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1.1.1 • Public • Published


Client to connect on IDIKA service, Returns personal info.


import getData from '@digigov-oss/amka2data-client';
import config from './config.json'; 
const test = async () => {
    try {
        const data = await getData(config.amka, config.user, config.pass);
        return data;
    } catch (error) {

test().then((amka) => { console.log('amka2dataOutputRecord',amka); });
  • you can use overrides to override the default values
  • for your tests, you don't need to use the overrides mechanism, in that case, the default storage path will be used ie /tmp
  • look at KED standard guides for records you can use on auditInit" Also, you can use overrides to override the default storage engine. Look at the test folder, for example.

Look at module AuditRecordDB for more details on how to use the AuditEngine.


an object like the following:

amka2dataOutputRecord {
  amka2dataOutputRecord: {
    aaInput: '73',
    amkaInput: 'XXXXXXXX',
    amkaCurrent: 'XXXXXXXX',
    lastDataLogDate: '27/11/2017',
    adtType: 'Τ',
    adt: 'XXXXXXXX',
    yearOfAdtPublished: '1992',
    nationalityCountry: 'ΕΛΛΑΔΑ',
    nationalityCountryCode: 'GR',
    sex: 'ΑΡΡΕΝ',
    afm: 'XXXXXXXX',
    birthSurnameEl: 'ΣΚΑΡΒΕΛΗΣ',
    idSurnameEl: 'ΣΚΑΡΒΕΛΗΣ',
    firstNameEl: 'ΠΑΝΑΓΙΩΤΗΣ',
    fatherNameEl: 'XXXXXXXX',
    motherNameEl: 'XXXXXXXX',
    birthSurnameEn: 'SKARVELIS',
    idSurnameEn: 'SKARVELIS',
    firstNameEn: 'PANAGIOTIS',
    fatherNameEn: 'XXXXXXXX',
    motherNameEn: 'XXXXXXXX',
    birthDate: 'XXXXXXXX',
    fictitiousBirthDateIndication: '',
    birthCountry: 'ΕΛΛΑΔΑ',
    birthCountryCode: 'GR',
    birthMunicipality: 'ΒΥΡΩΝΑ',
    birthCountyCode: 'ΑΤΤΙ',
    addressStreetNum: 'XXXXXXXX',
    addressCity: 'XXXXXXXX',
    addressCountyCode: 'ΑΤΤΙ',
    addressPostalCode: '',
    addressCountry: 'ΕΛΛΑΔΑ',
    addressCountryCode: 'GR',
    phone1: 'XXXXXXXX'
  callSequenceId: 48185216,
  callSequenceDate: 2022-02-17T11:21:50.298Z,
  errorRecord: null,
  auditUnit: 'gov.gr',
  auditTransactionId: '73',
  auditProtocol: '38/2022-02-17',
  auditTransactionDate: '2022-02-17T11:21:49Z',
  auditUserIp: '',
  auditUserId: 'system'

or an error object like the following:

amka2dataOutputRecord {
  amka2dataOutputRecord: { aaInput: '74', amkaInput: 'XXXXXXXX' },
  callSequenceId: 48149867,
  callSequenceDate: 2022-02-17T11:26:35.513Z,
  errorRecord: { errorCode: 'WS_EXTERNAL_ERROR', errorDescr: 'ΛΑΘΟΣ ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΩΝ' },
  auditUnit: 'gov.gr',
  auditTransactionId: '74',
  auditProtocol: '39/2022-02-17',
  auditTransactionDate: '2022-02-17T11:26:35Z',
  auditUserIp: '',
  auditUserId: 'system'


To test it, you have to use your real amka number.

* known issues

KED advertises a wrong endpoint(!) for the amka2data service on production WSDL. So, you have to use (override) the endpoint: https://ked.gsis.gr/esb/amkaInfoService You can do that by setting the endpoint property on the overrides object.

const overrides = {
    endpoint: 'https://ked.gsis.gr/esb/amkaInfoService',

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