
1.0.0 • Public • Published


An option parser that does useful type checking as well as generating a usage message.

Motivation: Why Another Option Parser?

  • better error-handling. All too often argument parsers do too little type-checking and force the work to be ad hoc throughout the code.
  • better usage message
  • no dependencies


var OptionParser = require('daveb-option-parser').OptionParser;

// configure options for a very simple counting program.
var optionParser = new OptionParser({
  description: 'Print a finite number of evenly spaced numbers.'
optionParser.addInt('count', 'number of lines to print').setMandatory();
optionParser.addFloat('step', 'difference between numbers').setDefaultValue(1);
optionParser.addString('prefix', 'print this before each line').setDefaultValue('');
var options = optionParser.parse();                 // terminates if there are problems

// main program
for (var i = 0; i < options.count; i++)
  console.log(options.prefix + (options.step * i));

Example: Creating a new type.

var OptionParser = require('daveb-option-parser').OptionParser;

var optionParser = new OptionParser({
  description: 'Add two 3-d vectors'
optionParser.registerType('vector3', function (value) {
  var pieces = value.split(',');
  if (pieces.length !== 3)
    throw new Error('expected x,y,z');
  return pieces.map(function(v) {
    var r = parseFloat(v);
    if (isNaN(r))
      throw new Error('not a number');
    return r;
optionParser.addGeneric('a', 'vector3', 'addend 1').setMandatory();
optionParser.addGeneric('b', 'vector3', 'addend 2').setMandatory();
var options = optionParser.parse();                 // terminates if there are problems

// main program
var a = options.a, b = options.b;
var sum = [a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1], a[2] + b[2]];

Example: Command with Different Modes

var OptionParser = require('daveb-option-parser').OptionParser;

var optionParser = new OptionParser({
  description: 'read/write a string to a file'
optionParser.addString('file', 'file to read/write');

var op_write = new OptionParser({ shortDescription: 'write the file' });
op_write.addString('contents', 'file contents');
optionParser.addMode('write', op_write);

var op_read = new OptionParser({ shortDescription: 'read the file' });
optionParser.addMode('read', op_read);

var options = optionParser.parse();
switch (options.mode) {
  case 'read': {
    fs.readFile(options.file, {encoding:'utf8'}, function(err, str) {
      if (err) {
        throw err;
      } else {
  case 'write': {
    fs.writeFile(options.file, options.modeValues.contents, {encoding:'utf8'}, function (err) {
      if (err) {
        throw err;

Reference Documentation

OptionParser class

new OptionParser([options])

Create a new OptionParser. Options is an object which may contain the following fields:

  • camelCase: store values keyed by camelCase rather than lowercase_underscore_separated
  • allowArguments: make the option-parser argumentative. j/k. Actually, this makes it so that we collect non-option command-line arguments into the parser's arguments member.
  • errorHandler: function to call if something goes wrong. if unspecified, the program will terminate with an error message.
  • name: application name, used in usage summary.
  • description: human-readable blurb that will follow the usage summary in the usage message.

addInt(name, description)

Add an integer parameter to the option-parser.

Returns a new ArgInfo.

addFloat(name, description)

Add an float parameter to the option-parser.

Returns a new ArgInfo.

addString(name, description)

Add a string parameter to the option-parser.

Returns a new ArgInfo.

registerType(type, parseFunction)

Add a new type to the option-parser.

Register a new type.

Returns a new TypeInfo.

addGeneric(name, type, description)

Add a new parameter to the option-parser.

addArgCallback(name, label, description, fct)

fct() takes arguments (argument, values, argInfo, typeInfo, optionParser). It should throw an error to report problems. Whatever is returned by the function will be set in the values object.

addNoArgCallback(name, description, fct)

fct() takes arguments (values, argInfo, typeInfo, optionParser). It should throw an error to report problems.

addShortAlias(shortname, longname)

Alias a one-character name for a long name.

If the original long name takes arguments, they must be given consecutively after the short-option blob in the same order as in the short options.

setExclusive(required, arrayOfOptionNames)

addPreset(name, description, optionDictionary)

When this long-option is encountered, all the various attributes in optionDictionary will be copied into the returned values dictionary.

addMode(name, parser)

Add a new submode for this command.

Once a mode is given, it becomes required to specify a mode.

The user's chosen mode information will be returned in this.modeName and this.modeValues.


If true then this program will assume it is a wrapper program whose arguments after the program name will be directly passed to a subprogram. They will be captured in the arguments member, along with the executable name.

Calling this function with no arguments is equivalent to calling it with true.


Parse the command-line arguments. If not specified, we process the current process's arguments, process.argv.

The values are returned as an object, unless an non-fatal non-throwing error-handler was installed and parsing failed, in which case, null is returned.

After running the option parser has a few members set that can be used:

  • values: this is the same as the return value of the parse.
  • arguments: all non-option arguments are collected here.


Return a printable string describing the usage of this program.

If specified, options should be an object with the following optional fields:

  • width: specify screen width for word-wrapping.

ArgInfo class

Represent metadata about an argument to the program (not the actual value). This is created by the various add...() functions in the OptionParser class. Its methods are "chainable" (they return "this"), so it is common to write create and configuring the argument in one statement, for example:

parser.addInt('some-int', 'an integer').setMandatory().setMinimum(10);


Populate the returned option values with this value if not given.


Require this option to be given. If 'm' is given, it should be a boolean: whether this is mandatory. If not given, it defaults to true (the argument is mandatory).


Allow this option to be specified multiple times. The entry in the returned 'values' object for this option will be an array of the types. Similarly, setDefaultValue() will typically be given an array (the default default value in this case is the empty array, []). If this option is tagged 'mandatory', then at least one instance must be given.


The default for argument-less options, normally repeating non-repeated arguments causes an error. If "tolerateRepeated", then instead of an error, just the last value for that argument is reported.



Value must be greater than or equal to minimumValue.


Value must be strictly greater than minimumValue.


Value must be less than or equal to maximumValue.


Value must be strictly less than maximumValue.

setInterval(minimumValue, strictMaximumValue)

Value must be within halfopen interval: this is equivalent to setMinimum(minimumValue).setStrictMaximum(strictMaximumValue).


One character alias for this argument.


A hidden option is not documented in the usage message. It is intended (1) to support deprecated options, (2) to provide a way for a suite of programs to have private interfaces to facilitate working together, (3) providing easter eggs.

It should be seldom-used, and it is a sure sign that someone is trying to do something sneaky!

TypeInfo class

An instance of the TypeInfo class is created when a new type is created via registerType.


Details of the Usage Message Generation


Dave Benson

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