
2.0.1 • Public • Published


Authentication middleware for collab-auth learning project.


The project collab-auth was a learning project with documentation here. Collab-auth is a custom Oauth 2.0 server that was coded using oauth2orize. The scope of the project was aimed at authentication for a home network or personal server.

The GitHub repository collab-backend-api was a mock REST API that was added as part of the collab-auth project to demonstrate the use of Oauth 2.0 access tokens to restrict access to a web API.

This npm package collab-backend-token-auth is intended to be used as authentication middleware in the collab-backend-api mock REST API.

This package has zero NPM dependencies.

The implementation of address path names, user, client, and token meta-data is unique to the collab-auth implementation of Oauth 2.0, so it is unlikely this repository could serve as a generic Oauth 2.0 middleware. However, you may find it interesting.


If you are looking for something more robust try passport-http-bearer

Security Note

  • No automated tests are included.
  • No formal code review has been performed.
  • This was intended as a learning project.


  • Requires Node Version 18 or greater
  • Format of JWT access tokens compatible with collab-auth
  • Developed using Debian 11, Node 18, Express 4.18.2
  • Other environments not tested (This was a learning project)

Token Validation

Access tokens are validated by submitting the tokens to the authorization server's /oauth/introspect endpoint. If the token validation succeeds, the token's meta-data is returned. If the token is authorized, the next() handler is called to enable further processing of the authorized request. If token validation fails a status 401 Unauthorized response is returned.

A web page may submit multiple API queries in a short period of time. This could result in a series of redundant token validation submissions to the authorization server. The program includes a token cache that stores the authorization server meta-data response from a token's validation request. When each new HTTP request arrives, the cache is searched for a match to the incoming access token. Cached token meta-data which has not exceeded the tokens expiration times as set by the authorization server, and concurrently the cache entry has not exceeded the collab-backend-token-auth configuration property "tokenCacheSeconds", then the cached token would be trusted implicitly without submission to the authorization server.

The token cache can be disabled by setting tokenCacheSeconds=0. The configuration property "tokenCacheCleanSeconds" controls a timer that will remove invalid tokens from the cache, including token which are expired, or tokens which have been in the cache past the tokenCacheSeconds limit.


The collab-backend-token-auth middleware requires an Oauth2 client account to grant access to the Oauth2 authorization server in order to submit tokens for validation. In this project, they are configured in collab-auth. This consists of clientId and clientSecret values.


Require Node version 18 or greater

npm install --save @cotarr/collab-backend-token-auth

Alternately, this npm module can be installed as a dependency in the context of it's parent API web server by cloning the GitHub repository collab-backend-api.

Middleware functions


The authInit() function is required to be run during module load to set module configuration variables. The URL and client credentials are required to contact the authentication server. Care should be taken to avoid disclosure of the client credentials. The token cache can be disabled by setting tokenCacheSeconds=0.

Property Type Example Need Comments
authURL string "" required Authorization Server URL
clientId string "abc123" required Client account credentials
clientSecret string "ssh-secret" required Client account credentials
tokenCacheSeconds number 60 optional Default 60 sec.
tokenCacheCleanSeconds number 300 optional Default 300 sec.


The requireAccessToken() function is the primary nodejs/express middleware that is used to authorize or deny access. This middleware will parse the HTTP authorization header for a bearer token and extract a JWT access token. The token is submitted to the authorization server /oauth/introspect endpoint for validation of the digital signature. User related meta-data is returned. Unauthorized requests will generate a status 401 Unauthorized response. Successful requests will call the express next() function. This function will store the token's scope and user id information in the Express req object for use by other middleware.

The requireAccessToken(options) function will accept an optional options object. If the options object contains a scope parameter, then in addition to a valid access token, access will require that at least one of the scopes in the access token must match one of the scopes specified in the options object. The scope value may be either a sting or an array of strings. For example:

// Require valid access token, but without any scope restrictions

// Require both valid access token and token scope to match api.write
app.use(requireAccessToken({ scope: 'api.write' })); 

// Require valid access token, then require either api.read or api.write
app.use(requireAccessToken({ scope: ['api.read', 'api.write'] })); 
Property Type Example Comments
undefined options = {} No scope restrictions
scope string options = { scope: 'api.write' } Require scope must match api.write
scope Array options = { scope: ['api.read', 'api.read'] } Both scopes accepted

The requireAccessToken() middleware also inserts the token's scope and the token's user ID information to the request object. This allows optional custom backend code to restrict route access by matching user ID value or user scope value. This allows optional custom backend code to perform database queries specific to a user login. The user data does not apply to device or machine tokens obtained with client credentials grant, as they have no user information.

req.locals {
  "tokenScope": [
  "user": {
    "number": 1,
    "id": "05d3649f-2bdc-4e0e-aaf7-848dd1516ca0"


The requireScopeForApiRoute() is a middleware function that is intended to be used on a SQL connected server with multiple routes such as a REST API. The middleware would allow or deny specific routes depending on the scope values of the user who generated the access token. Requests with insufficient scope will generate a status 403 Forbidden response. Successful requests will call the Express next() function.

The requireAccessToken() middleware MUST be run prior to requireScopeForApiRoute() function. The requireScopeForApiRoute() will accept either a single string or an array of strings;


The matchScope() function is a general function that will make a scope determination and return a boolean true or false. The requireAccessToken() middleware MUST be run prior to the matchScope() function.

For more information about scope, refer to the documentation of the collab-auth repository.


The following example combines all of these functions into a single example for use in a backend express web server.

const { authInit, requireAccessToken, requireScopeForApiRoute, matchScope } = require('@cotarr/collab-backend-token-auth');

// On module load, set configuration variables
  authURL: process.env.OAUTH2_AUTH_URL,
  clientId: process.env.OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID,
  clientSecret: process.env.OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET

// This route is access restricted and requires an access token.
app.get('/hello', requireAccessToken(), (req, res) => { res.send('Hello World'); });

// All routes beyond this point require authorization

// All routes beyond this point require valid Oauth2 token AND scope api.write
app.use(requireAccessToken({ scope: 'api.write' }));
// Multiple scopes are allowed as array of strings
app.use(requireAccessToken({ scope: ['api.read', 'api.write'] }));

// The route /test requires either api.read or api.write
// but will return different content based on scope.
  requireScopeForApiRoute(['api.read', 'api.write']),
  (req, res, next) => {
    if (matchScope(req, 'api.write')) {
      res.json({ test: 'Test: scope matches' });
    } else {
      res.json({ test: 'Test: scope not match' });



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npm i @cotarr/collab-backend-token-auth

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  • cotarr