TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

3.0.14 • Public • Published

Table of contents


  • [x] Angular Material installed and imported

Getting started

Step 1: Install eqp-table:


npm install --save @eqproject/eqp-table

Step 2: Import the EqpTableModule and install :

import { EqpTableModule } from '@eqproject/eqp-table';

  declarations: [AppComponent],
  imports: [EqpTableModule],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}

Step 2: Use in your component

Define selector in html

<eqp-table [headerTitle]="'Title'" [columns]="columns" [data]="DATA"></eqp-table>

Define the datasource for the table

  @ViewChild(EqpTableComponent) eqpTable: EqpTableComponent; //To access directly the directive
  columns: Array<ConfigColumn>;

 DATA: any[] = [
    { ID: 0, Name: 'Mario', Surname: 'Rossi', BirthDate: new Date(), Gender: 1, Boolean: true},
    { ID: 1, Name: 'Luigi', Surname: 'Bianchi', BirthDate: new Date(), Gender: 2, Boolean: false}

 genderEnum = GenderEnum; // For enumerators, need only to create variable and assign to enumerator

Define the column configurations

  this.columns = [
        key: "Name",
        display: "Name"
        key: "Surname",
        display: "Surname",
        key: "BirthDate",
        display: "Birth Date",
        type: TypeColumn.Date,
        styles: { flex: "0 0 8%" }
        key: "Gender",
        display: "Gender",
        type: TypeColumn.Enum,
        enumModel: GenderEnum,
        styles: { flex: "0 0 8%" }

Step 3: Use Example to reload the table :

On onInit, you can call a reload method, that will only refresh the table using viewchild we previously created



Step 4(not required): Use Multilanguage :

To use multilanguage, set to true the input boolean variable

    <eqp-table [isMultiLanguage]="true"></eqp-table>

Then, where you set the language to use, like on login page or in navbar to switch language

    this.translateHelper.loadJsonLanguage("en", jsonObject);

Where translateHelper is a service that need to be imported in constructor component as public.

loadJsonLanguage need to set current language, first parameter check the language to use, in the second we need to pass the entire Json for selected language

Convert BaseFieldModel to TableColumnField

To convert, in your component, you can use static EqpCommonService (eqp-common package required)

        this.tableColumnFields = EqpCommonService.convertAs<TableColumnField>(this.baseFields, TableColumnField, ["firstName", "lastName", "hired"], this.createComplexTableColumnField())

baseFields is the base array, ["firstName"]... are the fields I want to be returned and createComplexTableColumnField is the method that contains the transposition logic.

    private createComplexTableColumnField() {
    const additionalProperties: Array<TableColumnField> = [
        key: "Link",
        display: "Link",
        type: TypeColumn.Hyperlink,
        hyperlink: { hyperlinkUrl: "https://google.com", hyperlinkText: "Link", isTargetBlank: true },
        tooltip: { tooltipText: "Colonna di tipo Hyperlink" },
        styles: { minWidth: "150px" }
        key: "birthDate",
        value: (element) => { return element.birthDate },
        display: "Data senza formato",
        type: TypeColumn.Date,
        tooltip: { tooltipText: "Colonna di tipo Date senza formato specifico" },
        styles: { minWidth: "150px" },
        key: "gender",
        display: "Sesso (Enum)",
        type: TypeColumn.Enum,
        enumModel: GenderEnum,
        tooltip: { tooltipText: "Colonna di tipo Enum" },
        multilanguagePrefixKey: "ENUMS.GENDER.",
        styles: { minWidth: "150px" },

    return additionalProperties;

additional complexity logics for the selected properties are defined in the method.


Inputs for basic table configuration

Input Type Default Required Description
[headerTitle] string - no Set the table title.
[data] Array<any> - yes Array of generic objects with properties.
[columns] Array<ConfigColumn> - yes Array with ConfigColumn as type, need to initialize and import in component
[createMatCard] boolean false no If true, a mat-card will be created as a container for the table
[createMatCardHeader] boolean false no Se true, verrà creato una mat-card-header come contenitore del titolo della tabella
[tableName] string - no It allows you to define the table name, currently used to save the pagination of the specific table that you want to modify. If omitted, a unique name is automatically assigned to each eqp-table
[emptyTableMessage] string Nessun dato trovato no Text to show if the table is empty
[disableRow] `string Function boolean` -
[isMultiLanguage] boolean false no If true, see section and examples about use, if not interested in use, set to false or don't write it
[cultureInfo] string it-IT no Definition of the cultureInfo to use for the data filter format in the table
[showFunctionButtons] boolean false no If true, the 'Confirm' and 'Cancel' buttons are shown in the footer. It will be possible to pass functions to be invoked by pressing the buttons
[functionButtonConfirmText] string Conferma no Confirm button text, by default it will return 'Confirm'
[functionButtonExitText] string Esci no Exit button text, by default it will return 'Exit'
[tableColor] string (RGB o HEX) white no Allows you to define the background color of the table
[exportEqpTable] ExportEqpTable null no Allows you to configure the export functionality of the data shown in the table (refer to the configuration of the ExportEqpTable model)
[currencyFilterToReplace] string null no N.D.
[currencyFilterToUse] string null no N.D.
[showFirstLastButtons] boolean false no Allows you to show first and last page button in paginator
[showFirstLastButtons] boolean false no Allows you to show first and last page button in paginator
[disablePageStorageSave] boolean false no Allows you to disable pagination storage save on localstorage
[disableRowColor] string (RGB o HEX) #8080808c no Allows you to define color of the disabled rows
[autoResizeColumns] boolean false no BETA - the table will become adaptive, the columns that do not fit on the screen will go into the expandable table detailing each row.You can use flex, minWidth or maxWidth for each column otherwise a default value will be set for each column
[chooseColumnsToShow] boolean false no User can select the columns he wants to see in the table
[chooseColumnsToShowText] string Visualizza colonne no Text on dialog title for the columns to show
[rowCssClass] `Function string` null no
[cellCssClass] `Function string` null no
[headerCellCssClass] `Function string` null no
[isStickyHeader] boolean false no Header will be sticky
[customButtons] CustomButton false no Allows you to configure the custom buttons at the top of table (refer to the configuration of the CustomButton model)

Inputs for table lookup functionality (searching)

Input Type Default Required Description
[isTableSearcheable] boolean true no Manages the visibility of the search field above the table, default true. If False then the search field is hidden
[searchText] string Cerca no Label to be applied to the text search field
[isSingleColumnFilter] boolean false no It defines if the search is done by single column or if global
[switchFilterType] boolean false no It allows you to configure the switch functionality between the global search and the single column search.
[singleFilterColumnVisible] boolean true no It allows you to manage the expand / collapse status of the accordion relating to the search fields on a single column
[showSingleFilterButton] boolean true no If the use of filters on a single column has been requested, through this input it will be possible to open / close the agreement between the header and the body of the table containing the filters on a single column
[switchFilterToGenericText] string Usa filtro generico no Tooltip text of the switch button in case generic filters are to be shown
[switchFilterToSingleText] string Usa filtro per singola colonna no Toggle button tooltip text in case single column filters are to be shown
[showFilterText] string Mostra filtri no Text of the button to open the accordion of the search fields on a single column
[hideFilterText] string Nascondi filtri no Text of the button to close the accordion of the search fields on a single column

Inputs for table pagination

Input Type Default Required Description
[paginatorVisible] boolean true no Allows you to show / hide the pagination under the table, default true. If it is set to FALSE then the table will have no paging
[matPaginatorLength] Array<number> [5,10,25,100] no It allows to define an array of numbers to indicate the possible pagination dimensions of the table, default: [5, 10, 25, 100]
[matPaginatorSize] number 5 no Allows you to define the default number to be used for the elements to be displayed on each page
[matPaginatorIndex] number - no Allows you to define the index of the page size array to use to be set by default.
[matPaginatorCount] number - no N.D.
[paginatorColor] string (HEX o RGB) - no Allows you to define the paginator background color (HEX or RGB)

Inputs for table selection

Input Type Default Required Description
[selection] boolean false no If true, single select functionality is added on the table (default: false)
[isMultipleSelection] boolean false no If it assumes the value true and if the input 'selection' takes the value true then it adds the functionality of multiple selection of the table rows
[isHighlight] boolean false no Defines whether the table highlights the selected row (passing an output event for the row)
[highlightColor] string #E4E5E6 no Definition of the highlight color, default is #E4E5E6 (gray), N.B. it must be RGB
[isSelectedPropertyName] string isSelected no Allows you to define property name for checkbox function

Inputs for filter table

Input Type Default Required Description
[enableFilters] boolean false no If true, the table will automatically integrate the filters, this management will change if the FilterObject is added
[filterObject] FilterObject {} no Object that manages the filters integrated into the table in a more complex way

Table Outputs

Output Event Arguments Required Description
(checkboxInfo) EventEmitter<any no Invoked only if the selection is active on the eqp-table. It is invoked every time the selection on the rows changes and passes as a parameter the array of the rows that are selected
(pageChange) EventEmitter<any> no Invoked whenever the pagination of the table changes. Exposes an object containing the following properties: previousSize, pageIndex, pageSize
(sortChange) EventEmitter<any> no Event triggered when the ordering on a column is changed, an object containing the name of the column and the direction of the ordering is passed as a parameter
(highlightSelected) EventEmitter<any> no Event active only if the selection on the table is active. It is invoked at each selection made and passes the selected line as a parameter
(highlightDeselected) EventEmitter<any> no Event active only if the selection on the table is active. It is invoked at each deselection made and passes the deselected line as a parameter
(functionButtonConfirm) EventEmitter<any> no Event active only if the 'showFunctionButtons' input takes on the value TRUE. It is invoked when the 'Confirm' button is pressed and passes as a parameter the array of rows selected on the table (if present)
(functionButtonExit) EventEmitter<any> no Event active only if the 'showFunctionButtons' input takes on the value TRUE. It is invoked when the 'Exit' button is pressed and passes the value NULL as a parameter
(eqpExportStarted) EventEmitter<any> no Event triggered when the table export function starts. It is active only if the 'exportEqpTable' input is configured.
(eqpExportCompleted) EventEmitter<any> no Event triggered at the end of the table export function. It is active only if the 'exportEqpTable' input is configured.
[filtersSelected] EventEmitter<any> yes Invoked when buttons are pressed to apply or reset filters. Returns as a parameter the object (in case of resultType = BASIC) or the array of complex objects (if resultType = ADVANCED) with the results of the applied filters.
[customFiltersSavedValueLoaded] EventEmitter<any> yes Output event fired when filters are reloaded from localstorage and the current filter expects an external template. This event is invoked only if the filter has an external template and only if the storage of the filters has been requested for eqp-filters. The complete filter configuration is passed as an event parameter.

Models used


Property Description Examples Type
key Unique name to be assigned to the column (may coincide with the name of the property to be displayed) - string
display Displayed value - string
value If the specified key does not coincide with the name of the property then this node must contain the name of the property to be displayed or, possibly, the function to be called to return the value to be shown in the column. - `string
currencyPipeCode Allows you to define the pipe to be used for columns containing a currency. It can be a static value (a string) or a function (if for example there are different currencies on the lines) - `string
actions Allows you to define the actions for the SIMPLE_ACTION or MENU_ACTION type column - Array<ConfigAction>
booleanValues Can define display value for 'true' and 'false' cases true: 'Si' false: 'No' BooleanValues
enumModel Passed enum type, automatically retrieve the value - any
buttonMenuIcon Define the button icon in menu cases - string
styles N.D. - -
disabled Allows you to enable / disable the column based on a value or the result of a function - `boolean
multilanguagePrefixKey If the multilingual is active for the table and the current column contains, for example, an enumerator to be translated, in this field it is possible to indicate the possible prefix to search for the translated value in the translation dictionary passed as input. - string
tooltip N.D. - -
baseType - Text = 1, Number = 2, Date = 3, Enum = 4, Boolean = 5 BaseType

ConfigAction Model

Property Description Type Required
name Action name string no
icon Mat Icon for menu icon `string Function`
disabled Mat Icon for menu icon `boolean Function`
fn Used to define function - `any
hidden Used to define function `boolean Function`
fontawesome Used to define function boolean no
tooltip Used to define function EqpMatTooltip no
color Used to define function string no

TableColumnField Model

Property Description Examples Type
type TypeColumn - define with enumerator the column type Date = 1, Boolean = 2, SimpleAction = 3, MenuAction = 4, Enum = 5, Icon = 6, Checkbox = 7, Hyperlink = 8, Image = 9, Color = 10, ExternalTemplate = 11 TypeColumn Enum
actions Allows you to define the actions for the SIMPLE_ACTION or MENU_ACTION type column - Array<ConfigAction>
booleanValues Can define display value for 'true' and 'false' cases true: 'Si' false: 'No' BooleanValues
enumModel Passed enum type, automatically retrieve the value - any
buttonMenuIcon Define the button icon in menu cases - string
icons N.D. - -
containerStyle N.D. - -
isSearchable Allows you to activate / deactivate the search for the current column - boolean
disabled Allows you to enable / disable the column based on a value or the result of a function - `boolean
multilanguagePrefixKey If the multilingual is active for the table and the current column contains, for example, an enumerator to be translated, in this field it is possible to indicate the possible prefix to search for the translated value in the translation dictionary passed as input. - string
tooltip N.D. - -
hyperlink N.D. - -
image N.D. - -
additionalValue It allows you to define a static text that will always be displayed as a suffix of the text shown in the cell - string
externalTemplate Allows you to define the external template to be used as the content of the column - TemplateRef<any>
externalTemplateSearchFunction Allows you to define the value for which template will be searched. It can be a static value (a string) or a function - `string
isSortable Allows you to activate / deactivate the sorting on the current column - boolean
isFilterable Allows you to activate / deactivate filter on the current column when using eqp-filters - boolean
isHidden Allows you to hide current column, when using 'chooseColumnsToShow', deselected columns will be automatically set to true - boolean
isSticky Allows you to stick current column to the left of the table (when scrolled after its position) NOTE: Flex is not fully compatible, it is recommended to use MinWidth - boolean
isStickyEnd Allows you to stick current column to the right of the table making it always visible - boolean

ExportEqpTable Model

Property Description Type Required
exportFileType N.D. `ExportType Array
exportFileName N.D. string no
hiddenColumns N.D. Array<number> no
buttonText N.D. string no
buttonTextTranslateKey N.D. string no
buttonIcon N.D. string no
tooltipText N.D. string no
tooltipTextTranslateKey N.D. string no
tooltipPosition N.D. TooltipPositionType no
showButtonBorder N.D. boolean no
customExportFunction N.D. Array<Function> no

CustomButton Model

Property Description Type Required
buttonText N.D. string no
buttonTextTranslateKey Need translate to be defined on the table string no
icon N.D. string no
color N.D. string no
order Left to right number no
tooltipText N.D. string no
tooltipTextTranslateKey Need translate to be defined on the table string no
tooltipPosition Default 'below' TooltipPositionType no
customButtonFunction N.D. Function no

fn Model

Property Description
element Entire row data
col row index
elementIndex Information about the action name and type


This library has been developed by EqProject SRL, for more info contact: info@eqproject.it


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