
0.2.1 • Public • Published


Full-featured Skylink HTTP Service implemented using the Koa webserver ecosystem.

Note that 'Skylink' is a domain-specific protocol used for the forever-in-development Stardust project.

The SkylinkExport class accepts an Environment from @dustjs/skylink and configures a Koa mount which accepts both Skylink communication methods:

  • POST /: Stateless request/response using HTTP bodies containing JSON.
  • GET /ws: Stateful WebSockets allowing clients to utilize temporary state on the server.
  • GET /ping: Simple health-check endpoint for consumers to see if they can talk to their server.

The WebServer class wraps setting up a Koa instance for use with Skylink. You can set up your own Koa server instead for more flexibility, but you'll have to explicitly configure and route websockets to your SkylinkExport.


npm i --save @dustjs/server-koa

Once you have an Environment instance you'd like to serve access to, starting a single-purpose server would like like this:

const {WebServer, SkylinkExport} = require('@dustjs/server-koa');

const web = new WebServer();
web.mountApp('/~~export', new SkylinkExport(myPublicEnvironment));

// listen() arguments passed directly to https://nodejs.org/api/net.html#net_server_listen
console.log('Skylink listening on', await web.listen(9236, ''));


Check out examples/echo-server.js for a complete example of creating and invoking a simple Skylink service.

For a more complex example, examples/time-server.js demonstrates creating a reactive (WebSocket-based) endpoint and streaming data from it.

Finally, examples/reversal-server.js configures a Reversal server which allows individual clients to "mount" their own client-side API into the server's API for other clients to consume. This is useful for exposing Skylink APIs from web browsers and similar limited environments.


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  • danopia