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0.0.4 • Public • Published


Get Started

  • Install the package and its peer dependencies
npm install @convex-vue/core @vueuse/core convex vue-router

Simple example

const convexVue = createConvexVue({
  convexUrl: import.meta.env.VITE_CONVEX_URL


Example with auth using auth0

// Example with auth using auth0
const auth = createAuth0({
  domain: import.meta.env.VITE_AUTH0_DOMAIN,
  clientId: import.meta.env.VITE_AUTH0_CLIENTID,
  authorizationParams: {
    redirect_uri: window.location.origin

const convexVue = createConvexVue({
  convexUrl: import.meta.env.VITE_CONVEX_URL,
  auth: {
    isAuthenticated: auth.isAuthenticated,
    isLoading: auth.isLoading,
    getToken: async ({ forceRefreshToken }) => {
      try {
        const response = await auth.getAccessTokenSilently({
          detailedResponse: true,
          cacheMode: forceRefreshToken ? 'off' : 'on'
        return response.id_token;
      } catch (error) {
        return null;
    installNavigationGuard: true,
    needsAuth: to => to.meta.needsAuth
    redirectTo: () => ({
      name: 'Login'

  • You can now use the convex-vue composables and components in your app 😊



Subscribes to a convex query. It expose a suspense function to enable use inside a <Suspense /> boundary.

<script setup lang="ts">
  import { api } from '../convex/_generated/api';

  const { data, isLoading, error, suspense } = useConvexQuery(
    api.todos.list, // the query name
    { completed: true } // query arguments, if no arguments you need to pass an empty object. It can be ref

  await suspense(); // if used, must be called as a child of <Suspense/> component


Subscribes to a convex query and handles pagination. It expose a suspense function to enable use inside a <Suspense /> boundary that will load the first page.

<script setup lang="ts">
  import { api } from '../convex/_generated/api';

  const {
  } = useConvexPaginatedQuery(
    api.todos.list, // the query name
    { completed: true } // query arguments, if no arguments you need to pass an empty object. It can be ref,
    { numItems: 50 } // the number of items per page

  await suspense(); // if used, must be called as a child of <Suspense/> component


Handles convex mutations. Optimistic updates are supported.

const { isLoading, error, mutate: addTodo } = useConvexMutation(api.todos.add, {
  onSuccess() {
    todo.value = '';
  onError(err) {
  optimisticUpdate(ctx) {
    const current = ctx.getQuery(api.todos.list, {});
    if (!current) return;

    ctx.setQuery(api.todos.list, {}, [
        _creationTime: Date.now(),
        _id: 'optimistic_id' as Id<'todos'>,
        completed: false,
        text: todo.text


Handles convex actions.

const { isLoading, error, mutate } = useConvexAction(api.some.action, {
  onSuccess(result) {
  onError(err) {


Convex-vue exposes some helpers components to use queries. This can be useful if you solely need it's data in your component templates

<ConvexQuery :query="api.todos.list" :args="{}">
  <template #loading>Loading todos...</template>

  <template #error="{ error }">{{ error }}</template>

  <template #empty>No todos yet.</template>

  <template #default="{ data: todos }">
      <li v-for="todo in todos" :key="todo._id">
        <Todo :todo="todo" />

  :options="{ numItems: 5 }"
  <template #loading>Loading todos...</template>

  <template #error="{ error, reset }">
    <p>{{ error }}</p>
   <button @click="reset">Retry</button>

  <template #default="{ data: todos, isDone, loadMore, isLoadingMore, reset }">
      <li v-for="todo in todos" :key="todo._id">
        <Todo :todo="todo" />
    <Spinner v-if="isLoadingMore" />
      <button :disabled="isDone" @click="loadMore">Load more</button>
      <button @click="reset">Reset</button>

🧪 Route Loaders (experimental)

Taking inspiration from Remix's route loaders , Convex-vue introduces a mechanism to specify which data a route needs. The data will then start fetching when navigating, before loading the javascript for the page and mouting its component. Under the hood, this fires a Convex client subscription so that, hopefully, by the time the page mounts, the convex client cache will already have the data, or , at least, the request wil lalready be in flight.

You need to use vue-router to use this feature.

  • First, define a route loader map liek below.
import { api } from '@api';
import { defineRouteLoader } from '@convex-vue/core';

// defineRouteLoader will provide you with type safety
export const loaders = {
  Home: defineRouteLoader({
    todos: {
      query: api.todos.list,
      args() {
        return {};

  TodoDetails: defineRouteLoader({
    todo: {
      query: api.todos.byId,
      args(route) {
        return {
          id: route.params.id as Id<'Todos'>

export type Loaders = typeof loaders;
  • Then, pass the rotue loader map to the convex-vue plugin
import { loaders } from './loaders';

const convexVue = createConvexVue({
  convexUrl: import.meta.env.VITE_CONVEX_URL,
  routeLoaderMap: loaders

  • That's it ! Now, when navigating to a page, convex-vue will look in your loader map and search for a loader corresponding to the name property of the route. Alternatively, you can provide a loader property in your routes meta, andit will be used instead.

  • You can also use the useRouteLoader to get akk the data for one loader in one go, instead of using multiple instances of useConvexQuery or useConvexPaginatedQuery.

const { todos } = useRouteLoader<Loaders['Home']>();

⚠️ Due to the way vue-router's route matching works, you will get the data for ALL the matched routes when using nested routes. Be wary of naming conflicts !

  • A <ConvexLink /> component is also available. It just wraps vue-router's <RouterLink /> and will prefetch its target loader on hover. The component accepts a prefetchTimeout prop to set how long the link should be hovered in order to start prefetching
<ConvexLink :to="{ name: 'Home' }">Todos</ConvexLink>


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