
1.0.11 • Public • Published


A plugin for apidoc that injects @apiSuccess @apiParam params from TypeScript interfaces. Supports extended and nested interfaces.

Getting started

npm install --save-dev apidoc @cutls/apidoc-plugin-ts
yarn add -D apidoc @cutls/apidoc-plugin-ts

A custom api-doc param @apiInterface is exposed:

@apiInterface (optional path to definitions file) {INTERFACE_NAME} // @apiSuccess
@apiInterface (optional path to definitions file) ++{INTERFACE_NAME} // @apiParam


Given the following interface:

// filename: ./employers.ts

export interface Employer {
   * Employer job title
  jobTitle: string
   * Employer personal details
  personalDetails: {
    name: string // Their name
    age: number

  note?: string // Note about them(optional)

export interface RequestEmployer {
  id: string // ID of the employer

and the following custom param:

@apiInterface (./employers.ts) {Employer}
@apiInterface (./employers.ts) ++{RequestEmployer}

under the hood this would transpile to:

@apiSuccess {String} jobTitle Job title
@apiSuccess {Object} personalDetails Empoyer personal details
@apiSuccess {String} personalDetails.name Their name
@apiSuccess {Number} personalDetails.age
@apiSuccess {String} [note] Note about them(optional)

@apiParam {String} id ID of the employer

Note if the Employer interface is defined in the same file then you can drop the path:

@apiInterface {Employer}

Why @cutls/apidoc-plugin-ts ?

question token support

interface {
  optional?: boolean

APIDoc shows the optional budge if attribute are surrounded by []

@apiParam support

Your nice complex request also can be defined with nice TypeScript interface!

short comment description at the same line support

OK on all ts plugins

interface RETURNS {
   * Their name
  name: string

cutls plugin also supports

interface RETURNS {
  name: string // Their name

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npm i @cutls/apidoc-plugin-ts

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  • cutls