tokens visually look like versions that should be replaced, they cannot be copied and pasted as examples as the resulting copies will also contain the non-visible whitespace character. When using this approach be sure to indicate this as to not confuse readers as to why replacements may not be working!


Publishing the initial release of a scoped JavaScript package

Creating the initial release of a scoped JavaScript may fail if the package is intended to be public and the person creating the release not having paid for private packages. This results in an error similar to

npm ERR! 402 Payment Required - PUT https://registry.npmjs.org/@<scope>%2f<package-name> -
You must sign up for private packages

When this happens, publish the initial release manually using npm publish --access=public after making sure the local copy of the project to be released is up-to-date.

When this happens, it is typically also necessary to create the initial GitHub release by hand from the tag and changelog that was created by the semantic-release tooling.



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