The Devlander React Native Higher Order Components Collection is a comprehensive library of React Native higher-order-components, designed for seamless integration and addressing common development challenges. This collection streamlines your development process, offering versatile, cross-platform solutions for a variety of use cases.
- withBorders: Wraps a container with borders for the sake of troubleshooting where views/divs end.
- withLogProps: Logs props in a component.
withVisibilitySensor: Detects if a component is visible or not and passes an
property down to the next component, which can be used to pass to another function. - withMediaQueryInfo: Keeps track of the size of the device and viewport, and returns a list of booleans. These are used to do conditional logic when rendering components on different devices, making things responsive.
- withViewSize: Keeps track of the height and width of the component it is wrapping.
- withSpinner: Displays a spinner while the wrapped component is in a loading state.
You can install the Devlander React Native Higher Order Components Collection using npm or yarn:
npm install @devlander/higher-order-components
yarn add @devlander/higher-order-components
import React from "react";
import { View, Text } from "react-native";
import { withBorders } from "@devlander/higher-order-components";
interface MyComponentProps {
message: string;
withBorders?: boolean;
borderColor?: string;
const MyComponent: React.FC<MyComponentProps> = ({ message, withBorders, borderColor }) => (
const EnhancedComponent = withBorders(MyComponent);
// Usage example
<EnhancedComponent message="Hello, world!" withBorders={true} borderColor="blue" />
import React from "react";
import { View, Text } from "react-native";
import { withLogProps } from "@devlander/higher-order-components";
interface MyComponentProps {
message: string;
const MyComponent: React.FC<MyComponentProps> = ({ message }) => (
const EnhancedComponent = withLogProps(MyComponent);
// Usage example
<EnhancedComponent message="Hello, world!" />
// This would console.log("Actual Props: ", { message: "Hello, world!" })
import React from "react";
import { View, Text } from "react-native";
import { withVisibilitySensor } from "@devlander/higher-order-components";
interface MyComponentProps {
isVisible: boolean;
message: string;
const MyComponent: React.FC<MyComponentProps> = ({ isVisible, message }) => (
<Text>{isVisible ? "Visible" : "Not Visible"}: {message}</Text>
const EnhancedComponent = withVisibilitySensor(MyComponent);
// Usage example
<EnhancedComponent message="Hello, world!" />
import React from "react";
import { View, Text } from "react-native";
import { withMediaQueryInfo, WithMediaQueryProps } from "@devlander/higher-order-components";
interface MyComponentProps extends WithMediaQueryProps {
message: string;
const MyComponent: React.FC<MyComponentProps> = ({ mediaQueryInfo, message }) => (
<Text>{mediaQueryInfo.large ? "Large Screen" : "Small Screen"}: {message}</Text>
<Text>Media Query Info:</Text>
<Text>xSmall: {mediaQueryInfo.xSmall.toString()}</Text>
<Text>Small: {mediaQueryInfo.small.toString()}</Text>
<Text>Medium: {mediaQueryInfo.medium.toString()}</Text>
<Text>Large: {mediaQueryInfo.large.toString()}</Text>
<Text>xLarge: {mediaQueryInfo.xLarge.toString()}</Text>
<Text>xxLarge: {mediaQueryInfo.xxLarge.toString()}</Text>
<Text>Platform: {mediaQueryInfo.platform}</Text>
const EnhancedComponent = withMediaQueryInfo(MyComponent);
// Usage example
<EnhancedComponent message="Hello, world!" />
import React from "react";
import { View, Text } from "react-native";
import { withSpinner } from "@devlander/higher-order-components";
interface MyComponentProps extends WithSpinnerProps {
message: string;
const MyComponent: React.FC<MyComponentProps> = ({ message, shouldSpin, spinnerComponent }) => (
// If `shouldSpin` is true, a spinner would show instead of this component.
const EnhancedComponent = withSpinner(MyComponent);
// Usage example
<EnhancedComponent shouldSpin={true} message="Loading..." />
// Usage with custom spinner component
const CustomSpinner: React.FC = () => (
// Enhanced component with custom spinner
const EnhancedComponentWithCustomSpinner = withSpinner(MyComponent);
// In the application
<EnhancedComponentWithCustomSpinner shouldSpin={true} spinnerComponent={CustomSpinner} message="Hello, world!" />
Contributions are welcome! Please read our contributing guidelines first.
This project is licensed under the Apache License - see the LICENSE file for details.