
0.4.6 • Public • Published

DappHero - DOM


Action Command Info
Developing yarn dev http://localhost:1234
Testing yarn test Jest
Testing yarn test:watch Jest in watch mode
Building yarn build Build for production
Building yarn build:watch Build for production with watch mode
Publishing yarn publish:npm Publish to NPM
Publishing yarn publish:now Publish to NOW


Just run yarn dev, open http://localhost:1234 on your browser, and open /src/index.html in your code editor and you will have several feature examples, you can play removing and editing features, properties and modifiers.


To install simple run:

> yarn add @dapphero/dapphero-dom

Then import your dependencies:

import { getDomElements } from '@dapphero/dapphero-dom';


Method Params Returns Description
getDomElements projectData (Bubble) activeElements Get all DappHero active elements on the DOM

How to Use for Developers

Pick only one of the following modes, id or data. Data Mode it's more recommended since it's cleaner and readable.

ID Mode (WIP)

Keep in mind that working with the ID mode you need to add the keys separated by a comma ,.

  1. Add the attribute id with the value dh:
<div id="dh">...</div>
  1. Optionally: Add the key enabled:false (default: true) in order to deactivate DappHero engine on that particular element.
<div id="dh,enabled:false"></div>
  1. Add the key feature, a semicolon :, and one of the following features: network, user, 3box, customContract, nft


<div id="dh,feature:network">...</div>
  1. Add the properties you want to set or get in the chosen feature To follow this step please refer to the feature particular documentation:


<div id="dh,feature:network,property:id">...</div>

Data Mode

  1. Add the attribute id with the value dh:
<div id="dh">...</div>
  1. Optionally: Add the attribute data-dh-enabled (default: true) with value false in order to deactivate DappHero engine on that particular element.
<div id="dh" data-dh-enabled="false">...</div>
  1. Add the tag data-dh-feature and the feature you want on the same element. The possible feature values are: network, user, 3box, customContract, nft
<div id="dh" data-dh-feature="network">...</div>
  1. Add the properties you want to set or get in the chosen feature To follow this step please refer to the feature particular documentation:


<div data-dh-enabled="true" data-dh-feature="network" data-dh-id>...</div>


Public Method

  • Data Mode

    1. Add the data-dh-property-contract-name attribute with the contract name as a value
    <div id="dh" data-dh-feature="customContract" data-dh-property-contract-name="erc20">
    1. Add the data-dh-property-method-name attribute with the method name you want to trigger
    1. Add the inputs tags to you want to populate the method parameters. They can be direct children or be in any HTML element that's why you must declare on each one the data-dh-property-contract-name.
      <input data-dh-property-contract-name="erc20" data-dh-property-input-name="_to" />
      <input data-dh-property-contract-name="erc20" data-dh-property-input-name="_value" />
    1. (Optionally) Add the inputs tags to you want to populate the method parameters.
      <input data-dh-property-contract-name="erc20" data-dh-property-input-name="_to" />

    They can be direct children or be in any HTML element that's why you must declare on each one the data-dh-property-contract-name attribute with it's value

    1. (Optionally) if you want to get all method outputs inside a element add the data-dh-property-outputs attribute without values.
      <input data-dh-property-contract-name="erc20" data-dh-property-input-name="_to" />
      <input data-dh-property-contract-name="erc20" data-dh-property-input-name="_value" />
      <div data-dh-property-contract-name="erc20" data-dh-property-outputs>

    They can be direct children or be in any HTML element that's why you must declare on each one the data-dh-property-contract-name attribute with it's value

    1. (Optionally) if you want to get a specific output and you know the output name before hand you can define it in a tag
      <input data-dh-property-contract-name="erc20" data-dh-property-input-name="_to" />
      <input data-dh-property-contract-name="erc20" data-dh-property-input-name="_value" />
      <div data-dh-property-contract-name="erc20" data-dh-property-output-name="isTransferSuccess">
    1. Finally if you want to trigger the method with your own elements add the data-dh-property-invoke to that element.
      <input data-dh-property-contract-name="erc20" data-dh-property-input-name="_to" />
      <input data-dh-property-contract-name="erc20" data-dh-property-input-name="_value" />
      <div data-dh-property-contract-name="erc20" data-dh-property-output-name="isTransferSuccess">
      <button data-dh-property-contract-name="erc20" data-dh-property-invoke>

    They can be direct children or be in any HTML element that's why you must declare on each one the data-dh-property-contract-name attribute with it's value

  • ID Mode Follow the same steps as before but with the following syntax:

<div id="dh,feature:customContract,property:contractName=erc20,property:methodName=transfer">
  <input id="property:contractName=erc20,property:inputName=_to" />
  <input id="property:contractName=erc20,property:inputName=_value" />

  <!--For public methods - Get all outputs -->
  <div id="property:contractName=erc20,property:outputs">

  <!-- For public methods - Get only one output by it's name -->
  <div id="property:contractName=erc20,property:outputName=isTransferSuccess">

  <button id="property:contractName=erc20,property:invoke">



  • Get ID

    • ID Mode
    <div id="dh,feature:network,property:id">
    • Data Mode
    <div id="dh" data-dh-feature="network" data-dh-property-id>
  • Get Info Type

    • ID Mode
    <div id="dh,feature:network,property:infotype">
    • Data Mode
    <div id="dh" data-dh-feature="network" data-dh-property-info-type>
  • Get Name

    • ID Mode
    <div id="dh,feature:network,property:name">
    • Data Mode
    <div id="dh" data-dh-feature="network" data-dh-property-name>
  • Get Provider:

    • ID Mode
    <div id="dh,feature:network,property:provider">
    • Data Mode
    <div id="dh" data-dh-feature="network" data-dh-property-provider>


Network feature has no modifiers available.



  • Get Address

    • ID Mode
    <div id="dh,feature:user,property:address">
  • Data Mode

    <div id="dh" data-dh-feature="user" data-dh-property-address>
  • Get Balance

    • ID Mode
    <div id="dh,feature:user,property:balance">
  • Data Mode

    <div id="dh" data-dh-feature="user" data-dh-property-balance>


  • Unit modifier Possible values are : wei, ether

    • ID Mode

      <div id="dh,feature:user,property:balance,modifier:unit=wei">
    • Data Mode

      <div id="dh" data-dh-feature="user" data-dh-property-balance data-dh-modifier-units="wei">
  • Decimals modifier Possible values is any positive integer

    • ID Mode

      <div id="dh,feature:user,property:balance,modifier:decimals=4">
    • Data Mode

      <div id="dh" data-dh-feature="user" data-dh-property-balance data-dh-modifier-units="wei">
  • Display modifier Possible values are : short, full

    • ID Mode

      <div id="dh,feature:user,property:address,modifier:display=short">
    • Data Mode

      <div id="dh" data-dh-feature="user" data-dh-property-address data-dh-modifier-display="short">



  • Get Name

    • ID Mode
    <div id="dh,feature:threebox,property:name">
    • Data Mode
    <div id="dh" data-dh-feature="threebox" data-dh-property-name>
  • Get Location

    • ID Mode
    <div id="dh,feature:threebox,property:location">
    • Data Mode
    <div id="dh" data-dh-feature="threebox" data-dh-property-location>
  • Get Website

    • ID Mode
    <div id="dh,feature:threebox,property:website">
    • Data Mode
    <div id="dh" data-dh-feature="threebox" data-dh-property-website>
  • Get Emoji

    • ID Mode
    <div id="dh,feature:threebox,property:emoji">
    • Data Mode
    <div id="dh" data-dh-feature="threebox" data-dh-property-emoji>
  • Get Job

    • ID Mode
    <div id="dh,feature:threebox,property:job">
    • Data Mode
    <div id="dh" data-dh-feature="threebox" data-dh-property-job>
  • Get Description

    • ID Mode
    <div id="dh,feature:threebox,property:description">
    • Data Mode
    <div id="dh" data-dh-feature="threebox" data-dh-property-description>
  • Get Image

    • ID Mode
    <div id="dh,feature:threebox,property:image">
    • Data Mode
    <div id="dh" data-dh-feature="threebox" data-dh-property-image>
  • Get Hover

    • ID Mode
    <div id="dh,feature:threebox,property:hover">
    • Data Mode
    <div id="dh" data-dh-feature="threebox" data-dh-property-hover>


Network feature has no modifiers available.


  1. Define one HTML element with the following attributes:

    a. Define an unique id in "data-dh-property-tag-id"

    b. Choose from who we want to the NFTs:

    • Get NFTs from an owner Define one account address in "data-dh-property-asset-account-address" attribute

    • Get NFTs from an contract address Define one account address in "data-dh-property-asset-contract-address" attribute

    c. Choose what NFT collection you want to receive:

    • Get a Single NFT Define one token id in "data-dh-property-asset-token-id" attribute

    • Get a list of specific NFTs Define a list of token ids separated by comma in "data-dh-property-asset-token-id" attribute

    • Get all NFTs Don't need to define any special attribute

  1. Define another element anywhere you want: a. Define one div with the same tag id b. In that element define the attribute data-dh-property-asset-item without a value c. Inside that element define all the children elements you desire d. Define per children element each json path data-dh-property-asset-json-path="image_url"


  <div data-dh-property-tag-id="033" data-dh-property-asset-item class="component-div">
    <img data-dh-property-asset-json-path="image_url" />
    <h3 data-dh-property-asset-json-path="name"></h3>


We need to find a way that's easy to use for the designer/developer and at the same time faster and maintanable to parse through the DOM:

What we can't do:

  • Using id or class attributes since accidentally we can remove or modify an existing value and therefore break CSS styling or a JavaScript interaction.
  • Using custom attributes like dh-feature or dh-contract-name since they don't have a formal API to query them easily. Even though they work but the browser doesn't have any default way to handle them.
  • Using split, match, or any other method that uses Strings or RegExp to parse an string into an array. Those are great but are prone to errors due to a bad defined RegExp or accessing an unexisting element in an array and then doing some parsing to it.

What we can do:

  • Use data attributes to handle DappHero features (i.e Network, User Info, Contracts, ThreeBox, etc) and properties to handle special values (i.e units, contractName, methodName, etc).
  • Use dh-[property] prefix to accidentally avoid writing some data attribute on the DOM and break CSS / JavaScript functionality.
  • Get data attributes using dataset and parse through a custom configuration object to do some custom actions like: parsing, requiring, validiting, sanitizing and sorting.

Active Elements

The active elements are those DOM elements that has the data-dh-enabled="true" attribute assigned. So the designer or developer using the NoCode tool can easily disable or enable the DappHero engine.

Features Configuration

This object will serve to run all validations needed against active elements.

Example with only one feature "network" and only one property "id":

export const features = {
  network: {
    dataAttribute: `${FEATURE}-network`,
    dataProperties: [
        key: 'id',
        attribute: `${PREFIX}-network-id`,
        required: false,
        validator: null,
        position: null,

Features Support

  • [x] Network
  • [x] User
  • [x] 3Box
  • [x] Custom Contract
  • [x] NFT


  • [ ] Analytics for data-attributes use
  • [ ] Get configuration object from API
  • [ ] Webflow tests with Cypress
  • [ ] Think on how to handle Placeholders and Loaders
  • [ ] Investigate bundler to use to generate the final bundle
  • [ ] Add deploy script for NPM, and add badges
  • [ ] Add link and badge for UNPKG, NPM CDN
  • [ ] Add Husky, to run Prettier and Jest on pre-commit
  • [ ] Check for repeated data-attributes
  • [ ] Add error logging using Sentry
  • [ ] Add in documnetation support table for different UI/NoCode tools like WebFlow and Bubble

Separation of Concerns

A improve over DappHero functionality will be to separate the Core into DOM and Core, since we will be able to handle al DOM related stuff in a more maintanable and cleaner way, and the Core will use those helpers and only handle the React and the features logic itself.




Dependencies (5)

Dev Dependencies (8)

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  • crazyrabbitltc
  • dappheroadmin
  • drakeevans
  • xivis