TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

3.0.0 • Public • Published

Table of contents


  • [x] Angular Material installed and imported

Getting started

Step 1: Install eqp-select:


npm install --save @eqproject/eqp-select

Step 2: Import the EqpSelectModule and install :

import { EqpSelectModule } from '@eqproject/eqp-select';

  declarations: [AppComponent],
  imports: [EqpSelectModule],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}



Input Type Default Required Description
[placeholder] string - no Label shown as placeholder inside select.
[enumData] any - no Enum property to use in order to create a key-value array.
[enumDataToExclude] Array<any> - no Array of elements to exclude among those included inside the given Enum.
[arrayData] Array<any> - no Array of objects that select will show. The structure can be {keyProperty: '', valueProperty: ''} or an array of primitive elements. In the second case, arrayKeyProperty must be ID and arrayValueProperty must be Label.
[arrayKeyProperty] string - no string that will be the key property. It must be ID if arrayData is an array of primitive elements
[arrayValueProperty] string - no string that will be the value property. It must be Label if arrayData is an array of primitive elements
[ngModelOptions] any - no Options to pass to ngModel.
[ngModelInput] any - no Binded property of object.
[formGroupInput] any - no FormGroup name, in case of formControlNameInput, that property need to be repeated for EVERY eqp-select used
[formControlNameInput] any - no formControlName defined in ts formGroup control
[isRequired] boolean false no Set select as required.
[isDisabled] boolean false no Disable the select.
[isMultiLanguage] boolean false no If true, see section and examples about use, if not interested in use, set to false or don't write it
[multilanguagePrefixKey] string - no Prefix of the key used to translate the property.
[isAlphabeticalOrderable] boolean false no Define if the datasource will be ordered.
[suffixIcon] string - no String containing the icon (mat-icon) that will appear after the label of the selected object(s).
[prefixIcon] string - no String containing the icon (mat-icon) that will appear before the label of the selected object(s).
[isMultiSelect] boolean false no Define if the Select allows multiple selection.
[showCancelButton] boolean true no Property to define if the button to clear the selection is visible.
[isSearchable] boolean false no Defines if it's possible to type inside select and search among items.
[noResultSearchText] string 'Nessun elemento trovato' no Custom text when filter returns empty result.
[isReadonly] boolean false no Set select as readonly.
[isSearchWhileComposing] boolean true no Whether items should be filtered while composition started.
[appendToInput] string - no Input used when the select is contained inside a dialog or tab and there are visualization problems. Useful value: 'body'.
[dropdownPosition] auto | top | bottom | auto - no Specifies the position of the dropdown.
[selectOnTab] boolean true no Select marked dropdown item using tab.
[selectAll] boolean false no Add an option inside the dropdown that allows the user to select all the elements.
[selectAllText] string 'Seleziona tutto' no Text displayed in the select all option.
[selectableGroupAsModel] boolean false no Indicates whether to select all children or group itself.
[clearAllText] string 'Elimina' no Text displayed as tooltip when hovering the clear button.
[customOption] TemplateRef<any> - no Custom template for the option inside the dropdown panel.
[customLabel] TemplateRef<any> - no Custom template for the selected item's label.
[class] string - no Class useful to wrap Select.

N.B. One of EnumData or ArrayData is required


Output Event arguments Required Description
(ngModelInputChange) any - Invoked when the value changes and the ngModelInput is binded. When items are grouped (selectAll) it returns the group 'exploded'.
(formControlChange) any - Invoked when the value changes and a form control is binded. When items are grouped (selectAll) it returns the group 'exploded'.

Reload data

When your datasource changes, you can update the datasource inside the select calling the function "reloadData", as follows:

  reload() {

It will work for both arrayData and enumData changes.

Use cases

Case 1: Select with arrayData and ngModelInput

Define selector in html for normal use

    placeholder="Seleziona elemento" 

Define variables and functions in ts file

  dataSource : Array<{Key: string, Description: string}>;
  selectWithArrayData: any;

  selectChange(event) {
    // Body

Case 2: Multi-select with enumData and form control

Define selector in HTML

        placeholder="Seleziona elemento" 

Define variables and functions in ts file

  testEnum = TestEnum;
  formGroup: FormGroup;

  createForm() {
    this.formGroup = this.formBuilder.group({
      selectWithEnumData: []


  selectChange(event) {
    // Body

Case 3: Multi-select with select all

Define selector in HTML

        placeholder="Seleziona elemento"> 

Define variables and functions in ts file

  testEnum = TestEnum;
  formGroup: FormGroup;

  createForm() {
    this.formGroup = this.formBuilder.group({
      selectWithEnumDataAndSelectAll: []


  selectChange(event) {
    // Body


To use multilanguage, set to true the input boolean variable and pass a string that can be used to find the element inside the translation JSON

        placeholder="Seleziona elemento" 

Then, where you set the language to use, like on login page or in navbar to switch language

    this.translateHelper.loadJsonLanguage("en", jsonObject);


This library has been developed by EqProject SRL, for more info contact: info@eqproject.it




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