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1.2.1 • Public • Published

Welcome to the leveling package



  • client: A v13/v14 discord.js client. (this will not work with any version below v13)
  • mongodb_uri: A mongodb connection uri. (this is for the package to save the data for servers/users/weekly)


  • [x] XP Earning
  • Messages (with custom cooldown)
  • Voice
  • Toggle for if users should be unmuted to earn XP in voice channel(s)
  • [x] Custom Levels
  • Custom messages per-level
  • Custom roles to add/remove when a use gets to that level
  • Toggle to only announced when someone reaches a registered level
  • Toggle if the level roles should stack (default: they don't)
  • [x] Weekly Leaderboard
  • Automatic announcements
  • Weekly stats for the server's messages, voice and xp
  • Weekly stats for the user's messages, level, voice and xp earned that week
  • Custom ping role(s) for when the leaderboard gets announced
  • [x] Default rank image profiles
  • Currently supported types: arcane and cavancord
  • [x] Default leaderboard images
  • Currently supported types: canvacord
  • [x] Custom XP earned
  • Min/Max XP earned for when sending messages.
  • [x] Custom cooldown for earning XP
  • [x] Custom XP Multipliers
  • Can be limited to the entire server or only certain channels/roles.
  • [x] Ignore roles/channels/users
  • [x] Level up announcements
  • Supports: DM and Channel notifications
  • Custom content/embeds for both DM and Channel notifications.
  • Toggle for pinging the user in the level up message (can be disabled per-user as well)
  • [x] Reset a user's data when they leave the server.
  • Requires the bot to have "GuildMembers" intent
  • [x] User Customization
  • stats: For any stats for the user (by default: messages, voice) but this could be added with any stats for the user (just use api.users.stats.inc)
  • background: Sets the background for the user's rank profiles.
  • colors: Sets the custom color for certain rank profiles.
  • toggles.locked: Freezes the user's data from earning XP
  • toggles.dms: Makes the bot not DM them level announcements
  • toggles.pings: Makes the bot not mention them in level announcements

Getting Started

    const { Leveling } = require("@elara-services/leveling");
    const lvls = new Leveling(client, "MONGODB_URI");
    await lvls.start(); // This will tell the package to start listening for events. 

Note: All data can be configured with lvls.api.xxx

Example API Functions:


   const server = lvls.api.servers;

   // Get the server data.
   const serverData = await server.get("server_id");
   if (serverData.status) {
        console.log(serverData.data); // Returns the settings for the server.

   // Toggle leveling on/off for a server. (by default: Leveling is off for the server)
   const data = await server.toggle("server_id", "leveling");


    const users = lvls.api.users;

    // Get a user's data 
    const userData = await users.get("user_id", "server_id");
    if (userData.status) {
        console.log(userData.data); // Returns the user's data for that server.

Rank Profile(s):

    const data = await lvls.getRankCard("user_id", "server_id");
    // OR 
    const data = await lvls.getRankCard("user_id", "server_id", "rank_card_type"); 
    // By default the "rank_card_type" is "arcane"

    if (data.status) { // Get the rank profile image then send it to the channel
        return channel.send({
            files: [
                    name: "profile.png",
                    attachment: data.image,

Get Leaderboard Image

    const data = await lvls.getLeaderboard("server_id");
    // OR 
    const data = await lvls.getLeaderboard(
            page: 1, // The page for the leaderboard image
            perPage: 5, // Up to 10 users returned in the leaderbaord image
            sort: "top", // Sort by "top" or "bottom"
            sortBy: "xp", // Sortby "xp" or "level" 
        false, // If you want the weekly leaderboard, set this to: true
    if (data.status) {
        // Get the leaderboard image then send it to the channel. 
        return channel.send({
            files: [
                    name: "lb.png",
                    attachment: data.image,

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  • elara-services