TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

30.19.0 • Public • Published

DivKit for the Web

client code size


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Example usage repos

Inlude CSS

For all variants of usage, css file dist/client.css is required. Include it in any way (import as module, link directly in html, etc).

Include js

JS code can be bundled with various strategies. Basically you need to answer a few questions

Is there any server-side rendering (SSR) or will it be only on client?

SSR + hydration

On the server side there is /server module:

import {render} from '@divkitframework/divkit/server';

const html = render({
    id: 'smth',
    json: {
        card: {},
        templates: {}
    onError(details) {

Then use /client-hydratable on client to hydrate server-side html::

import {render} from '@divkitframework/divkit/client-hydratable';

    id: 'smth',
    target: document.querySelector('#root'),
    hydrate: true,
    json: {
        card: {},
        templates: {}
    onError(details) {

Client-only rendering

For the client-only usage there is /client module. The size of this module is slightly smaller than /client-hydratable.

import {render} from '@divkitframework/divkit/client';

    id: 'smth',
    target: document.querySelector('#root'),
    json: {
        card: {},
        templates: {}
    onError(details) {

Are you want to use ES module or CommonJS module?

The package contains both of them.

Node.js will automatically use the appropriate version.

Webpack will use ES modules version.

For the direct CommonJS usage, this files can be used:


ES modules files:


ES modules can be used in the browser directly without any build:

<script type="module">
    import {render} from './node_modules/@divkitframework/divkit/dist/esm/client.mjs';

        id: 'smth',
        target: document.querySelector('#root'),
        json: {
            card: {},
            templates: {}
        onError(details) {

Use in the browser via global variables without build:

<script src="./node_modules/@divkitframework/divkit/dist/browser/client.js"></script>
        id: 'smth',
        target: document.querySelector('#root'),
        json: {
            card: {},
            templates: {}
        onError(details) {

Usage with React

There is a separate package for that.

React component package

TypeScript and types

All modules have typescript definitions (client, client-hydratable and server), so typescript will load them at any use.

Browser/Node.js support

Browser support

chrome >= 58
safari >= 11
firefox >= 67

However, some rare features require more modern browsers, for example, aspect for a container requires aspect-ratio support in css. Such requirements are described in the documentation.


Node.js >= 8

API: render

All 3 exported modules have an exported function render. This function works in a similar way on client and server.

/client and /client-hydratable requires option target - an HTML-element that is used to render json.

Instead, /server module will return an HTML string.


String, required.

Means the unique block identifier. Used to generate ids and classes. There should not be 2 blocks with the same id on the page.


Object, required.

Divjson itself.


/client and /client-hydratable

HTML-element, required.



Boolean, optional.

It must be true, if the current render must hydrate html in target.


Function, optional.

Callback for errors and warnings for manual processing.

function onError(detauls: {
    error: Error & {
        level: 'error' | 'warn';
        additional: Record<string, unknown>;
}) {
    console.log(error.level, error.additional, error.message);


/client and /client-hydratable

Function, optional.

Used for logging clicks (for elements with action) and visibility logging (for elements with visibility_action(s) and disappear_actions).

function onStat(details: {
    type: 'click' | 'visible' | 'disappear' | 'trigger';
    action: Action | VisibilityAction | DisappearAction;
}) {


/client and /client-hydratable

Function, optional.

Callback for a component with an action that contains non-standard protocols.

function onCustomAction(action: Action): void {


Function, optional.

Callback for a custom font-family css property value.

function typefaceProvider(fontFamily: string, opts?: {
    fontWeight?: number;
}): string {


/client and /client-hydratable

Function or object, optional.

Used as a second parameter for fetch requests in the div-action://download actions.

function fetchInit(url: string) {
    return {
        credentials: 'include'


fetchInit: {
    credentials: 'include'


desktop | touch | auto

The default value is auto. Tweaks for mouse or touch events.


ltr | rtl

The default value is ltr. This will set the direction of the text and layout inside the markup (the html dir attribute). This property changes the behaviour of start / end and other properties and values.


String, optional.

An additional class added to the root element.


Object, optional.

Currently supported properties:

  • galleryLeftClass — left scroll button class on desktop for the gallery
  • galleryRightClass — right scroll button class on desktop for the gallery
  • pagerLeftClass — left scroll button class on desktop for the pager
  • pagerRightClass — right scroll button class on desktop for the pager
  • menuPopupClass — class for the menu popup
  • menuItemClass — class for the menu item


String array, optional. Default value is ['http', 'https', 'tel', 'mailto', 'intent']

Components with an action containing a protocol from the list will be rendered as <a>, and clicking on them will be processed by the browser. Protocols outside the list will cause the element to be rendered as a button-like, and clicking on them causes an 'onCustomAction'.


/client and /client-hydratable

HTMLElement, optional.

Allows to attach tooltips and menus to the custom root, outside of target. Useful to avoid cropping.


Map<string, DivExtensionClass>, optional.

Allows to modify components behaviour by a custom code. DivKit contains several built-in extensions, that can be enabled with this property.

Extensions are client-side only. One can render some json on a server, than hydrate it on a client with extensions, but if these extensions modify components look, users may notice this change on a page load.

Also be aware of new releases (even minor and patch versions). Built-in extensions will remain compatible with the new code, but a custom ones can broke with it. Simple extenions, like setting attributes on a component DOM-node less likely broke, but a heavier ones, that depends on a DOM tree, tag names, events or something are on your own risk.

Enabling built-in extensions

Building of a new extension


Map<string, CustomComponentDescription>, optional.

Custom components can be provided using the customComponents map. This structure maps names from json markup to html custom elements (or web components).

These components can provide any additional features that your application needs, such as map widgets, integration into social networks, YouTube videos, and so on.

Custom components is supported not only on the client side, but also on the server side. See the examples below for more detailed information:

Simple custom component

Custom component with the DivKit items

Custom component and SSR

Custom component extended api


Object, optional.

Additional external storage. The getValue and setValue methods should be implemented.

Please note that these methods must be synchronous! DivKit does not have asynchronous render methods, so any getValue function cannot be asynchronous. It is possible to process setValue asynchronously, but if the value from getValue is critical for you and cannot be read synchronously, you must read it before calling render.


Number, optional. 0 by default.

Affects the formatting of dates.


system | light | dark

The default value is system. Affects variables in palette.

Palette support (DEPRECATED)

This feature will be removed in the future.

Divjson along with the card and templates can contain a palette property with colors for light and dark themes:

    "card": {
        "states": [
                "div": {
                    "type": "text",
                    "text": "Hello palette",
                    "text_color": "@{text}",
                    "background": [{
                        "type": "solid",
                        "color": "@{bg}"
                "state_id": 0
        "log_id": "test"
    "templates": {},
    "palette": {
        "dark": [
                "name": "bg",
                "color": "#000"
                "name": "text",
                "color": "#fff"
        "light": [
                "name": "bg",
                "color": "#fff"
                "name": "text",
                "color": "#000"

The theme can be changed at any time:


API: other


import {createVariable, createGlobalVariablesController, render} from '@divkitframework/divkit';

// Custom variable outside of DivJson
const variable = createVariable('name', 'string', 'val');

variable.subscribe(newVal => {

// Custom scope for variables
const controller = createGlobalVariablesController();


    id: 'smth',
    target: document.querySelector('#root'),
    json: {},
    globalVariablesController: controller


This methods allows you to quckly redraw the DivKit card:


Some notes:

  • This method is experimental, its logic and api may be changed the future versions.
  • setData doesn't change any existing variables or variable triggers. It will onky create new variables. This is intentional.
  • This method will try to do as little work as possible and will try to preserve the state of the card (input values and so on).

Note about 64-bit integers

DivKit internally uses the BigInt type if the current platform supports it (both client-side and server-side). This means that on unsupported platforms, integers will lose precision if the value exceeds 2^53.

Note that built-in functions like JSON.parse and .json() will parse large values, but the result type will be number, not bigint. So, for example, if someone fetches data from the server, the values may lose accuracy outside the DivKit library.

Documentation. Medium tutorial. Habr tutorial.

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