
3.0.0 • Public • Published

Enzoic JavaScript Client Library

⚠️ In version 3.0.0, the Enzoic JavaScript library has switched to using promises rather than callbacks. This is a breaking change and will require updates to code that used previous versions of this library.


This README covers the following topics:


$ npm install @enzoic/enzoic

API Overview

Below is some simple example code which demonstrates the usage of the API.

const Enzoic = require('enzoic');

// Create a new Enzoic instance - this is our primary interface for making API calls
const enzoic = new Enzoic(YOUR_API_KEY, YOUR_API_SECRET);

// Check whether a specific set of credentials are compromised
const credsCompromised = await enzoic.checkCredentials('test@enzoic.com', 'password-to-test'); 

if (credsCompromised === true) {
    console.log('Credentials are compromised');
else {
    console.log('Credentials are not compromised');

More information in reference format can be found below.

The Enzoic constructor

The first step to use the API is to instantiate the Enzoic Client with the API key and secret you were issued on Enzoic signup.

const Enzoic = require('enzoic');

const enzoic = new Enzoic(YOUR_API_KEY, YOUR_API_SECRET);

If you were instructed to use an alternate API host, you may call the overloaded constructor and pass the host you were provided.

const Enzoic = require('enzoic');

const enzoic = new Enzoic(YOUR_API_KEY, YOUR_API_SECRET, "api-alt.enzoic.com");

Passwords API Examples

See https://docs.enzoic.com/enzoic-api-developer-documentation/api-reference/passwords-api

// Check whether a password has been compromised
const passwordCompromised = await enzoic.checkPassword('password-to-test');

if (passwordCompromised === true) {
    console.log('Password is compromised');
else {
    console.log('Password is not compromised');

Credentials API Examples

See https://docs.enzoic.com/enzoic-api-developer-documentation/api-reference/credentials-api

// Check whether a specific set of credentials are compromised
const credsCompromised = await enzoic.checkCredentials('test@enzoic.com', 'password-to-test'); 

if (credsCompromised === true) {
    console.log('Credentials are compromised');
else {
    console.log('Credentials are not compromised');

// Enhanced version of checkCredentials offering more control over performance.
// The call introduces an options object parameter, which supports the following settings:
// lastCheckDate: 
// The timestamp for the last check you performed for this user.
// If the date/time you provide for the last check is greater than the timestamp Enzoic has for the last
// breach affecting this user, the check will not be performed.  This can be used to substantially increase performance.
// excludeHashAlgorithms: 
// An array of PasswordTypes to ignore when calculating hashes for the credentials check.   
// By excluding computationally expensive PasswordTypes, such as BCrypt, it is possible to balance the performance of this
// call against security.
const credsCompromised = await enzoic.checkCredentialsEx('test@enzoic.com', 'password-to-test', 
        lastCheckDate: new Date('2016-12-10T02:05:03.000Z'), 
        excludeHashAlgorithms: [8, 11, 12] // see https://docs.enzoic.com/enzoic-api-developer-documentation/api-reference/password-hash-algorithms 

if (credsCompromised === true) {
    console.log('Credentials are compromised');
else {
    console.log('Credentials are not compromised');

// get all passwords Enzoic has for the specified user 
// returns results per 
// https://docs.enzoic.com/enzoic-api-developer-documentation/api-reference/credentials-api/cleartext-credentials-api
const userPasswordsResponse = await enzoic.getUserPasswords("eicar_0@enzoic.com");

// print user passwords
for (let i = 0; i < userPasswordsResponse.passwords.length; i++) {
    console.log('Password: ' + userPasswordsResponse.passwords[i].Password + '\n');

Exposures API Examples

See https://docs.enzoic.com/enzoic-api-developer-documentation/api-reference/exposures-api

// get all exposures for the given user
const exposuresForUser = await enzoic.getExposuresForUser('test@enzoic.com');
console.log(exposuresForUser.exposures.count + ' exposures found for test@enzoic.com');
// now get the full details for the first exposure returned in the list
const exposureDetails = await enzoic.getExposureDetails(result.exposures[0]);
console.log('First exposure for test@enzoic.com was ' + exposureDetails.title);

// get all exposures for a given domain - second parameter indicates whether to include exposure details in results
// returns paged results per 
// https://docs.enzoic.com/enzoic-api-developer-documentation/api-reference/exposures-api/get-exposures-for-a-domain
const exposuresForDomain = enzoic.getExposuresForDomainEx('enzoic.com', true, 20, null);
console.log(exposuresForDomain.count + ' exposures found for enzoic.com');

// print first page of results
for (let i = 0; i < exposuresForDomain.exposures.length; i++) {
    console.log('Exposure: ' + exposuresForDomain.exposures.title + '\n');

// if pagingToken present, get next page of results
if (exposuresForDomain.pagingToken) {
    const secondPageResults = await enzoic.getExposuresForDomainEx('enzoic.com', true, 20, exposuresForDomain.pagingToken);
    // ...process second page of results, etc.

// get all users exposed for a given domain
// returns paged results per 
// https://docs.enzoic.com/enzoic-api-developer-documentation/api-reference/exposures-api/get-exposures-for-all-email-addresses-in-a-domain
const exposedUsers = await enzoic.getExposedUsersForDomain('enzoic.com', 20, null);

// print first page of results
for (let i = 0; i < exposedUsers.users.length; i++) {
   console.log('Exposed User: ' + exposedUsers.users[i].username + '\n');

// if pagingToken present, get next page of results
if (exposedUsers.pagingToken) {
    const secondPageResults = await enzoic.getExposedUsersForDomain('enzoic.com', 20, exposedUsers.pagingToken); 
    // ...process second page of results, etc.

Breach Monitoring by User API Examples

See https://docs.enzoic.com/enzoic-api-developer-documentation/api-reference/breach-monitoring-api/breach-monitoring-by-user

// a couple of email addresses - note: these will get hashed before submission to the Enzoic API
const arrUsernames = [

// subscribe for alerts for these users
const addResponse = await enzoic.addUserAlertSubscriptions(arrUsernames);

console.log('New subscriptions added: ' + addResponse.added + '\n' + 
    'Subscriptions already existing: ' + addResponse.alreadyExisted);

// delete subscriptions for these users
const deleteResponse = await enzoic.deleteUserAlertSubscriptions(arrUsernames);

console.log('Subscriptions deleted: ' + deleteResponse.deleted + '\n' + 
    'Subscriptions not found: ' + deleteResponse.notFound);

// check whether a user is already subscribed
const subscribed = await enzoic.isUserSubscribedForAlerts(arrUsernames[0]);

if (subscribed === true) {
   console.log('User already subscribed');
else {
   console.log('User not already subscribed');

// get all users subscribed for alerts on this account 
// returns paged results per 
// https://docs.enzoic.com/enzoic-api-developer-documentation/api-reference/breach-monitoring-api/breach-monitoring-by-user#retrieve-current-breach-alert-subscriptions
const subscriptionsResponse = await enzoic.getUserAlertSubscriptions(4 /* page size */, null /* paging token - null on first call */);

// print first page of results
for (let i = 0; i < subscriptionsResponse.usernameHashes.length; i++) {
   console.log('Username Hash: ' + subscriptionsResponse.usernameHashes[i] + '\n');

// if pagingToken present, get next page of results
if (subscriptionsResponse.pagingToken) {
    const secondPageResponse = await enzoic.getUserAlertSubscriptions(4, subscriptionsResponse.pagingToken);
    // ...process second page of results, etc.

Breach Monitoring by Domain API Examples

See https://docs.enzoic.com/enzoic-api-developer-documentation/api-reference/breach-monitoring-api/breach-monitoring-by-domain

// test domains for alert subscriptions
const arrDomains = [

// subscribe for alerts for these domains
const addDomainsResponse = await enzoic.addDomainAlertSubscriptions(arrDomains); 

console.log('New subscriptions added: ' + addDomainsResponse.added + '\n' + 
    'Subscriptions already existing: ' + addDomainsResponse.alreadyExisted);

// delete subscriptions for these domains
const deleteDomainsResponse = await enzoic.deleteDomainAlertSubscriptions(arrDomains);

console.log('Subscriptions deleted: ' + deleteDomainsResponse.deleted + '\n' + 
    'Subscriptions not found: ' + deleteDomainsResponse.notFound);

// check whether a domain is already subscribed
const domainSubscribed = await enzoic.isDomainSubscribedForAlerts(arrDomains[0]); 

if (subscribed === true) {
   console.log('Domain already subscribed');
else {
   console.log('Domain not already subscribed');

// get all users subscribed for alerts on this account 
// returns pages results per 
// https://docs.enzoic.com/enzoic-api-developer-documentation/api-reference/breach-monitoring-api/breach-monitoring-by-domain#retrieve-current-breach-alert-subscriptions
const domainSubsResponse = await enzoic.getDomainAlertSubscriptions(4 /* page size */, null /* paging token - null on first call */);

// print first page of results
for (let i = 0; i < domainSubsResponse.domains.length; i++) {
   console.log('Domain: ' + domainSubsResponse.domains[i] + '\n');

// if pagingToken present, get next page of results
if (domainSubsResponse.pagingToken) {
    const secondPageResponse = await enzoic.getDomainAlertSubscriptions(4, domainSubsResponse.pagingToken);
    // ...process second page of results, etc.

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