Math library in Typescript
Inspired by the math classes from three.js. But here the focus is on 2D graphics. Additionally every class implements an observable pattern.
npm install @daign/math --save
- Vector2 - Two-dimensional vectors and main focus of this library.
- Line2 - Two-dimensional lines with start and end points.
- Box2 - Rectangle shape that is defined by a min and max point. Used to represent bounding boxes.
- Triangle2 - Basic functionality for two-dimensional triangles.
- Vector3 - Basic functionality for three-dimensional vectors.
- Matrix3 - 3x3 matrices used for transforming 2D-vectors in homogeneous coordinates.
Vector1 - Abstract class for 1D vectors.
- Value - Basic implementation of the 1D vector class for numeric values.
- Angle - Extension of 1D vectors for calculations with angles.
- StringValue - Implementation of the observable pattern for a single string.
GenericArray - Abstract class for arrays of elements implementing the observable pattern.
- Vector2Array - Arrays of 2D vectors.
- StringArray - Arrays of strings.
- ComplexNumber - Basic functionality for complex numbers.
- MathHelper - Helper functions.
Usage example
import {Line2} from '@daign/math';
import {Vector2} from '@daign/math';
// Create a point
const point = new Vector2( 1, 5 );
// Create a line
const line = new Line2( new Vector2(), new Vector2( 6, 4 ) );
// Calculate result of projecting the point on the line
const projected = point.projectOnLine( line );
console.log( projected.x, projected.y );
// Calculate distance between point and projection
console.log( point.distanceTo( projected ) );
# Build
npm run build
# Run lint analysis
npm run lint
# Run unit tests with code coverage
npm run test
# Get a full lcov report
npm run coverage