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1.0.3 • Public • Published

Shde Proxy


kshde simplifier, use one component to send files to destination


PostgreSQL instalation

You have to install the native libpg library for Postgresql.

  • On macOS: brew install libpq

  • On Ubuntu/Debian: apt-get install libpq-dev g++ make

  • On RHEL/CentOS: yum install postgresql-devel

You can use Docker to run PostgreSQL for your tests.

docker run -d --name organizations-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=organizations -p 5432:5432 postgres

docker exec -it organizations-postgres psql -U postgres -h localhost -c "CREATE DATABASE organizations;"

docker exec -it organizations-postgres psql -U postgres -h localhost -c "CREATE TABLE organizations (Code integer UNIQUE, Name varchar(255), NameEnglish varchar(255), IsSDDDNode boolean, ParentCode integer, IsActive boolean);"

Mac OS ==> Caveats

libpq is keg-only, which means it was not symlinked into /usr/local, because conflicts with postgres formula. So you need to have libpq first in your PATH before using yarn install or npm install

  • run: echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/libpq/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc

Get Organizations

The organizations must be retrieved from time to time from the source and saved to get the reciepients codes.

  • By default we use PostgreSQL but you can call the function getOrgChart(true) to dry run without saving the organizations on database, then you can save them to your database.

You can use a cron job or scheduled task with a script like the one provided in tools/updateDB.sh to update the organizations in your database.

The connection string for the database is constructed from environment variables:


The table name 'organizations' is created if it does not already exist, but you can map an existing table and columns to your own database.


const dbSettings = {
    tableName: 'shdeOrgs',
    columns: {
            Code: "ID",
            Name: "Name",
            NameEnglish: "ForeignN",
            IsSDDDNode: "IsSDDDNode",
            ParentCode: "ParentID",
            IsActive: "IsActive"
const orgs = await getOrgChart(false, dbSettings)

Submit Document

Use the function posToShde to send a document with optiolaly attachments to shde service. The function accepts an array of objects on property documents with the following attributes:

FileDataOrPath: string | Uint8Array; //File data in Uint8Array or path to file (required)
FileName?: string; // Filename, if not given will be derived from path, must be given if FileDataOrPath is Uint8Array
Subject?: string; //it is required for first document! you can ommit for attachments
Comments?: string; //Document comments (optional)
AuthorName?: string; //Author Name (optional)
LocalProtocolNo?: string; //Protocol Number of the Local SHDE, if ommited will be generated
LocalProtocolDate?: string; //if ommited will be generated

Only the first document must have a subject, the rest is attachents.

If LocalProtocolNo is given then LocalProtocolDate must be given too.

If not given then LocalProtocolNo will be generated as sequence on PostgreSQL,

  • you can connect by setting the environment variables PGPORT, PGHOST, PGUSER, PGPASSWORD, PGDATABASE or by setting the connection string on environment variable PROTOCOL_CONNECTION_STRING. Also you can set the reset period by setting the environment variable PROTOCOL_RESET to any of "daily" | "monthly" | "yearly" | "innumerable".

and reciptient codes array or a single code at the property recipientCode

RecipientCode: number | number[]; //Recipient Code or array of Recipient Codes you get from getOrgChart

also may need to set the version of chart by seting the orgChartVersion property (default is 1)

Look at examples/sendDocToKEPBackofice.x.ts for more info.

  • The maximum file size is 30MB, for each document/attachment. The total size of all attachments must not exceed 2GB.


returns an object like

    ReceiptId: '2023xxxx',
    ReceiptDate: '2023-06-15T19:24:56.163',
    DocumentProtocolNo: '202309374200000XXXXX',
    VersionNumber: 1,
    Type: 1,
    OriginatorId: 0,
    RecipientId: 93742,
    LocalReceiptId: null,
    Links: [ [Object], [Object] ]
    AttachmentId: '202309374200000XXXX-1',
    DocumentProtocolNo: '202309374200000XXXXX',
    VersionNumber: 1,
    FileName: 'attachment.pdf',
    DateReceived: '2023-06-15T19:24:56.52',
    Comments: '',
    Hash: '95CB34374.....',
    IsFinal: false,
    Links: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ]
    SideTrackingId: 'd54d5270-xxxx',
    HttpStatus: 500, 
    ErrorCode: null, * The api is not very informative about the errors
    ErrorMessage: 'A server-side error occurred. In case this issue persists, please contact helpdesk.' 
  • Please note, if any error ocurrs, on any of the attachments, the whole document will be rejected and not reach the destination.

  • The documentation for the kshde service can be found at https://support.mindigital-shde.gr/manuals/. However, it is written in Greek and may be outdated and contain errors.


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