
0.4.1 • Public • Published


Voyenv is the official package manager for Voyager. Use the tool for packing Voyager releases with the instruments and runtime dependencies you need.

Installation & Usage

Install Voyenv either as a global npm package or download the latest release from Github.

NPM Installation

Install Voyenv through the NPM package manager. We have created a wrapper around the voyenv jar (using jdeploy) to easily install and upgrade the tool.

npm install @dx-works/voyenv -g

Verify the installation by running:

voyenv -version


To generate a Voyager release, open a command line in the folder you want to generate the release in. Before running the command you have to create a yml file described in the Configuration section, e.g. my-voyenv.yml.

Run the following command in a terminal window:

voyenv [path/to/voyenv/file]

The path to the voyenv.yml file is optional. If none is specified voyenv will search for a file named voyenv.yml in the current working directory. The voyager release will also be created in the current working directory.

Github Release Download

Download the latest release from Github. Unpack the zip file to a folder and open a terminal window in the newly extracted folder.

Run the following command to verify the installation:

java -jar voyenv.jar -version


From the voyenv installation folder run:

java -jar  voyenv.jar [path/to/voyenv/file.yml]

The path to the voyenv.yml file is optional. If none is specified voyenv will search for a file named voyenv.yml in the current working directory. The voyager release will also be created in the current working directory.


Voyenv declares the voyager release in a yml file. A voyenv.yml example:

# Name of the release (a folder with this name will be created in the working directory)
name: voyager-test-1
# The Voyager version to download. See at https://github.com/dxworks/voyager/releases 
voyager_version: v1.4.1
# A list of instruments to download (from Github only)
    # Name in owner/repo format
  - name: dxworks/voyager-git-log-instrument
    # The tag to find the specific release / tag
    # If not specified voyenv pulls all tags matching v*-voyager 
    # and chooses the one with the highest semver
    tag: v1.0.0
    # The asset to download from the release 
    # If not specified, the source code zip for the tag will be downloaded
    asset: git-log.zip
  - name: dxworks/lizard
#    tag: v1.17.9-voyager
  - name: dxworks/metrixplusplus
#    tag: v1.7.1-voyager
  - name: dxworks/inspector-git
    asset: iglog.zip
  - name: dxworks/dude
    asset: dude-voyager.zip
  - name: dxworks/insider
    asset: insider-voyager.zip
  - name: dxworks/honeydew
    asset: honeydew.zip
  - name: dxworks/jafax
    asset: jafax.zip
  - name: dxworks/maven-miner
    asset: maven-miner-voyager.zip
  - name: dxworks/npm-miner
    asset: npm-miner-voyager.zip

# A list of Github tokens. To get the latest tagged release of a voyager instrument,
# voyenv uses the Github Rest API. Due to rate limits of the Github Rest API
# it might be the case that the voyenv installation will stop due to rate limits.
# To avoid this, generate a Github Personal Access token and add it here

# A map of runtimes please check the runtimes configuration section for more details
    version: 11
    platform: mac
    arch: x64
    version: 3.9.4
    platform: mac
    arch: x86_64

Instruments Configuration


Runtimes Configuration

Currently, Voyenv only supports adding Java and Python runtime environments.

The options you have to configure the two runtimes are:

    # get java versions from https://github.com/AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk11-binaries/releases/tag/jdk-11.0.11%2B9_openj9-0.26.0 or api from https://api.adoptopenjdk.net/q/swagger-ui/#/Assets/searchReleases
    # getting java options by calling links like https://api.adoptopenjdk.net/v3/assets/feature_releases/11/ga?architecture=x64&jvm_impl=hotspot&os=mac
        version: 11.1
        platform: windows | linux | mac
        arch: x86 | x64

    # get python runtimes from https://github.com/indygreg/python-build-standalone/releases
        version: 3.9.1
        platform: windows | linux | mac
        arch: x86 | x64 | ...

Official Instruments

This is a list of official Voyager instruments that the dxworks team recognizes.

Software Metadata

Git Log

  - name: dxworks/voyager-git-log-instrument
    tag: v1.0.0
    asset: git-log.zip


  - name: dxworks/inspector-git
    asset: iglog.zip

Code Analyzers


  - name: dxworks/insider
    asset: insider-voyager.zip


  - name: dxworks/dude
    asset: dude-voyager.zip


  - name: dxworks/lizard
#    tag: v1.17.9-voyager


  - name: dxworks/metrixplusplus
#    tag: v1.7.1-voyager

Fact Extractors


  - name: dxworks/honeydew
    asset: honeydew.zip


  - name: dxworks/jafax
    asset: jafax.zip

Library Extractors


  - name: dxworks/maven-miner
    asset: maven-miner-voyager.zip


  - name: dxworks/npm-miner
    asset: npm-miner-voyager.zip


Thanks to the jdeploy for allowing us to easily deploy to npm.


The current software is distributed under the Apache License 2.0


Current Tags

  • Version
    Downloads (Last 7 Days)
    • Tag
  • 0.4.1
    • latest

Version History

Package Sidebar


npm i @dx-works/voyenv

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Unpacked Size

28.9 MB

Total Files


Last publish


  • mario.rivis