TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

3.0.0 • Public • Published

Table of contents

Getting started

This component allows to draw on pictures and export the result as a Blob. Is is based on the use of fabric.js.

Step 1: Install eqp-attachments and fabric:

npm install --save @eqproject/eqp-img-drawing
npm install fabric@3.6.2

Step 2:

Import the EqpImgDrawingModule:

import { EqpImgDrawingModule } from '@eqproject/eqp-img-drawing';

  declarations: [AppComponent],
  imports: [EqpImgDrawingModule],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}



Input Type Default Required Description
[src] string null yes Image url or base64 string
[i18n] I18nInterface? 'I18nEn' no Text labels to use
[outputMimeType] string? null no Mime type of the output image
[outputQuality] number? null no Number between 0 and 1 to determine the quality of the ouput image
[loadingTemplate] TemplateRef<any>? null no Template shown while loading
[errorTemplate] TemplateRef<any>? null no Template shown in case of error
[enableTooltip] boolean? false no Enable/disable tooltip for toolbar buttons/actions
[tooltipLanguage] string? 'en' no Language of tooltip (en or fr)
[width] number? null Yes if no src provided Width of the canvas
[height] number? null Yes if no src provided Height of the canvas
[forceSizeCanvas] boolean true no Force the canvas to width and height of image or with those specified
[forceSizeExport] boolean false no Force the exported image to width and height with those specified
[borderCss] string? 'none' no Add a border to the canvas in CSS (example: 1px solib black)
[enableRemoveImage] boolean false no Enable the option to remove the image loaded
[enableLoadAnotherImage] boolean false no Enable the option to load another image
[showCancelButton] boolean true no Enable the cancel button
[colors] { [name: string]: string } { black: '#000', white: '#fff', yellow: '#ffeb3b', red: '#f44336', blue: '#2196f3', green: '#4caf50', purple: '#7a08af' } no Colors available for users
[drawingSizes] { [key: string]: number }? { small: 5, medium: 10, large: 25 } no Sizes available for users


Output Event Arguments Required Description
(save) EventEmitter<Blob> no Invoked on save button click, use $event to get the Blob of the new edited image
(cancel) EventEmitter<void> no Invoked on cancel button click

Use cases

<eqp-img-drawing [showCancelButton]="false" [enableLoadAnotherImage]="true" [enableRemoveImage]="true"
    [src]="src" (save)="saveBtn($event)" [i18n]="i18n" [locale]="locale" 
    [drawingSizes]="{ small: 5, medium: 10, large: 25, extra: 50 }">
    import { I18nInterface } from 'projects/eqp-img-drawing/src/public-api';
    i18n: I18nInterface = {
        saveBtn: 'Salva immagine',
        sizes: {
            extra: 'Extra'
    src: string = 'https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1565199953730-2ea3b119ae22?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&ixid=eyJhcHBfaWQiOjEyMDd9&auto=format&fit=crop&w=700&q=80';
    saveBtn(event) {


This library has been developed by EqProject SRL, for more info contact: info@eqproject.it




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  • eqp