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This is a client for the idValidatorRestService. It is a REST service that validates a given ID number against a given ID type. Under the scope, it is made calls to other existing KED services for the same purposes transparently.


import ValidateID from '@digigov-oss/id-validator-rest-service-client';
import config from './config.json';
const test = async () => {
  const validateID = new ValidateID(config.user, config.pass);
  const result = await validateID.validateID('ΑΔ100000', 1,'test');
  • you can use overrides to override the default values for auditrecord and input fields.
  • for your tests, you don't need to use the overrides mechanism, in that case, the default storage path will be used ie /tmp

Note: On windows you might face the error "/tmp/sequence" Path not found. You can set overrides.auditStoragePath property to a folder that exists on your system.

  • look at KED standard guides for records you can use on auditInit" Also, you can use overrides to override the default storage engine. Look at module AuditRecordDB for more details on how to use the AuditEngine.


{ kedResponse: { validateIDOutputRecord: { isFoundFlag: true, isValidFlag: true, idOut: 'ΑΔ100000', issueDate: '01/01/2012', name: 'ΔΟΚ-ΟΝΟΜΑ', surname: 'ΔΟΚ-ΕΠΩΝΥΜΟ', fatherName: 'ΔΟΚ-ΠΑΤΡΩΝΥΜΟ', motherName: 'ΔΟΚ - ΜΗΤΡΩΝΥΜΟ', nameLatin: 'DOK-ONOMA', surnameLatin: 'DOK-EPONYMO', fatherNameLatin: 'DOK-PATRONYMO', gender: 'Α', birthDate: '22/07/1981', birthPlace: 'ΑΘΗΝΑ', serviceCalled: 'searchIdentitiesById', idTypeDescr: '1 - ΑΤ ΑΣΤΥΝΟΜΙΚΗ ΤΑΥΤΟΤΗΤΑ' }, callSequenceId: 71972008, callSequenceDate: '2023-01-24T12:42:51.480+02:00', errorRecord: {} }, auditRecord: { auditUnit: 'gov.gr', auditTransactionId: '88', auditProtocol: '88/2023-01-24', auditTransactionDate: '2023-01-24T10:42:51Z', auditUserIp: '', auditUserId: 'system' } }

or an error message.

{ validateIDOutputRecord: { isFoundFlag: false, serviceCalled: 'searchIdentitiesById', idTypeDescr: '1 - ΑΤ ΑΣΤΥΝΟΜΙΚΗ ΤΑΥΤΟΤΗΤΑ' }, callSequenceId: 71971997, callSequenceDate: '2023-01-24T12:22:09.938+02:00', errorRecord: { errorCode: 'WS_EXTERNAL_ERROR', errorDescr: 'Η μορφή του αριθμού εγγράφου δεν είναι σωστή (μη έγκυρη είσοδος)' } }


for your convenience, you can use the following lookup DOCTYPESLOOKUP exported from the module.


In case of KED advertises wrong endpoint on production you have to use (override) the endpoint: https://ked.gsis.gr/esb/idValidatorRestService You can do that by setting the endpoint property on the overrides object.

const overrides = {
    endpoint: 'https://ked.gsis.gr/esb/idValidatorRestService',

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