
1.1.2 • Public • Published


This project is an API that helps people to add characteristics to objects and describe those objects based on their characteristics and the inherited characteristics.

Use Case

Let's explain it with an example: Imagine you are a food-lover that share your insights about places/food and everything related.

So you describe the food with some attributes such as:

Attribute Allowed Values
isSpicy true/false
stars 1,2,3,4,5
isHealthy true/false
cost cheap. medium, expensive.

Because some of this attributes/characteristics are shared by the food places you make a hierachy that describes the groups and also the food to save time. So you create a hierachy like this:

Scope Allowed Values
Zone Fancy Zone, Gym restaurant, Fastfood Foodcourt, Foodtruck, street places.
Kind of food Mexican food, Vietnamese food, Fast Food.
Place All the places you can imagine

So each time you want to describe a new food discovery you atached the characterics that are already setted for the Zone, and kind of food that you assign.

Let's say that you discover one of the most incredible "taquerías" in Mexico City. The taquería is called Orinoco (this is really serious even when it's an example) so let's describe it:

Scope ScopeInstance Characteristic Value
Zone Fancy Zone cost expensive
Kind of food Mexican food isHealthy true
Kind of food Mexican food isSpicy true
Place Taquería Orinoco stars 5
Place Taquería Orinoco isHealthy false
Place Taquería Orinoco cost medium

Know that we know the characteristics of the Place, Kind of food and Zone what's the next step?

Well basically here's the problem.

If we ask for the isHealthy characteristic for: Taquería Orinoco that is a Kind of food: Mexican food, and that is located in a Fancy Zone. What should be the isHealthy value if the Taqueria Orinoco isHealthy characteristic is false but the MexicanFood isHealthy characteristic is true? It's confusing right?

We can use priorities to give high importance to some scope characterics. So let's say that we prioritize in the following way: Place, Kind of food, Zone.

Now we know that the whole characteristics that describe Taquería Orinoco that is a Kind of food: Mexican food, and that is located in a Fancy Zone are:

  • stars: 5,
  • isHealthy: false
  • cost: medium
  • cost: expensive * This characteristic is overrided because Place cost has higher priority
  • isHealthy: true * This characteristic is overrided because Place isHealthy has higher priority
  • isSpicy: true * This is inherited from Mexican Food

This API can help you to manage this kind of use cases.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Setting database

Let's start with installing all the project dependencies

$ npm install

Run this command with your own parameters

node_modules/.bin/sequelize db:migrate --url [YOUR CONNECTION STRING]

Process Environment variables

You will need to set this variables before running this project:

Variable Name Description
DB_USER User to get acccess to your database.
DB_PASS Password to get access to your database.
DB_NAME Name of the schema that contains all the model
DB_ENDPOINT_URL Endpoint of the mysql server
NODE_ENV Use "development" for local purpose
DB_PORT Port of the mysql server
API_PORT Port where you want to raise this API


To include this library into your project use npm

npm install --save gen-characteristics


const genCharacteristics = require('./src/index');

const example = async () => {
  await genCharacteristics.setDatabaseConfig(process.env.DB_USER,
      host: process.env.DB_HOST,
      dialect: 'mysql',
      logging: false,

  console.log('setCharacteristicObject', await genCharacteristics.setCharacteristicForObject([
      scope: 'Country',
      characteristic: 'requiredStage',
      referenceId: 'sg',
      value: 'true',
  console.log('getCharacteristicForObject', await genCharacteristics.getCharacteristicForObject(
      Country: ['sg'],
      Stage: ['2', '3', '4', '11', '12'],




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npm i @digital-generation/gen-characteristics

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  • generation